Contents of this tutorial
How to edit, publish and relocate existing text elements and how to search content under „Web content“
How to insert and edit images
Adapt content of copied pages (note important hint below!)
Good to know
You will always find the „editing symbol“ below the text box you want to edit. (Make sure you have ticked „Edit controls“ in the upper bar. Otherwise you cannot see the edit symbols)
Text-formatting: Headline (normal, font size 14 pt, bold, dark grey (Grey 1), UPPER CASE LETTERS!)Running text (normal, font size 12 pt, black) For all design instructions concerning colours, font sizes, types cf.
IMPORTANT: After having copied a page and its contents (cf. Tutorial 1 „Create pages“), the content elements are not automatically duplicated!! All changes made there will affect the original page as well! You have to proceed following the steps shown in video 3 in this Tutorial.