Findings and Recommendations
Age wise distribution of respondents
Table 1: Age wise distribution of respondents
Age No. of Faculty Percentage
Below 30 17 18.89
30 to 40 32 35.55
41 to 50 23 25.56
51 to 60 18 20.00
Total 90 100
Table 1 show the age wise distribution of respondents. Out of the total 90 faculty
surveyed, 17 (18.89%) respondents belong to the age group below 30 years.
35.55 % respondents belong to the age group between 30 and 40. Whereas
25.56% respondents belong to the age group from 41 to 50. Similarly 20 %
respondents belong to the age group between 51 and 60.
Gender wise distribution of respondents
Table 2: Gender wise distribution of respondents
Gender No. of Faculty Percentage
Male 62 68.88
Female 28 31.12
Total 90 100
Table 2 shows the gender wise distribution of respondents. It is clear from table 2
that 68.88% respondents are male where as 31.12% respondents are female.
Table 2 reveals that male faculties are dominating over, female respondents in
annamalai university.
Use of Internet
Table 3: Use of Internet
Usage of Internet No. of Faculty Percentage
Yes 73 81.11
No 17 18.89
Total 90 100
The Respondents were asked about certain questions to ascertain the awareness,
utilization and purpose of Internet access. Table 3 shows that 81.11 %
respondents use the Internet regularly and very small of 18.89 % respondents do
not use the Internet at the campus.
Table 4: Frequency of Internet use
Frequency of use No. of Faculty Percentage
Daily 28 38.35
Once in a week 13 17.81
Once in a fortnight 10 13.70
Once in a month 10 13.70
Occasionally 12 16.44
Total 73 100
The frequency of use depends upon the available facilities the university and
services provides. Table 4 shows that the majority 38.35 % of the respondents use
the internet on daily basis. About 17.81% respondents use once in a week,
whereas 13.70 % respondents use once in a fortnight, similarly 13.70% of the
respondents use once in a month, this is followed by 16.44 % respondents use the
internet occasionally.
Table 5: Place of Internet access
Place of access No. of Faculty Percentage
Departmental Laboratory 30 41.10
University Library 13 17.80
Cybercafe 10 13.70
Home 20 27.40
Total 73 100.00
Table 5 depicts place from where faculty members access the Internet. The
majority 41.10% of respondents access the Internet from departmental laboratory,
about 27.40% respondents access from home, followed by 17.80 % respondents
access from university library and this figure 13.70 % at cybercafé.
Purpose of Using the Internet
Table 6: Purpose of using the Internet
Purpose No. of Faculty Percentage
E-mail 57 78.08
Online Databases 32 43.83
News 19 26.02
Sports 7 9.58
General Information 22 30.13
Research and Teaching 62 84.93
It is multiple choice answer
Table 6 reveals that majority 84.93% respondents indicated that research and
teaching is the primary purpose of using the Internet. About 78.08 % respondents
use the Internet for E-mail purpose. This is followed by 43.83% respondents
indicated for online databases and about 30.13 % respondents indicated general
information. News and sports record relatively lesser preference. The findings of
table 6 shows majority of the respondents use the Internet for their research and
teaching. It is clearly reveals that social science faculty of annamalai university are
particular towards their research and teaching activities.
Use of Different Search Engines
Table 7: Use of search engines
Purpose No. of Faculty Percentage
Yahoo 43 58.90
Google 64 87.67
Sify 21 28.76
MSN Search 36 49.31
Alta Vista 14 19.17
It is multiple choice answer
Table 7 depicts the use of different search engines 87.67 % respondents use
Google search engine, about 58.90 % respondents use Yahoo search engine,
followed by 49.31% MSN search. Other search engines like Sify 28.76 % and
Altavista 19.17 % record relatively lesser preference.
Table 8: Impact of Internet on Teaching / Research
Impact of Internet on Teaching / Research No. of Faculty Percentage
Strongly Agree 61 83.56
Agree 12 16.44
Uncertain - -
Disagree - -
Strongly Disagree - -
Total 73 100
Table 8 shows that the impact of internet on teaching and research. It is evident
that majority 83.56 % respondents strongly agree that the Internet has an
important impact on their teaching and research. About 16.44 % respondents
indicated agree.