Джон питал очень мало любви (affection) к матери и сестрам, а ко мне – живейшую антипатию. Он издевался надо мной и бил меня; и не два-три раза в неделю, не раз-другой на дню, а непрерывно: каждый мой нерв изнывал от страха перед ним, и все мое существо сжималось
при его приближении. Бывали минуты, когда я совсем терялась (bewildered) от ужаса, который он мне внушал, ведь у меня не было никакой защиты ни от его угроз (threats), ни от причинения страдания (inflictions); слуги не хотели идти наперекор молодому хозяину, вступившись за меня (taking my side), а миссис Рид оставалась слепа и глуха: она не видела, как он меня бьет, не слышала, как он осыпает меня бранью, даже если он расправлялся со мной, не стесняясь ее присутствия, правда, чаще это происходило у нее за спиной.
Привычно подчиняясь (obedient) Джону, я подошла к его креслу. Примерно три минуты он потратил на то, что показывал мне язык, высовывая его настолько, насколько было возможно, не повредив корня: Я знала, что потом он меня ударит, и хотя очень боялась (dreading) удара, думала о том, как отвратителен и уродлив тот, кто сейчас (shortly) его нанесет. Возможно, он прочитал эти мысли по моему лицу, потому что внезапно без единого слова ударил меня так сильно. Я зашаталась (tottered), однако удержалась на ногах и попятилась на пару шагов от его кресла.
– Это тебе за то, что ты дерзко отвечала маменьке в гостиной, – сказал он, – и за то, что ты подло (sneaking) пряталась за занавеской, и за то, как ты на меня смотрела две минуты назад, слышишь, крыса!
Привыкши (Accustomed to) к грубостям Джона Рида, мне в голову не приходило возражать ему. Меня заботило лишь то, как перенести удар, который неизбежно должен был последовать за бранью.
– Что ты делала за занавеской? – спросил он.
– Читала.
– Покажи книгу.
Я вернулась к окну и принесла ее.
– Ты не смеешь брать наши книги; мама говорит, что ты иждевенец (dependant); у тебя нет денег. Твой отец тебе ничего не оставил. Тебе бы надо милостыню клянчить, а не жить здесь с детьми джентльмена, есть то же, что едим мы, и носить одежду, за которую платит маменька. Ну, я проучу тебя, как рыться (rummage) на моих книжных полках: они ведь мои; весь дом мой – или станет моим через несколько лет. Иди встань у двери, подальше от зеркала и окон.
Я послушалась, не сообразив сначала, что он задумал, но когда увидела, как он поднял книгу, прицелился и вскочил, чтобы швырнуть ее, я инстинктивно с испуганным криком кинулась в сторону: но недостаточно быстро; книжный том уже был брошен, обрушился на меня и сбил с ног, и я стукнулась головой о косяк. Из ссадины потекла кровь, боль была очень сильной. Мой ужас внезапно прошел, сменившись другими чувствами.
– Гадкий, злой мальчишка! – крикнула я. – Ты как убийца, ты как надсмотрщик над рабами, ты как римские императоры!
Я читала «Историю Рима» Голдсмита и имела свое суждение о Нероне, Калигуле и прочих. И про себя проводила параллели, хотя вовсе не собиралась вот так выложить их вслух.
– Как! Как! – завопил он. – Она сказала мне такое? Вы ее слышали, Элиза и Джорджиана? Ну, я скажу маменьке! Но сперва…
Он ринулся на меня: я почувствовала, как он ухватил меня за волосы и за плечо… Я правда увидела в нем тирана, убийцу. Я чувствовала, как у меня по шее сочится (trickle) одна или две капли крови, и испытывала острую боль: и все это на время возобладало (predominated) над страхом. Не знаю, что делали мои руки, только он назвал меня: «Крыса! Крыса!» и проревел (bellowed) во всю мочь. Помощь появилась быстро: Элиза с Джорджианой уже сбегали за миссис Рид, которая находилась на верхнем этаже: и теперь она явилась на поле боя в сопровождении Бесси и Эббот. Нас растащили: я услышала слова:
– Боже! Боже! Как бесчестно набросилась на Мастера Джона!
– Кто-нибудь видел такую картину гнева!
А затем миссис Рид приказала:
– Уведите ее в Красную комнату и заприте там!
Четыре руки меня тотчас вцепились и понесли наверх.
Results (
English) 1:
John had very little love (affection) to his mother and sisters, and me-lively antipathy. He mocked me and beat me; and not two or three times a week, not once a day, and continuously: my every nerve exhausted from fear of him, and all my creature shrinks When it is approaching. There were moments when I really lost (bewildered) from the horror that he instilled in me, because I did not have any protection from it threats (threats), nor from causing suffering (inflictions); the servants did not want to go against the young master, vstupivšis′ for me (taking my side), and Mrs. Reid remained blind and deaf: she did not see how he beats me not heard as he pours me lash out, even if he dealt with me, undeterred by its presence, however, more often it is happening behind her.p. 35Accustomed to obeying the (obedient) John, I walked to his chair. Approximately three minutes he spent on something that showed me to shuffle his language as much as possible, without damaging the root: I knew he hit me, and although very afraid (dreading) strike, I thought about how disgusting and ugly whoever now (shortly) to his cause. Perhaps he read these thoughts on my face, because suddenly, without a single word struck me so much. I moved (have tottered), but remained on his feet and retired on a couple of steps from his chair.Is it to you that you boldly answered mamen′ke in the living room, he said, and for the fact that you meanly (sneaking) hiding behind a curtain, and, as you're staring at me two minutes ago, you hear, rat!Privykši (Accustomed to) to grubostâm John Reed, had not occurred to me to oppose him. I only cared about how to move the kick, which inevitably had to follow lash out.-What are you doing behind the curtain? He asked.-Read.-Show book.I returned to the window and brought it.-Don't you dare take our books; mom said that you iždevenec (dependant); you have no money. Your father you have nothing left. You'd have to beg alms, not live here with kids, there's the same gentleman, we are what we eat and wear clothes, which pays mamenka. Well, I prouču you like Scrabble (rummage) on my bookshelves: they're my; all my house-or become my in a few years. Go stand near the door, away from Windows and mirrors.I listened, not shocked at first that he conceived, but when I saw how he picked up the book, took aim and jumped to fling it, I instinctively with the frightened cry rushed to the side: but not fast enough; a book that has already been thrown, hit me and knocked off their feet, and I stuknulas′ head on the jamb. From abrasions flowed the blood, the pain was very strong. My horror was suddenly gone, replaced the other senses.-Ugly, wicked boy! -screamed I-Thou as a killer, you're as overseer over slaves, you like the Roman emperors!I read "history of Rome" Goldsmith and had its own judgment about Nero, Kaligule and others. And herself conducted a parallel, though not going so put them out loud.-How! As! -He started yelling. -She told me this? You have heard, Eliza and Georgiana? Well, I say mamen′ke! But first ...He rushed at me I felt like he pulled me by the hair and shoulder ... I really saw in him a tyrant, a murderer. I felt like my neck oozing (trickle) one or two drops of blood, and felt a sharp pain: and all of this at the time the prevailing view (predominated) over fear. I don't know what my hands have done, only he called me: "Rat! Rat! "bellowed (bellowed) and the whole can. Help: Eliza quickly appeared with Georgiana "already ran for Mrs. Reed, who was on the top floor: and now she was on the battlefield accompanied by Bessie and Abbott. Us in different directions: I heard the words:-My God! O God! As disgracefully attacked the Master John!-Has anyone seen a picture of anger!And then Mrs. Reed ordered:-Take it in the red room and lock out there!Four hands me the authoriites had immediately and carried upstairs.
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Results (
English) 2:
John harbored little love (affection) for the mother and sisters, and me - lively antipathy. He abused me and beat me; and two to three times a week, once or twice a day, and continuously: my every nerve languishing in fear before him, all my being ached
at his approach. There were moments when I completely lost (bewildered) from the terror that he inspired me, because I did not have any protection of any of his threats (threats), nor from causing suffering (inflictions); the servants did not want to go against the young master, stood up for me (taking my side), and Mrs. Reed remained blind and deaf; she did not see how he beats me, did not hear, he showered me with abuse, even if it is short work with me, do not hesitate to her presence, although often it occurred behind her.
habitually obeying (obedient) to John, I came up to his chair. Approximately three minutes he spent on something that showed me the tongue sticking out of his as much as possible without damaging the roots: I knew then he hit me, and although I was afraid of (dreading) the impact, I thought about how disgusting and ugly one who is now (shortly) his cause. Perhaps he read the thoughts in my face, because suddenly, without a word hit me so hard. I staggered (tottered), but kept on his feet and backed away a few steps from his chair.
- This is for what you boldly replied mamma in the living room, - he said - and what you are vile (sneaking) hid behind curtain, and the way you looked at me two minutes ago, you hear the rat!
accustomed (accustomed to) to rudeness John Reed, I did not occur to him to object. I only cared about how to move a blow that was bound to follow the abuse.
- What were you doing behind the curtain? - He said.
- Read.
- Show me the book.
I went back to the window and brought her.
- Do not you dare take our books; Mom says you izhdevenets (dependant); you do not have money. Your father did not leave you anything. You'd have to beg for alms, and not to live here with the kids gentleman is the same as what we eat and wear clothes that pays for mama. Well, I studied you like a dig (rummage) on my book shelves: They're my; all my house - or will my few years. Go stand by the door, away from the mirror and the windows.
I obeyed, not realizing at first that he was up to, but when I saw how he picked up the book, aimed, and jumped to hurl it, I instinctively with a frightened cry rushed to side but not enough fast; a book that has already been thrown, hit me and knocked and I knocked his head against the jamb. Because bruises bled, the pain was very strong. My horror was suddenly, replaced by other feelings.
- Ugly, bad boy! - I shouted. - You're a murderer, you as the overseer of the slaves, you are like the Roman emperors!
I read "History of Rome" Goldsmith and had its own judgment about Nero, Caligula, and others. And himself draws parallels, though is not going to like this put them out loud.
- What! How! - He yelled. - She told me that? You heard her, Eliza and Georgiana? Well, I will tell mamma! But first ...
He lunged at me: I felt he grabbed me by the hair and the shoulder ... I really saw in him a tyrant, a murderer. I felt like my neck trickling (trickle), one or two drops of blood, and felt a sharp pain: and all this time prevailed (predominated) over fear. I do not know what my hands were doing, but he called me "Rat! Rat! "And bellowed (bellowed) with all his might. Help came quickly: Eliza Georgiana has run for Mrs. Reed, who was on the top floor, and now she was on the battlefield accompanied by Bessie and Abbot. We have taken away, I heard the words:
- O God! My God! As dishonestly attacked Master John!
- Has anyone seen a picture of anger!
And then Mrs. Reed ordered:
- Get her in the Red room and lock it!
Four hands gripped me immediately and carried upward.
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Results (
English) 3:
john had very little love (affection) to his mother and sisters, and to me is the живейшую antipathy. he mocked me and beat me; not two or three times a week, not once a day, continuously: my every nerve could, in awe of him, all my being shrankin its approach. there were times when i really lost (bewildered) from the terror that he told me, i didn"t have any protection from the threats (threats) or of suffering (inflictions); men do not want to go up against the young master, вступившись for me (to my side), and mrs. reed was blind and deaf: she never saw him hit me, never heard he lavishes me force, even when he"s finished with me, don"t hesitate to her ol исутствия really often happened behind her back.стр.35an so (obedient) john, i came up to his chair. he spent about three minutes in what was showing me the language, высовывая him as best i could without damaging the roots: i knew he was gonna hit me, and although i was afraid (dreading) strike, thinking about how disgusting and hideous who now (news) it would be. maybe he read these thoughts on my face, because suddenly without a word hit me so hard. i зашаталась (tottered), however, stayed on his feet and backed up a few paces from his chair.is that you, for you will answer mama in the living room, "he said," and what you mean (sneaking) was hiding behind the curtains, and for the way you looked at me two minutes ago, you rat!привыкши (Accustomed to) to грубостям john reed, my mind never mind him. i care about is how to move the punch, which is supposed to be in force.- what are you doing behind the curtains? - he asked.is read.- show me the book.i went to the window and brought it.- don"t you dare to take our books; my mom says you"re иждевенец (say); you don"t have the money. your father you have nothing left. you ought to beg alms, not live there with children as a gentleman, what we eat, and clothes to wear, which pays the mother. well, i"ll teach you how to go through (rummage) on my bookshelves: they are mine; all my house is or will become in a few years. you stand at the door, away from the mirrors and windows.i did not сообразив first, what he"s doing, but when i saw how he picked up a book, aimed and jumped to throw her, i instinctively with frightened cry went away, but not fast enough; the book is already was thrown, hit me, and hit with the foot, and i hit my head on a joint. from abrasions bleeds, pain was very strong. my terror suddenly went сменившись other feelings.- bad, bad boy! is called me. - you"re a killer, you as a guardian over slaves, you are like the roman emperors.i read the story рима» goldsmith and had its сужд
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