[10/8/2016 11:49:19 PM] Sandra Bryner: okay , liebe, denke ich , dass  translation - [10/8/2016 11:49:19 PM] Sandra Bryner: okay , liebe, denke ich , dass  English how to say

[10/8/2016 11:49:19 PM] Sandra Bryn

[10/8/2016 11:49:19 PM] Sandra Bryner: okay , liebe, denke ich , dass ich dieses Gespräch wirklich bin genießen , als ich jemals vorstellen konnte.
Ich glaube , dass Gott und der Geist meines Vaters Sie meinen Weg führen.
Das ist genau das, was ich schon immer in einem Mann, der, wenn ich sprach über vertraut zu werden.
werde ich zur Kenntnis , alle Anweisungen und Führung übernehmen , die Sie mir geben , meine liebe.
ich dich so sehr wie für mich um Sie das Gefühl , einzigartig zu machen.
[10/8/2016 11:51:34 PM] Sandra Bryner: In Ordnung lieben, ist es hier so spät , und Sie müssen mich jetzt ins Bett zu gehen erlauben , weil ich so viele Dinge haben morgen zu tun.
Wenn ich fragen darf, zu welcher Zeit Sie morgen für Ihre Freunde Platz verlassen.
Würden wir chatten können , wenn du bist da.
[10/8/2016 11:55:42 PM] Peter Achermann: Ich muss um 10 Uhr aus dem Haus. So können wir ab 7.30 Uhr miteinander chatten. So wünsche ich Dir eine Gute Nacht, und träume Dich in dein neues Zuhause. Stelle Dir in deinem geistigen Auge vor, wie es in etwa aussehen soll. Wieviele Zimmer ect.
[10/8/2016 11:56:57 PM] Sandra Bryner: Ordnung lieben, gute Nacht.
Lassen Sie mich Ihnen ein Foto zu machen.
möchten Sie mich , dies zu tun?
[10/8/2016 11:57:40 PM] Peter Achermann: Unbedingt Dannkann ich besser schlafen.
[10/8/2016 11:58:27 PM] Sandra Bryner: okay, lieber, nur wenige Minuten
[10/8/2016 11:59:19 PM] Peter Achermann: Ich werde Dir ein paar Bilder von meiner bescheidenen Wohnung senden.
[11/8/2016 12:01:17 AM] Peter Achermann: Das ist ein Bild Meiner Schwester und ihrem Partner Svante
[11/8/2016 12:02:15 AM] Peter Achermann: Bei dem Anblich schlafe ich ja wie ein Fahrrad. Die ganze Nacht auf dem Ständer
[11/8/2016 12:03:19 AM] Sandra Bryner: Bitte senden Sie mir Ihr eigenes Foto Liebe.
Mindestens ein
[11/8/2016 12:04:06 AM] Sandra Bryner: Mein Foto haben Sie erhalten auch
[11/8/2016 12:06:20 AM] Peter Achermann: Ja sicher. Du müsstest es ja auch sehen oder
[11/8/2016 12:06:41 AM] Sandra Bryner: wow, du siehst so süß und jünger als Ihr Alter.
Ihre Wohnung schön aussieht auch
[11/8/2016 12:06:47 AM] Peter Achermann: Hat alles geklappt?
[11/8/2016 12:07:58 AM] Peter Achermann: Also nun muss ich Dich wohl gehen lassen. Bis bald meine Liebe Küsschen
[11/8/2016 12:07:59 AM] Sandra Bryner: oh gut lieben, in Ordnung,
wir haben auch die beste heute Abend. erreicht in
Ordnung lieben, lassen Sie uns noch einmal morgen chatten.
Gute Nacht
[11/8/2016 12:08:45 AM] Sandra Bryner: okay , lieber,
geküsst zu dir.
[11/8/2016 12:08:51 AM] Sandra Bryner: bye
[11/8/2016 12:09:02 AM] Sandra Bryner: (heart)
[11/8/2016 12:09:13 AM] Sandra Bryner: (thanks)
[11/8/2016 12:18:22 AM] Peter Achermann: Hier ein Link mit Bildern von Luzern https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=bilder+von+luzern+und+pilatus&qpvt=bilder+von+luzern+und+pilatus&qpvt=bilder+von+luzern+und+pilatus&qpvt=bilder+von+luzern+und+pilatus&FORM=IQFRML
[11/8/2016 6:35:37 AM] Peter Achermann: Ich habe eine interessante Wohnung Gefunden. siehe Link http://www.homegate.ch/kaufen/105775902?19 Bei Eigenkapital von 500000 Monatliche Belastung von 910 Franken.
[11/8/2016 3:20:24 PM] Peter Achermann: Ich muss jetzt auf den Zug. Melde mich morgen 10 Uhr Schweizer Zeit Ok?
[11/8/2016 4:36:13 PM] Sandra Bryner: hallo liebe,
oh sorry verpasste ich die Zeit.
Okay ich werde versuchen , es morgen an der genannten Zeit zu machen.
Ich wünsche Ihnen gute Fahrt.
[12/8/2016 3:06:27 PM] Sandra Bryner: Hallo liebe,
werde ich versuchen , es zu machen , hier um 10: 30 Uhr oder 11.00 Uhr Schweizer Zeit
[12/8/2016 6:15:14 PM] Peter Achermann: Hallo Sandra Wie mir scheint, hast Du im Moment keine Zeit. Den kauf einer Wohnung haben wir falsch angefangen. Zuerst musst Du wissen, wo Du Arbeit findest. Dann kannst Du schauen für eine geeignete Wohnung. Wie denkt eigentlich Deine Tochter darüber und wie ist ihr Name?
[12/8/2016 6:18:41 PM] Peter Achermann: Ich muss jetzt noch Besorgungen machen. Ich werde ca.in 2 Stunden zurück sein. Das beste ist wirklich Du kommst hierher und wir können vor Ort alles besprechen. Mein Angebot gilt immer noch, dass Du bei mir wohnen kannst bis alles geklärt ist. Ok?
[12/8/2016 7:18:21 PM] Sandra Bryner: Hallo liebe,
Wie geht es dir heute.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
[10/8 / 2016 11:49:19 PM] Sandra Bryner: okay, ladies, I think, that I'm this conversation really enjoy, than I could ever imagine. I believe that you follow my way God and the spirit of my father. That's exactly what I've always in a man who, when I talked about to be familiar. will I accept all instructions and guidance note, that you give me, my love. I as much as for me you feel unique to make.[10/8 / 2016 11:51:34 PM] Sandra Bryner: Alright, love, it's here so late, and you need to allow to go to bed now, because I have so many things to do tomorrow. If I may ask, at what time, you tomorrow for your friends to leave space. Would we can chat when you get there.[10/8 / 2016 11:55:42 PM] Peter Achermann: I have at 10 o'clock from the home. So we can chat from 7:30 with each other. So I wish you a good night and dream yourself in your new home. Imagine in your mind's eye, how it should look around. How many rooms ect.[10/8 / 2016 11:56:57 PM] Sandra Bryner: love all right, good night. Allow me to make you a photo. would you like me to do this?[10/8 / 2016 11:57:40 PM] Peter Achermann: Absolutely I better sleep can.[10/8 / 2016 11:58:27 PM] Sandra Bryner: okay, dear, just a few minutes[10/8 / 2016 11:59:19 PM] Peter Achermann: I will send a few pictures friends from my modest apartment.[11/8 / 2016 12:01:17 AM] Peter Achermann: This is a picture my sister and her partner Svante[11/8 / 2016 12:02:15 AM] Peter Achermann: At the Anblich, I sleep like a bicycle. On the stand all night[11/8 / 2016 12:03:19 AM] Sandra Bryner: Please send me your own photo love At least one[11/8 / 2016 12:04:06 AM] Sandra Bryner: You have received my photo too[11/8 / 2016 12:06:20 AM] Peter Achermann: Yeah sure. You should also see it or[11/8 / 2016 12:06:41 AM] Sandra Bryner: wow, you're so cute and younger than your age. Their apartment looks nice also[11/8 / 2016 12:06:47 AM] Peter Achermann: Has everything worked out?[11/8 / 2016 12:07:58 AM] Peter Achermann: So now must I let you guess. Up soon my love Kiss[11/8 / 2016 12:07:59 AM] Sandra Bryner: oh well love, OK, Today we have also the best evening. achieved in Order love, let us chat again tomorrow. Cares! Good night[11/8 / 2016 12:08:45 AM] Sandra Bryner: okay, dear, Kiss to you.[11/8 / 2016 12:08:51 AM] Sandra Bryner: bye[11/8 / 2016 12:09:02 AM] Sandra Bryner: (heart)[11/8 / 2016 12:09:13 AM] Sandra Bryner: (thanks)[11/8 / 2016 12:18:22 AM] Peter Achermann: Here a link with pictures of Lucerne qpvt = images + of + luzern + and + pilatus & qpvt = images + of + luzern + and + pilatus & qpvt = images + of + luzern + and + pilatus, https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=bilder+von+luzern+und+pilatus & FORM = IQFRML[11/8 / 2016 6:35:37 AM] Peter Achermann: I found an interesting apartment. see link http://www.homegate.ch/kaufen/105775902?19 in equity by 500000 monthly load of 910 francs.[11/8 / 2016 3:20:24 PM] Peter Achermann: I have now on the train. Do sign up OK tomorrow 10: 00 Swiss time?[11/8 / 2016 4:36:13 PM] Sandra Bryner: Hello dear,. Oh sorry, I missed the time. Okay, I will try to do it tomorrow at the mentioned time. I wish you a good trip.[12/8 / 2016 3:06:27 PM] Sandra Bryner: Hello dear, I'll try to make it here around 10:30 or 11:00 Swiss time[12/8 / 2016 6:15:14 PM] Peter Achermann: Hi Sandra, it seems to me you have at the moment no time. The purchase an apartment we have begun wrong. First, you need to know where to find work. Then you can look for a suitable apartment. What is actually in your daughter and what's her name?[12/8 / 2016 6:18:41 PM] Peter Achermann: I have errands to run yet. I'll be ca.in 2 hours back. Really is the best you come here and we can discuss anything on the spot. Still, my offer is that you can stay with me until everything is resolved. OK?[12/8 / 2016 7:18:21 PM] Sandra Bryner: Hello dear, How are you today.
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 2:[Copy]
[10/08/2016 11:49:19 PM] Sandra Bryner: okay, dear, I think I really am enjoying this conversation than I could ever imagine.
I believe that God and the spirit of my father my way . lead
that's exactly what I've always be trusted in a man who, when I was talking about.
I'll note accept all instructions and guidance that you give me, my love.
I love you so much as for I feel make it unique to you.
[10/08/2016 11:51:34 PM] Sandra Bryner: love Alright, here it is so late, and you need me now allow to go to bed because I was so many things have to do tomorrow.
if I may ask, what time you leave tomorrow for your friends place.
if we can chat when you're there.
[10/08/2016 11:55:42 PM] Peter Achermann: I must at 10 am from the house. So we can chat with each other at 7.30 am. So I wish you a good night, and dreams you in your new home. Imagine in your mind's eye, as it should look like. How many rooms ect.
[10/08/2016 11:56:57 PM] Sandra Bryner: love fine, good night.
Let me give you to take a picture.
You want me to do this?
[08.10.2016 11 : 57: 40 PM] Peter Achermann: Absolutely I Dannkann sleep better.
[10/08/2016 11:58:27 PM] Sandra Bryner: okay, dear, just a few minutes
[08/10/2016 11:59:19 PM ] Peter Achermann: I'll send you some pictures of my humble abode.
[11/08/2016 12:01:17 AM] Peter Achermann: This is an image of my sister and her partner Svante
[11.08.2016 12: 02:15 AM] Peter Achermann: the Anblich I sleep just like a bicycle. All night on the stand
[11/08/2016 12:03:19 AM] Sandra Bryner: Please send me your own photo love.
At least one
[11/08/2016 12:04:06 AM] Sandra Bryner: My picture have received
[11/08/2016 12:06:20 AM] Peter Achermann: Yes sure. You'd have to see them work or
[11/08/2016 12:06:41 AM] Sandra Bryner. Wow, you look so cute and younger than your age
your home looks beautiful also
[08/11/2016 12:06: 47 AM] Peter Achermann: Everything worked?
[11/08/2016 12:07:58 AM] Peter Achermann: So now I need you probably let her go. See you soon my love kiss
[11/08/2016 12:07:59 AM] Sandra Bryner: oh dear well, okay,
we have the best tonight. achieved in
love order, let's chat again tomorrow.
Good night
[11/08/2016 12:08:45 AM] Sandra Bryner: okay, dear,
kissed to you.
[08/11/2016 12:08 : 51 AM] Sandra Bryner: bye
[11/08/2016 12:09:02 AM] Sandra Bryner: (heart)
[11/08/2016 12:09:13 AM] Sandra Bryner: (thanks)
[11/8 / 2016 12:18:22 AM] Peter Achermann: https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=bilder+von+luzern+und+pilatus&qpvt=bilder+von+luzern a link with pictures of Luzern here + and + pilatus & qpvt = + images of + lucerne + and + pilatus & qpvt = + images of + lucerne + and + pilatus & FORM = IQFRML
[8/11/2016 6:35:37 AM] Peter Achermann: I have an interesting apartment Found. see link http://www.homegate.ch/kaufen/105775902?19 For equity 500,000 Monthly Payment of CHF 910th
[8/11/2016 3:20:24 PM] Peter Achermann: I have to go on the train. Register me tomorrow 10:00 Swiss time Ok?
[8/11/2016 4:36:13 PM] Sandra Bryner: hello dear,
oh sorry I missed the time.
Okay, I'll try to make it tomorrow at the said time.
I wish you a good trip.
[8/12/2016 3:06:27 pM] Sandra Bryner: Hello dear,
I'll try to make it here 10: 30 pm or 11:00 am Swiss time
[12/08/2016 6 : 15: 14 PM] Peter Achermann: Hi Sandra It seems to me you have not have time. The purchase of an apartment we started wrong. First you have to know where you can find work. Then you can look for a suitable apartment. How actually thinks your daughter about it and how is your name?
[8/12/2016 6:18:41 PM] Peter Achermann: I have now run errands. I'll be back ca.in 2 hours. The best is really you come here and we can discuss everything locally. My offer still stands that you can stay with me until everything is settled. Ok?
[8/12/2016 7:18:21 PM] Sandra Bryner: Hello,
How are you today.
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