What this tutorial is about:
Create, edit and delete links (intranet pages, DIVA-files, standard websites)
How to create links to documents and upload them (e.g. PDF or Excel)
Good to know:
Other Intranet pages (internal Links): Use relative URL (= delete everything except for „/web…“ ) e.g. https://coma.bmwgroup.net /web/pnw2/musterseite-medienbox (select protocol „other“)
Files from DIVA folder: right mouse button, click on document or folder of given drive > send to > Link into the clipboard > insert into dialog box (select protocol „other“)
Standard websites (external links): enter URL, e.g. www.bmw.com/com/en/index.html (select protocol „http://“)
Target page: Linked page is meant to open in new window („New window _blank“)Linked page is to open within same window („Same window _self“)
To make sure links will not stretch on two lines: Advanced > Style: white-space: nowrap
By linking them, documents are automatically added to the document library „Documents and Media“
The vertical line | between TOP LINKS can be created by pressing the keyboard combinations Ctrl + Alt + < .