Results (
Thai) 1:
The annual reports regarding public internal audit offer asignificant informational ground about the concernedactivity at the central and local levels. It emphasize allthe problems which the Romanian public internal auditsystem have, the summary of the most significant publicinternal audit missions, their findings and new suitable directions – which play a determinant role in creating aperforming public system. In this article, the authoranalyzes how the transparency level from the publicinternal audit reports has been evolved during 2007-2013 period. In order to achieve the proposed goal, sheused a quantitative analysis (using the numbers ofchapters and pages of public internal audit reports asparameters) and a qualitative analysis, where shereferred, mainly, to the changes which appeared inevery chapter during the analyzed time frame. Theoutlined conclusions showed that the transparency levelfrom the public internal audit reports have beenconsiderable increasing starting from 2012, 2011 yearhas been considered as a transitional year as the firstmeaningful improvements have been reported. Theevolving upward trend is pleasing, as the annualreporting is the binder which connects the governmentwith other public institutions. So, it becomes betterinformed regarding the existing problems and can createa suitable strategy focused on performanceimprovement and value creation. The transparencyจากแนวโน้มการพัฒนาเพิ่มประชาชนเชื่อถือในสถาบันภาครัฐ
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