RingkasanTingginya kandungan belerang yang terdapat di kawah Ijen menj translation - RingkasanTingginya kandungan belerang yang terdapat di kawah Ijen menj English how to say

RingkasanTingginya kandungan belera

Tingginya kandungan belerang yang terdapat di kawah Ijen menjadikan kawasan tersebut sebagai wilayah pertambangan, dimana pada umumnya aktivitas penambangan dilakukan secara tradisional oleh pekerja. Menurut penelitian Anwar et al. (2015) risiko pada proses penambangan belerang secara keseluruhan yang tertinggi adalah terhirup gas berbahaya Hidrogen Sulfida (H2S), dengan kategori level risiko sangat tinggi (very high). Para penambang belerang yang sehari-hari menghirup uap belerang dapat mengakibatkan gangguan pernafasan. Hidrogen sulfida menghambat enzim cytochrome oxidase sebagai penghasil oksigen sel. Metabolisme anaerobik menyebabkan akumulasi asam laktat yang dapat menyebabkan kematian dan terhentinya pernafasan (US EPA, 2003).
Kadar oksigen dalam tubuh manusia harus mencapai angka normal yaitu pada kisaran 80-100%. Jika nilai pengukuran dibawah 80% maka menandakan bahwa jaringan tubuh tidak mendapatkan oksigen yang cukup dan akan mempengaruhi produktivitas kerja penambang. Naik turun membawa beban akan membutuhkan tenaga yang menyebabkan pernafasan menjadi lebih cepat sehingga gas hidrogen sulfida yang dihirup akan lebih banyak untuk bernafas termasuk H2S yang tentunya berdampak negatif bagi kesehatan pernafasan penambang belerang.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan paparan H2S dengan kadar oksigen darah pada penambang belerang di kawasan Gunung Ijen Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Studi ini dilakukan pada 22 Oktober 2016 sampai 30 Oktober 2016, dengan jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua pekerja tambang belerang di kawasan Gunung Ijen Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Sampel minimal yang dapat mewakili dalam penelitian ini adalah 38 responden. Pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan teknik accidental sampling dan pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan pengukuran menggunakan pulse oximeter untuk mengukur kadar saturasi oksigen dan alat detector gas toksik untuk mengukur kadar H2S di udara. Dalam penelitian ini, analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis dengan menggunakan uji statistik Pearson pada derajat kemaknaan 95% (α = 0,05).
Responden penelitian ini mayoritas memiliki kadar saturasi oksigen antara 80% s.d. 95% (hipoksia progresif), berumur diatas 30 tahun, telah bekerja selama 5-10 tahun dengan lama kerja selama ≥ 8 jam sehari dan beristirahat selama ≤ 16 jam sehari serta selalu membatasi diri terhadap paparan H2S. Kadar hidrogen sulfida di lingkungan kerja penambang belerang (tempat sublimasi belerang) didapatkan rata-rata sebesar 82,25 ppm dan melebihi NAB. Berdasarkan hasil uji korelasi Pearson terdapat korelasi (hubungan) yang kuat antara kadar H2S dan kadar saturasi oksigen darah pada penambang belerang di kawasan Gunung Ijen Kabupaten Banyuwangi dengan nilai r = -0,636 dan signifikansi p sebesar 0,000 < 0,05. Selain itu juga terdapat hubungan faktor individu (usia) dan faktor pekerjaan (kadar H2S, masa kerja, dan upaya membatasi diri) dengan kadar saturasi oksigen darah. Namun tidak terdapat hubungan faktor pekerjaan (lama kerja) dengan kadar saturasi oksigen darah pada penambang belerang di kawasan Gunung Ijen Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Upaya pengendalian jika pekerja mengalami keparahan terhadap kadar oksigen darah yang kurang dari 80% (hipoksia) dapat dilakukan latihan bernafas dalam-dalam (deep breathing exersice) dan terapi oksigen.
Saran yang dapat diberikan oleh peneliti bagi pekerja tambang yaitu perlu meningkatkan kesadaran terhadap keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja diantaranya selalu menggunakan alat pelindung diri (APD) seperti respirator protector NP306 yang dapat memberikan perlindungan dari kekurangan oksigen dan pencemaran oleh partikel gas H2S pada saat bekerja. Sedangkan bagi perusahaan PT. Candi Ngrimbi memberikan alat pelindung diri seperti respirator NP306 untuk pekerja tambang belerang pada saat bekerja dan melakukan sosialisasi secara rutin (safety talk dan safety induction) terhadap pekerja minimal satu minggu sekali.

Tingginya kandungan belerang yang terdapat di kawah Ijen menjadikan kawasan tersebut sebagai wilayah pertambangan, dimana pada umumnya aktivitas penambangan dilakukan secara tradisional oleh pekerja. Para penambang belerang yang sehari-hari menghirup uap belerang dapat mengakibatkan gangguan pernafasan. Hidrogen sulfida menghambat enzim cytochrome oxidase sebagai penghasil oksigen sel. Metabolisme anaerobik menyebabkan akumulasi asam laktat yang dapat menyebabkan kematian dan terhentinya pernafasan. Kadar oksigen dalam tubuh manusia harus mencapai angka normal yaitu pada kisaran 80-100%. Jika nilai pengukuran dibawah 80% maka menandakan bahwa jaringan tubuh tidak mendapatkan oksigen yang cukup dan akan mempengaruhi produktivitas kerja penambang. Naik turun membawa beban akan membutuhkan tenaga yang menyebabkan pernafasan menjadi lebih cepat sehingga gas hidrogen sulfida yang dihirup akan lebih banyak yang tentunya berdampak negatif b
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
SummaryThe high content of sulfur contained in the area made the Ijen crater as a mining area, where mining activities are generally performed traditionally by workers. According to the research of Anwar et al. (2000) risk on sulfur mining process overall, the highest is inhaled hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S), with very high risk level categories (very high). Sulphur miners who everyday inhale the vapors sulfur can cause respiratory disorders. Hydrogen sulphide inhibits the enzyme cytochrome oxidase as a producer of oxygen metabolism of anaerobic cells. cause the accumulation of lactic acid which can cause death and cessation of breathing (u.s. EPA, 2003).Oxygen levels in the human body must reach the normal number that is in the range of 80-100%. If the value of the measurement is below 80% then it indicates that the body's tissues don't get enough oxygen and will affect the productivity of working miners. Up and down load will need energy which causes breathing becomes faster so that the hydrogen sulfide gas inhaled would be more to breathe including H2S that surely negatively affect respiratory health for sulfur miners. This research aims to analyze the relationship of exposure to H2S with blood levels of oxygen in sulfur miners in the region of Mount Ijen Banyuwangi Regency. The study was done on October 22, 1999 to October 30, 2016, with the kind of analytic observational research with cross sectional approach. The population in this research is all the sulfur miners in the region of Mount Ijen Banyuwangi Regency. Minimal sample that can be represented in this study was 38 respondents. Sampling by using techniques of accidental sampling and data retrieval is performed using a questionnaire and measurement using a pulse oximeter to measure the oxygen saturation levels and toxic gas detector to measure the levels of H2S in the air. In this study, the data analysis used are analysis techniques using statistical test of significance of 95 degrees at Pearson% (α = 0.05). The respondents of this study the majority of oxygen saturation levels have between 80% to 95% (progressive hypoxia), aged 30, had been working for the past 5-10 years old with working for ≥ 8 hours a day and rest for ≤ 16 hours a day and always limit themselves from exposure to H2S. The levels of hydrogen sulfide in the sulphur miners working environment (where the sublimation of sulphur) obtained an average of 82.25 ppm and exceeding the NAB. Based on the test results correlation Pearson there are correlations (relationships) between strong levels of H2S and blood oxygen saturation levels in the Mountain area in the sulphur miners Ijen Banyuwangi Regency with a value of r =-0.636 and its significance of p < 0.05 0.000. In addition, there is the relationship of the individual factors (the age) and employment (levels of H2S, working period, and limit myself) and blood oxygen saturation levels. But there is no relationship of employment factors (old work) the saturation levels of oxygen in the blood of miners in the region of Mount Ijen sulfur Banyuwangi Regency. Effort control if workers are experiencing the severity against the blood oxygen levels are less than 80% (hypoxia) can do exercises on breathing deeply (deep breathing exersice) and oxygen therapy. Advice that can be given by researchers for the mine workers i.e., the need to increase awareness of safety and occupational health of them always use protective tools themselves (APD) such as respirator protector NP306 which can provide protection from lack of oxygen and pollution by particles of a gas H2S at the time of work. While the company PT Candi Ngrimbi give away like a protective respirator tool NP306 to sulfur miners at the time of work and do routinely socialization (safety talk and safety induction) against workers at least once a week. AbstractThe high content of sulfur contained in the area made the Ijen crater as a mining area, where mining activities are generally performed traditionally by workers. Sulphur miners who everyday inhale the vapors sulfur can cause respiratory disorders. Hydrogen sulphide inhibits the enzyme cytochrome oxidase as a producer of oxygen metabolism of anaerobic cells. cause the accumulation of lactic acid which can cause death and cessation of breathing. Oxygen levels in the human body must reach the normal number that is in the range of 80-100%. If the value of the measurement is below 80% then it indicates that the body's tissues don't get enough oxygen and will affect the productivity of working miners. Up and down load will need energy which causes breathing becomes faster so that the hydrogen sulfide gas is inhaled will more surely negatively affect b
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
The high content of sulfur contained in the crater of Ijen make the area as a mining region, where mining activity in general traditionally done by employees. According to research Anwar et al. (2015) risk in the mining process as a whole the highest sulfur is inhaled noxious gas hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a very high risk level category (very high). The sulfur miners daily inhalation of vapors of sulfur can cause respiratory problems. Hydrogen sulfide inhibits the enzyme cytochrome oxidase as the oxygen-producing cells. Anaerobic metabolism leads to the accumulation of lactic acid, which can cause death and cessation of breathing (US EPA, 2003).
Oxygen levels in the human body should reach the normal rate in the range of 80-100%. If the measurement is below 80%, it indicates that the tissue does not get enough oxygen and will affect the productivity of miners. Up and down carrying the burden will require energy that causes breathing becomes faster so that inhaled hydrogen sulfide gas will be more to breathe including H2S which is certainly a negative impact on the respiratory health of sulfur miners.
This study aimed to analyze the association between exposure to H2S in blood oxygen levels in the sulfur miners in the area of Mount Ijen Banyuwangi. The study was conducted on October 22, 2016 until October 30, 2016, with observational analytic with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all sulfur mine workers in the area of Mount Ijen Banyuwangi. Minimum sample can represent in this study were 38 respondents. Sampling using accidental sampling and data collection is done by using a questionnaire and measurement using a pulse oximeter to measure blood oxygen saturation and toxic gas detector to measure the levels of H2S in the air. In this study, data analysis techniques used were analyzed using Pearson statistical test at 95% significance level (α = 0.05).
The majority of respondents had higher levels of oxygen saturation between 80% to 95% (progressive hypoxia), aged over 30 years, has been working for 5-10 years old working for ≥ 8 hours a day and rest for ≤ 16 hours a day and always restrict themselves exposure to H2S. Of hydrogen sulphide in sulfur miners working environment (where sublimation sulfur) obtained an average of 82.25 ppm and above NAV. Based on the results of correlation Pearson correlation (correlation) between levels of H2S strong and blood oxygen saturation levels in sulfur miners in the area of Mount Ijen Banyuwangi with r = -0.636 and significance of 0.000 p <0.05. Besides, there is the relationship of individual factors (age) and occupational factors (H2S levels, working time, and effort to restrict yourself) with blood oxygen saturation levels. However, there was no correlation between job (working hours) and blood oxygen saturation levels in sulfur miners in the area of Mount Ijen Banyuwangi. Efforts to control if workers experienced the severity of blood oxygen levels of less than 80% (hypoxia) can do deep breathing exercises (deep breathing exersice) and oxygen therapy.
Advice can be given by researchers for miners is necessary to raise awareness of occupational safety and health, among others, always use personal protective equipment (PPE) such as respirators NP306 protector which can give protection from lack of oxygen and pollution by H2S gas particles at work. While the company. Arielle temples provide personal protective equipment such as respirators NP306 for sulfur mine workers at work and socialize regularly (safety talk and safety induction) to employees at least once a week.

The high content of sulfur contained in the crater of Ijen make the area as a mining region, where mining activity in general traditionally done by employees. The sulfur miners daily inhalation of vapors of sulfur can cause respiratory problems. Hydrogen sulfide inhibits the enzyme cytochrome oxidase as the oxygen-producing cells. Anaerobic metabolism leads to the accumulation of lactic acid, which can cause death and cessation of breathing. Oxygen levels in the human body should reach the normal rate in the range of 80-100%. If the measurement is below 80%, it indicates that the tissue does not get enough oxygen and will affect the productivity of miners. Up and down carrying the burden will require energy that causes breathing becomes faster so that inhaled hydrogen sulfide gas, which of course will be more negatively b
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
ringkasantingginya kandungan belerang杨迪人kawasan缝制有卡瓦Ijen,直辖pertambangan,dimana在umumnya aktivitas penambangan事上就在pekerja。Menurut penelitian Anwar等人。(2015)风险在散文penambangan belerang为keseluruhan杨tertinggi是terhirup气berbahaya sulfida氢(H2S),用kategori水平,高风险(很高的)。对penambang belerang杨sehari Hari menghirup UAP belerang,mengakibatkan港关pernafasan。如果sulfida menghambat enzim细胞色素氧化酶为世界oksigen SEL。metabolisme anaerobik不akumulasi阿萨姆乳酸杨,不terhentinya的丹pernafasan(美国EPA,2003)。卡达尔oksigen身体要mencapai武器在人正常就是在奇沙兰80-100%。若汝来pengukuran dibawah 80%就menandakan,网上不mendapatkan oksigen阳丹要mempengaruhi produktivitas penambang作业了。奈克Turun带贝班必需要电流不为cepat就更pernafasan阳气氢sulfida杨dihirup要更多,bernafas属H2S杨tentunya berdampak否定观为kesehatan pernafasan penambang belerang。penelitian INI bertujuan,现状hubungan paparan H2S,卡达尔oksigen血在penambang belerang迪kawasan Gunung Ijen kabupaten外南梦。研究主要在2016~22十月INI 30十月2016,用该penelitian observasional analitik,pendekatan截面。在populasi penelitian这是所有pekerja国营belerang迪kawasan Gunung Ijen kabupaten外南梦。小杨,在penelitian方法,这是38 responden。pengambilan SAMPEL,使用公司偶然抽样丹pengambilan数据,在使用kuesioner丹pengukuran使用脉搏血氧仪,mengukur卡达尔saturasi oksigen丹阿拉特检测器的气toksik,mengukur卡达尔H2S迪乌达拉。Dalam penelitian ini,分析数据是分析阳digunakan公司,使用宇治统计局Pearson pada derajat kemaknaan 95%(α= 0.05)。responden penelitian INI mayoritas有卡达尔saturasi oksigen安塔拉80%标准差95%(hipoksia progresif),berumur diatas 30岁,在5-10年,直到,直到≥果酱sehari喇嘛作业8丹beristirahat直到≤16果酱sehari舒达,就membatasi,paparan H2S。卡达尔氢sulfida堤保护作业penambang belerang(在sublimasi belerang)didapatkan比例比例约为82,25 PPM丹胜过NAB。berdasarkan从宇治korelasi皮尔森有korelasi(hubungan)杨夸特安塔拉卡达尔H2S丹卡达尔saturasi oksigen血在penambang belerang迪kawasan Gunung Ijen kabupaten外南梦Nilai r = 0636,P<0.05丹signifikansi约为0000。此外,该有个人hubungan ITU(USIA)丹该作(卡达尔H2S,马萨的作业,丹,方便membatasi),卡达尔saturasi oksigen血。但也有hubungan该作(喇嘛作业),卡达尔saturasi oksigen血在penambang belerang迪kawasan Gunung Ijen kabupaten外南梦。方便pengendalian吉卡pekerja所遭的keparahan,卡达尔oksigen血阳月租80%(hipoksia),主要在bernafas latihan在(深呼吸锻炼)丹terapi oksigen。萨扬,上在peneliti为pekerja国营就是需要救恩了kesadaran,丹kesehatan作业就一定pelindung,使用diantaranya(APD)如呼吸器保护np306杨,给perlindungan达日缺乏oksigen丹pencemaran在H2S气体在应用基因工。在家,PT。Candi Ngrimbi将信pelindung,如呼吸器np306,pekerja国营belerang在种子在丹与sosialisasi为芦丁(安全谈丹安全感应),最小的一个pekerja一名古。 abstraktingginya kandungan belerang杨迪人kawasan缝制有卡瓦Ijen,直辖pertambangan,dimana在umumnya aktivitas penambangan事上就在pekerja。对penambang belerang杨sehari Hari menghirup UAP belerang,mengakibatkan港关pernafasan。如果sulfida menghambat enzim细胞色素氧化酶为世界oksigen SEL。metabolisme anaerobik不akumulasi阿萨姆乳酸,不terhentinya pernafasan的丹杨。卡达尔oksigen身体要mencapai武器在人正常就是在奇沙兰80-100%。若汝来pengukuran dibawah 80%就menandakan,网上不mendapatkan oksigen阳丹要mempengaruhi produktivitas penambang作业了。奈克Turun带贝班必需要电流不为cepat就更pernafasan阳气氢sulfida杨dihirup要比有阳tentunya berdampak n
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