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English) 1:
Corporate culture has become a factor having impact on every aspect of business activity of the business in General, PC Vinh Long in particular: From organizational management, business operations and external relations to business demeanor, style of leadership and how to behave among members in the business. As an intangible resource, the business philosophy is one of the causes that make up the success of the big business world.Practice has confirmed, the business management is guided by a philosophy of positive business is a methodology, tool for sustainable enterprise development. Today, all oriented to development as well as the strategies of the Organization are dependent on the talents and qualities of the leader. Gone are the business activities of chaos that all cultural values was denied, in the era of integration-business is tied to the philosophy, because the people that grow, because human progress. It is also the experience was developed through history, practices as the basis for the current business of sustainable development and create innovative value for global identity.In a society at large, every business is considered a miniature society. The great society had great cultures, small social (business) also need to build yourself a separate culture. He influenced culture and at the same time also is a constituent parts great cultures. Strong weak enterprise culture will have different influences on the development of the business. Corporate culture creates demeanor of enterprise, help distinguish this business with other businesses. Corporate culture consists of many parts and constituent elements. All the factors that create a style of business and differentiate it with other businesses. That demeanor as "air and water", the extremely influential to the daily operations of the business.Corporate culture creates radial force for the entire enterprise. A good corporate culture helps businesses attract employees and reinforce the loyalty of employees for business. According to a. Maslow's human needs system is a triangle consisting of five types of needs in order from low to high (physiological needs; security; needs social needs-communicating; and respected needs self affirmation needs to progress). From that model can see, it's wrong if a business back to that high pay is only going to attract, maintain top talent. Only staff loyalty and commitment when they see the excitement when working in the corporate environment, feel the familiar atmosphere in the business and have the ability to assert his self promotion. In a strong business culture, the members of clear awareness about the role of the self in the whole overall, they work for the purpose and overall goal. Corporate culture also encourages the process of innovation and invention. These businesses have a strong reign culture will arise the true independent in the highest level, that is, employees are encouraged to separate out and initialed, even the staff level. This encouragement will contribute to promoting the creative dynamics of members, is the basis for the research and development process of your business. On the other hand, the success of employees in the job will motivate them to stick with long term business and more positive.A business has a negative culture could be the business that rigid management contract, authoritarian, autocratic and bureaucratic organization system, causing the air to be passive, fear in the employees, causing them to have an attitude indifferent or opposed to the leadership. It can also be a business does not intend to create a link between the external relations staff work, which is a collection of thousands of complete strangers, just a temporary stop in the business. The Manager just to coordinate their efforts and take whatever further business also is something, but the confidence of people working on the business, then no. If the cultural environment in unfair business, not positive will adverse psychological work of the staff and the negative impact to the business activity of the business.Xây dựng văn hoá doanh nghiệp, suy cho cùng là tạo động lực và môi trường hình thành các giá trị mới, phù hợp với yêu cầu hiện tại và tương lai, định hướng suy nghĩ và hành động của các thành viên sao cho phát huy cao nhất những ưu thế sẵn có của nội lực, đồng thời khơi dậy và nhân lên các nguồn lực mới cho phát triển và nâng cao năng lực cạnh tranh của doanh nghiệp. Về cơ bản văn hoá doanh nghiệp được biểu hiện ra là những động cơ thúc đẩy lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp. Khi ấy, doanh nghiệp là niềm kiêu hãnh chung của tập thể, nhân tố con người được tổ chức và sử dụng hiệu quả nhất, mang lại chiến thắng cho doanh nghiệp. Với nền văn hoá doanh nghiệp mạnh mẽ định hướng cho hoạt động kinh doanh đúng hướng, doanh nghiệp sẽ toả ra một nguồn năng lượng không ngờ. Văn hoá doanh nghiệp không phải là cái bất biến mà nó cần phải được thay đổi theo yêu cầu của bộ máy tổ chức quản lý, phục vụ cho việc thực hiện mục tiêu của doanh nghiệp. Nó phải được xây dựng dựa trên nền tảng là truyền thống và bản sắc dân tộc Việt Nam. Văn hoá doanh nghiệp phải được sử dụng như một yếu tố nâng cao khả năng thích nghi và năng lực cạnh tranh của doanh nghiệp.Is a unit of electricity Vietnam, Vinh Long as PC how units are always conscious to build and improve the corporate culture to enhance business performance, won the competition on the market.With the aim of studying arguments about corporate culture, corporate culture status at PC Vinh Long from that research, proposed a number of solutions to build and improve the corporate culture at the PC of Vinh Long. Written with no ambition to take the argument about corporate culture and research, proposes a full range of solutions that focus only resolve and had completed the tasks set for the PC of Vinh Long.First, the codification of the fundamental argument about corporate culture. Research and clarify the nature of culture, corporate culture; expression of corporate culture; the form of corporate culture; factors that make up the enterprise culture and experience the cultural construction of enterprises in a number of multinational companies in the world.Second, use the appropriate method for appreciating the cultural situation in the PC business of Vinh Long. The essay has given the results that are achieved, these units exist. From the results of reviews of the reality, the essay points out the objective and subjective causes lead to survive it.Third, the subject has studied the proposal are some basic solutions effectively to contribute to the construction of enterprise culture in Vinh Long in the next stage of the PC. The solution to this is quite uniform and are derived from the activities of the unit, should have high feasibility.Through the research subject can conclude the following:In today's market economy, stiff competition; Vietnam is gradually opening up its economy to integrate with the regional economy and the world, build corporate culture are indispensable conditions to guarantee for the existence and development of enterprises, including PC Vinh Long.Apply the solution to build corporate culture needed on the basis of accurate assessment of cultural situation of each business unit to devise specific solutions tied to actual circumstances condition of new units to achieve the desired results.Changing perceptions and awareness of proper corporate culture is doing necessary first of all to improve the efficiency of business operation of the PC implementation of Vinh Long integration process and is the basis for ensuring sustainable development.Building enterprise culture must first on the basis of the motor unit itself rather than previously possible, waiting on the State. For the power sector, we must first start from the group then down to the units such as PC Vinh Long.
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