Expressionism, another term borrowed from the, visual arts, was as significant a movement as Impressionism. Covering the period from about 4910 to 1930, it sought to express the innermost; feelings of the subconscious, the psychology of which was .being studied at that time by Sigmund Freud. Composers and artists were generally drawn to treat intense, often hysterical, states of mind and being, which often resulted froth social, conditions. Being emotionally oriented music, it retained a certain degree of Romanticism. The style is harshly dissonant and often without a stable sense of a tonal center, or atonal. Tluve names closely identified with Expressionism are Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951; Pierrot Lunaire), Alban Berg (1885-1937 Wozzeck and Lulu), and Anton '74/etiern (1883-1945; Five Pieces for Orchestra, Op. 10).