Das Spiel Solitaire war erstmals 1687 auf einem Porträt von Claude-Auguste Berey zu sehen und wurde am Hof des Sonnenkönigs gespielt. In England wird es erst 1746 erwähnt. Die Geschichte vom französischen Adeligen, der das Spiel in der Bastille erfunden haben soll, gehört in das Reich der Fabeln. Französisches Spielbrett aus Holz (Durchmesser ca. 25 cm, Höhe 3,5 cm) auf kleinem Sockel, 38 Halbedelsteinkugeln als Spielsteine.
Mittelalterliche Knotenkreuze und das okzitanische Wellen-L der Languedoc sind herausragende Merkmale dieser stimmungsvollen Sonnenuhr. Rotguss-Bronze, von Hand patiniert und teilweise poliert. Gesamthöhe 108 cm, Durchmesser 50 cm. Gewicht 13 kg. Wetterfest.
Der Pfeil von Robin Hood weist die Zeit in diesem Entwurf aus einer britischen Gartenanlage. Rotguss-Bronze, von Hand patiniert und teilweise poliert. Format 32 x 28 x 32 cm (B/H/T). Gewicht 1,5 kg. Wetterfest.
Die Lilie des französischen Sonnenkönigs ziert dieses beeindruckende Exemplar. Sonnenuhren wie diese sind in den Gärten von Versailles zuhause. Rotguss-Bronze, von Hand patiniert und teilweise poliert. Format 45 x 60 x 45 cm (B/H/T). Gewicht 6,5 kg. Wetterfest.
Mit diesem Anhänger, den Heinrich Schliemann aus dem Schachtgrab III in Mykene barg, begann stilistisch eine neue Ära der griechischen Goldschmiedekunst. 16. Jh. v. Chr. Archäologisches Nationalmuseum Athen.
925er-Sterlingsilber, vergoldet. Durchmesser 5 cm an vergoldetem Silberhalsreif. Länge 42 cm. Mit Clip-Verschluss.
Results (
English) 1:
The game of Solitaire was first in 1687 to see a portrait of Claude-Auguste Berey and was played at the Court of the Sun King. In England, it is mentioned only in 1746. The story of the French nobility to have invented the game in the Bastille, belongs in the realm of Fables. French game board made of wood (diameter 25 cm, height 3.5 cm) on a small pedestal, 38 semi-precious beads as game pieces.Medieval node crosses and the Occitan waves-L of the Languedoc are outstanding features of this atmospheric Sundial. Gunmetal bronze, patinated hand and partially polished. Total height 108 cm, diameter 50 cm. weight 13 kg. Weatherproof.The arrow Robin Hood has the time in this design from a British garden. Gunmetal bronze, patinated hand and partially polished. Format 32 x 28 x 32 cm (W/H/D). Weight 1.5 kg. Weatherproof.The lily of the French Sun King adorns this impressive specimen. Sundials such as these are at home in the gardens of Versailles. Gunmetal bronze, patinated hand and partially polished. Format 45 x 60 x 45 cm (W/H/D). Weight 6.5 kg. Weatherproof.There began a new era of Greek jewellery with this trailer, the Heinrich Schliemann from the shaft grave III in Mycenae barg, stylistically. 16th century BC, National Archaeological Museum of Athens. 925 sterling silver, gold plated. Diameter 5 cm gold-plated silver Choker. Length 42 cm. With clip closure.
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Results (
English) 2:
The game Solitaire was the first time in 1687 to see a portrait of Claude-Auguste Berey and was played at the court of the Sun King. In England it is first mentioned 1746th The story of the French nobleman, who is said to have invented the game in the Bastille, belongs to the realm of fables. Double game board made of wood (diameter 25 cm, height 3.5 cm) in a small base, 38 semi-precious stone beads as game pieces. Medieval knot crosses and the Occitan wave L of Languedoc are prominent features of this atmospheric sundial. Gunmetal bronze, patinated by hand and partly polished. Total height 108 cm, diameter 50 cm. Weight 13 kg. Weatherproof. The arrow of Robin Hood, the time in this design from a British garden. Gunmetal bronze, patinated by hand and partly polished. Format 32 x 28 x 32 cm (W / H / D). Weight 1.5 kg. Weatherproof. The Lily of the French Sun King graces this stunning specimen. Sundials as they are at home in the gardens of Versailles. Gunmetal bronze, patinated by hand and partly polished. Format 45 x 60 x 45 cm (W / H / D). Weight 6.5 kg. Weatherproof. With this trailer, the Heinrich Schliemann hid from the shaft grave III at Mycenae, a new era of Greek goldsmiths began stylistically. 16C. V. Chr. National Archaeological Museum of Athens. 925 sterling silver, gold-plated. Diameter 5 cm in gilded silver choker. Length 42 cm. With clip closure.
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Results (
English) 3:
the game solitaire was, for the first time, 1687 on a portrait of claude auguste berey to see the court of the sun king and was played. in england it is only mentioned in 1746. the story of the french nobles, the game in the bastille had invented, belongs in the realm of the fables. french board made of wood (diameter approximately 25 cm, height of 3.5 cm) on a small pedestal38 halbedelsteinkugeln as tokens.
medieval knotenkreuze and occitan wave l of the languedoc are prominent features of the sundial. gunmetal bronze patina and partially polished by hand. total 108 cm, diameter of 50 cm. weight 13 kilograms. weatherproof.
the arrow of robin hood, the time in the draft from a british gardens.gunmetal bronze patina and partially polished by hand. format 32 x 28 x 32 cm (b / h / t). weight of 1.5 kg. weatherproof.
the lily of the french sun king adorns this impressive specimen. sundials are in the gardens of versailles at home. gunmetal bronze patina and partially polished by hand. format of 45 x 60 x 45 cm (b / h / t). weight of 6.5 kg. weatherproof.
with this tag, heinrich schliemann, the schachtgrab iii in mycenae barg, began a new era of greek art style. 16. century. bc. archaeological museum of athens.
925 - silver, gold-plated. diameter of 5 cm silberhalsreif gold-plated. length of 42 cm. clip closure.
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