Legenda pesut Mahakam cerita rakyat dari kalimantan timur lama lalu, a translation - Legenda pesut Mahakam cerita rakyat dari kalimantan timur lama lalu, a English how to say

Legenda pesut Mahakam cerita rakyat

Legenda pesut Mahakam

cerita rakyat dari kalimantan timur

lama lalu, ada sebuah desa di kalimantan timur. desa itu di dekat sungai Mahakam. penduduk desa selalu bekerja keras. meskipun mereka miskin, mereka sangat senang. mereka juga membantu satu sama lain. di desa, ada sebuah keluarga kaya. kepala keluarga adalah pak pesut. semua orang tahu pak pesut. ia dikenal bukan karena kekayaannya,tetapi karena kebakhilan. dia tidak ingin membantu orang lain. keluarganya selalu diabaikan orang. itu sebabnya keluarga pak pesut selalu tinggal sendirian dan tidak pernah berbaur dengan orang lain. itu adalah musim kemarau yang sangat panjang. semua bidang beras tidak bisa mendapatkan air dengan benar. penduduk desa tidak bisa memanen padi. Oleh karena itu, semua penduduk desa berencana untuk meninggalkan desa mereka dan menemukan tempat lain untuk tinggal.maka mereka mengirim beberapa pemuda untuk mencari tempat yang memiliki cukup air untuk sawah mereka. setelah beberapa minggu mencari tempat baru, akhirnya orang-orang muda tiba. mereka membawa kabar baik. ada air terjun dan itu cukup untuk mengairi sawah mereka. kemudian, semua penduduk desa bergegas ke tempat baru. beberapa penduduk desa pergi ke rumah pak pesut untuk menginformasikan tentang air terjun.meskipun pak pesut adalah pelit, penduduk desa tidak membencinya. "Aku tidak akan dengan Anda! saya akan tinggal di sini. saya punya cukup beras untuk keluarga saya. kami akan bertahan, "kata pak pesut arogan. penduduk desa tahu tidak ada gunanya untuk meminta pak pesut untuk bergabung dengan mereka. jadi, mereka semua meninggalkan dia dan keluarganya sendiri di desa. ketika mereka tiba di tempat baru, mereka semua sangat senang.mereka memiliki cukup air dari air terjun. dalam waktu yang berarti, pak pesut dan keluarganya mulai khawatir. beras mereka perlahan-lahan lenyap. segera mereka tidak akan memiliki cukup nasi untuk makan. itu di pagi hari ketika istri pak pesut yang sedang memasak bagian terakhir mereka beras. Tiba-tiba, seseorang mengetuk pintu. seorang pengemis datang ke rumahnya. "Pergi keluar! saya tidak punya cukup beras, "kata pak pesut.dia berbohong. "Tolong kasihanilah saya. Aku sangat lapar. tolong beri saya sedikit nasi, "tanya si pengemis. pak pesut segera meminta keluarganya untuk makan nasi. dia khawatir pengemis akan memasuki rumahnya dan mencuri beras. "Tapi beras masih dalam periuk. Ibu masih memasak itu. jika kita makan nasi, itu akan menjadi sangat panas, "kata anaknya." saya tidak peduli! jika Anda semua tidak makan sekarang,Anda tidak akan pernah makan lagi, "kata pak pesut. kemudian, pak pesut dan keluarganya makan nasi. itu sangat panas. mereka membutuhkan air minum. mereka bergegas ke Sungai Mahakam. itu begitu panas bahwa mereka akhirnya melompat ke sungai. pengemis melihat kejadian tersebut. ia kemudian berdoa kepada Tuhan. luar biasa, pak pesut keluarga perlahan berubah menjadi ikan. ikan tampak seperti lumba-lumba. sejak saat itu,orang bernama ikan seperti ikan pesut. ***
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
The legend of porpoises Mahakam the folklore of East kalimantan long ago, there was a village in East kalimantan. the village was near the Mahakam River. the villagers are always hard at work. Although they are poor, they are very happy. They also help each other. in the village, there is a rich family. the head of the family is the Pack of porpoises. everyone knows Mr. porpoises. He is best known not for his wealth, but because of miserliness. She doesn't want to help others. his family has always ignored people. that's why family pack of porpoises have always lived alone and never blend in with everyone else. It was a very long drought. all areas of the rice couldn't get air properly. the villagers can't harvest rice. Therefore, all the villagers were planning to leave their village and find another place to live ... then they sent some men to find a place that has enough water for their fields. After several weeks of searching for a new place, young people finally arrived. they bring good news. There are waterfalls and it's enough to irrigate their fields. then, all the villagers rushed to a new place. some villagers went to the home of Mr. porpoises to inform about the waterfall. Although Mr. porpoises was stingy, the villagers don't hate it. "I'm not going with you! I will stay here. I have enough rice for my family. We will survive, "said Mr. pesut arrogant. the villagers know there is no point to ask Mr. porpoises to join them. so, they all left him, and his own family in the village. When they arrive in a new place, they are all very excited. they have enough water from the waterfall. in the mean time, Mr. porpoises and her family began to worry. the rice they slowly vanished. soon they will not have enough rice to eat. It was in the morning when his wife pak porpoises being the last part of the cooking their rice. Suddenly, someone knocks on the door. a beggar came to his house. "Go out! I don't have enough rice, "said Mr. porpoises. she lied."Please have mercy on me. I'm so hungry. Please give me a bit of rice, "asked the beggar. Mr. pesut immediately asked his family to eat rice. She worried her house and will enter the beggar stole rice. "But the rice is still in the pot. MOM still cook it. If we eat rice, it will become very hot, "said his son." I don't care! If you all do not eat now, you'll never eat again, "said Mr. porpoises. then, Mr. porpoises and his family eat rice. It was very hot. they needed drinking water. They rushed to the Mahakam River. It was so hot that they finally jumped into the river. the incident saw the beggar. He then prayed to the Lord. wonderful, Mr. pesut family slowly turned into fish. the fish looked like dolphins. Since that time, the person named fish fish such as porpoises. ***
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Legend dolphins Mahakam folklore of East Kalimantan long ago, there was a village in East Kalimantan. The village near the Mahakam river. villagers have always worked hard. though they are poor, they are very happy. they also help each other. in the village, there is a rich family. head of the family is a pack of dolphins. everyone knows pack of dolphins. he is known not for his wealth, but because of stinginess. he does not want to help others. family always ignored. that's why the family pack of dolphins always lived alone and never mingle with other people. it is a very long dry season. all fields of rice can not get the water to the right. villagers can not harvest rice. Therefore, all the villagers are planning to leave their villages and find somewhere else to tinggal.maka they send some youth to find a place that has enough water for their rice fields. after a few weeks of searching for a new place, young people finally arrived. they bring good news. there is a waterfall and it was enough to irrigate the rice fields. then, all the villagers rushed to the new place. some villagers went to the pack of dolphins to inform about water terjun.meskipun pack dolphin is stingy, the villagers do not hate it. "I'm not going with you! I will stay here. I have enough rice for my family. We will survive," Mr. Irrawaddy arrogant. villagers knew it was useless to ask for a pack of dolphins to join them. so, they all left him and his family in the village. when they arrive in a new place, they are all very senang.mereka have enough water from the waterfall. in the mean time, a pack of dolphins and his family began to worry. rice they slowly disappeared. soon they will not have enough rice to eat. was in the morning when my wife was cooking pack dolphins last part of their rice. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. a beggar came to his house. "Get out! I do not have enough rice," Mr. pesut.dia lie. "Please have mercy on me. I'm very hungry. Please give me some rice," said the beggar. pack of dolphins immediately asked his family to eat rice. he worried beggar would enter his house and stole rice. "But rice is still in the pot. Mom was cooking it. If we eat rice, it will be very hot," his son said. "I do not care! If you all do not eat now, you'll never eat again," said a pack of dolphins . then, pack of dolphins and their families eat rice. it was very hot. they need water. they rushed to the Mahakam River. it was so hot that they finally jumped into the river. beggar saw the incident. He then prayed to God. incredible, dolphin family pack slowly turned into a fish. fish looks like a dolphin. since then, the named fish like dolphin. ***

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]


喇嘛拉鲁,艾达一个德萨di加里曼丹帖木儿。德萨ITU迪取了奶酪和奶Mahakam河。德萨selalu keras着我们的人。meskipun他们赤贫,他们非常简单。一例有一个大人躺在。二德萨,艾达一keluarga卡亚。长是巴基斯坦keluarga舒特。众人都知道白舒特。IA伯特布坎林嘉欣kekayaannya,但林嘉欣kebakhilan。直径也想例有猩猩躺。keluarganya selalu diabaikan猩猩。所以白舒特selalu keluarga ITU就在丹也用猩猩躺pernah berbaur。这是在ITU kemarau杨班长。那也可以用焦庇当取空气的。也可以与德萨memanen PADI。就因为ITU,所有人,他们离开德萨德萨berencana丹见的地方躺,他们发送几阵tinggal.maka,寻求在杨有了空气,田边一。过了几名谷寻求在巴鲁,总之猩猩猩猩浪费的题跋。他们带聋子好。艾达瀑布了,风丹ITU mengairi田边一。,那人德萨bergegas克等公司。有人往大白,德萨舒特menginformasikan terjun.meskipun事空气白舒特是佩里特,与德萨membencinya也。”我也要用安达!我要在第四逆。我来了,我焦keluarga。卡米阿肯bertahan,“卡塔白舒特arogan。知道艾达,也与德萨gunanya求白舒特bergabung用他们。所以,他们都离开自己底直径丹keluarganya德萨。他们的题跋迪等公司的时候,他们都有了空气从空气了senang.mereka瀑布。在什么时候阳,白舒特keluarganya Mulai khawatir丹。perlahan阿拉汉lenyap焦他们。环境好了,他们不再要吃鼻。国际电联二早晨哈里的时候,杨白舒特istri memasak Bagian表的柔寡不知他们焦。该人的题跋,mengetuk。pengemis rumahnya一来到。”去出!我也来了焦,“卡塔巴基斯坦pesut.dia berbohong。”请我我。我很饿了。请贝里小夜sedikit鼻,”Tanya四pengemis。白舒特塞盖拉求keluarganya,吃椰浆。DIA khawatir pengemis阿肯memasuki rumahnya mencuri焦丹。”TAPI里面焦了窑。伊布麦西哈memasak ITU。若我们吃椰浆,ITU必成为了情感,”他说泰达peduli型”!吉卡安达都吃现在也,安达也要吃,“卡塔巴基斯坦pernah,舒特。随后,白舒特丹keluarganya吃椰浆。ITU了帕纳斯。他们需要空气,喝。他们bergegas柯双溪马哈坎。他们也是ITU begitu帕纳斯melompat克河。pengemis kejadian看见这。是的,祷告耶和华。biasa Luar,pak舒特keluarga perlahan就会变得鱼。艾肯tampak如腰腰。从目前ITU,猩猩记者鱼如鱼舒特。* * *
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