Nejčastějším důvodem odjezdu respondentů bylo studium v českérepublice translation - Nejčastějším důvodem odjezdu respondentů bylo studium v českérepublice English how to say

Nejčastějším důvodem odjezdu respon

Nejčastějším důvodem odjezdu respondentů bylo studium v české
republice (resp. Československu), a to v devíti případech. Druhou nejpočetnější
pohnutkou k odjezdu byla válka v rodné zemi. Kvůli obavám o svou bezpečnost
(a své rodiny) imigrovali čtyři respondenti. Ve třech případech byl odjezd
vynucený politikou vlády v zemi původu. Další tři respondenti přijeli s vizí zažít
něco nového, uspokojit potřebu změny ve svém životě. Jedna respondentka
udává změnu práce jako hlavní důvod k odjezdu ze své země a další sloučení
rodiny. Poslední účastnice výzkumu chtěla odjezdem řešit určitou vnitřní
prázdnotu, kterou pociťovala, řešit určité existenciální otázky.
česky se před odjezdem učili pouze dva respondenti, ostatní až po
příjezdu na naše území. Studenti před rokem 1989 pak absolvovali roční
přípravný kurz s výukou českého jazyka, ostatní se česky učili sami, s pomocí
televize, novin a knih. Jedna respondentka se do doby konání našeho výzkumu
česky nenaučila (v Čechách pobývá 1 O let).
Objektivně se v době migrace mohlo vrátit do země původu 15
respondentů a 7 tuto možnost nemělo (z důvody války a politiky v rodné zemi).
Při odjezdu se u studentů v pěti případech objevovaly pozitivní emoce
(pocity štěstí, těšení a zvědavosti), ve třech případech neutrální pocity a jeden
respondent udává smíšené pocity (strach a těšení). U studenta z donucení
převažovaly pocity negativní (pocity křivdy, vzteku a smutku). Respondenti,
kteří šli za změnou, se na novou zemi těšili. Pracovní migrantka prožívala i
určité obavy z budoucnosti. Další respondentka popisuje určité ploché prožívaní
této situace jako důsledek jejího depresivního stavu.
Proces akulturace probíhal u jednotlivých respondentů s různou
intenzitou, pouze dva imigranti popisovali fázi líbánek. U ostatních se po
příjezdu rozvinuly projevy kulturního šoku v různé intenzitě. Od strachu o svou
osobu, pocitů křivdy, beznaděje, deprese a izolace, až po racionalizaci těžkostí
do snesitelné podoby. Na otázky týkající se adaptace odpovídali někteří
respondenti pozitivně, ve smyslu, že se zde cítili okamžitě jako doma, ale
v dalším rozhovoru pak často mluvili o pocitu osamělosti a smutku. Studenti
před rokem 1989 vesměs udávali, že tyto projevy se zmenšili cca po půl roce,
když získali základ českého jazyka. Pro přehlednější souhrn jsme vytvořili
tabulku č. 5, kterou jsme zařadili na konec této kapitoly.
Zdravotní obtíže související s příjezdem do cizího prostředí neudávala
polovina účastníků výzkumu. Tři respondenti zmínili žaludeční problémy ze
stresu, příp. odlišné stravy. Jeden respondent se léčil s vředem na
dvanácterníku (i v lázních) a další vypověděl, že jeho manželka onemocněla a
zemřela v ČR na rakovinu. U ostatních se vyskytlo: zvracení, hormonální
porucha, chronický zánět nosních dutin, chřipka (poprvé v životě respondentka
onemocněla), časté záněty průdušek a těžká alergie, nervozita, zvýšená
ospalost a deprese.
Ve třech případech respondenti nepociťovali žádné bariéry ve styku s
majoritou. Devět respondentů uvádělo jazykovou bariéru, hlavně v počátečním
období. Sociální bariéry - ve smyslu nepřijetí jejich osoby majoritní populací
udávalo rovněž devět imigrantů, z toho jeden imigrant popisuje specifickou
sociální bariéru s muži středního a staršího věku. Poslední respondentka pak
popisovala bariéru kulturní. I po několika letech pobytu u nás se cítí většina
respondentů být mimo českou společnost.
Nejčastěji popisovanou copingovou strategií byla kombinace řešení
problému a hledání sociální opory. V menší míře pak respondenti udávali
strategie ostatní. Vyrovnávací strategie se vzájemně prolínaly. V našem
výzkumu se vyskytly dva základní způsoby řešení, polovina respondentů řešila
problémy sama a druhá polovina s pomocí sociálního okolí. Sociální podpůrné
sítě imigrantů tvoří rodina (v některých případech i v zemi původu), přátelé
(nejčastěji krajané) a ostatní členové komunity. Na státní a nestátní instituce
zabývající se pomocí imigrantům se obrátila pouze jedna respondentka.
Nejtěžší pro příchozího do nové země je naučit se jazyku hostitelské
země, to nám potvrdilo 14 respondentů. Obtížné je rovněž pochopení a přijetí
nových kulturních vzorců, to si uvědomovali čtyři respondenti. Jeden účastník
výzkumu označil za nejobtížnější pro adaptační proces uzavřenost české
společnosti a další uvedl shrnující odpověď, v níž za nejtěžší považuje vytržení
ze společenství, neustálé vysvětlování konotace a námahu s tím spojenou,
větší nutnost sebekontroly imigranta.
Téměř všichni respondenti se shodli na tom, že adaptaci usnadňuje
kontakt s lidmi, ať již s krajany nebo vstřícnými Čechy. Jedna respondentka
uváděla pocit potřebnosti pro ostatní lidi, který přispívá k rychlejší adaptaci.
Obecně se jako profylaktická jeví aktivita samotného imigranta - ve smyslu
přijetí nových kulturních vzorců, přijetí jazyka hostitelské země. V jednom
případě pomohl respondentovi návrat k náboženství.
Stupeň přijetí jazyka hostitelské země jako důležitý ukazatel stupně
integrace imigranta do většinové společnosti je obzvláště v Česku velmi
významný. česká majorita rozlišuje cizince i podle "cizího" přízvuku, přičemž
velmi negativní konotace jsou spojeny s ruským přízvukem. Devět respondentů
uvedlo, že přemýšlí v rodném (či ještě v jiném než českém) jazyce, sedm
udávalo, že přemýšlí podle situace buď v rodném (složitější nebo nové
problémy) nebo českém jazyce (běžné věci). Jeden respondent přemýšlí vždy
v jazyce, ve kterém mluví (hovoří 6 jazyky) a pět respondentů přemýšlí
v českém jazyce. V domácnosti hovoří česky devět účastníků výzkumu.
Dvanáct respondentů hovoří se členy rodiny v rodném jazyce (nebo jiném než
českém) a v jedné rodině hovoří střídavě rodným a českým jazykem (manželka
je Češka).
Drtivá většina (18) respondentů uvedla, že se jim příchodem do nové
země změnil i životní styl, a to od otevřeného životního stylu k uzavřenému.
Dále popisovali změny ve smyslu vývoje vlastní identity, změny aktivity, hodnot
a kulturních zvyklostí, příp. pracovního tempa. Čtyři respondenti uvedli, že
nezměnili svůj životní styl.
Nejčastěji se dodržování původních tradic a zvyklostí odráží v zachování
stylu přípravy jídla, ingrediencí, původních receptů (7). V menší míře pak
respondenti slaví své národní svátky (5). Jako ojedinělý se ukázal případ
arabského respondenta, který se plně vrátil k dodržování původních tradic.
V pěti případech respondenti dokonce uvedli, že nedodržují žádné původní
zvyklosti a tradice.
Ve většině případů (12) se respondentům stýskalo po rodině, která
zůstala v zemi původu, přitom téměř třetina účastníků výzkumu přijela
s partnerem, příp. s dětmi. Dále se respondentům stýskalo po prostředí, po
svojí rodné zemi a po životě, který v ní vedli. Jednomu respondentovi se
nestýskalo po ničem a po nikom a jedna respondentka uvedla, že neměla na
stýskání čas, její manžel svou rodinu, která zůstala v rodné zemi vytěsnil.
Dvě třetiny respondentů chtějí i nadále žít v České republice, pět
nechává otázku budoucnosti otevřenou a zbývající imigranti uvažují o změně
Souhrnem k této výzkumné otázce můžeme říci, že průběh adaptačního
procesu je vysoce individuální. Fáze líbánek nastává významně méně často
než fáze ostatní. Průběh kulturního šoku a intenzita jeho symptomů je rovněž
individuální a závisí především na osobnosti imigranta, jeho hodnotovém
systému, na jeho hodnocení své situace v nové zemi a také na jeho
očekáváních, se kterými se do dobrodružství imigrace pouští. Nejdůležitějšími
vnějšími vlivy, které intervenují do průběhu kulturního šoku (a adaptace vůbec)
jsou: znalost jazyka, možnost návratu do domovské země, imigrační politika
státu domovské a hostitelské země, otevřenost/uzavřenost majority, možnost
získání legální práce a ubytování. Proces adaptace bývá bolestivější
v případech, kdy kulturní vzdálenost obou zemí je příliš velká a vlastní možnosti
řešení jsou vnímány jako omezené (pocity bezmoci).
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
The most common reason for the departure of the respondents was the study in CzechRepublic (or Czechoslovakia), in nine cases. The second most numerousreason for departure was the war in his native country. Due to concern for their safety(and their families) imigrovali four respondents. In the three cases was a departureenforced Government policy in the country of origin. The other three respondents arrived with the vision experiencesomething new to satisfy the need for changes in your life. One respondentkaindicates a change of work as the main reason for the departure from his country and other mergefamily. The last participant wanted to solve a specific departure of the research of the innerthe emptiness you felt addressed certain existential questions.English is taught before leaving only two respondents, the other to thearriving on our territory. Before 1989, the students then attended the annual90 preparatory course in teaching Czech language, the other with English taught themselves, with the help oftelevision, newspapers and books. One respondentka in the time of our researchEnglish learned (in the Czech Republic is staying about 1 years).Objectively at the time of migration, could return to the country of origin of the 15respondents and 7 not this option (of the reasons for the war and politics in his native country).On departure, the students in the five cases to explore the positive emotions(feelings of happiness, delighting and curiosity), in three cases the neutral feelings and onethe respondent indicates mixed feelings (fear and delighting). For the student of coercionwere negative feelings (feelings of injustice, anger and sadness). The respondents,who went for the change to a new country. Working migrant wasa certain fear of the future. More respondentka describes a flat prožívaníThis situation as a consequence of her depressive condition.The process of acculturation on each of the respondents was conducted with varyingonly two immigrants, described phase of the honeymoon. For the other afterthe arrival of the developed symptoms of culture shock in different intensity. From fear about itsperson, feelings of injustice, hopelessness, depression and isolation, to rationalise the difficultiesthe bearable. On issues relating to adaptation answered somethe respondents positively, in the sense that they feel immediately at home, butin another interview, then often spoke of the feeling of loneliness and sadness. Studentsbefore 1989, all indicate that these speeches will reduce after about half a year,When they acquired the basis of Czech language. For a clearer summary we have createdTable No 5, which we included on the end of this chapter.Health problems associated with the arrival of a foreign environment neudávalahalf of the participants in the research. Three of the respondents mentioned the stomach problems from thestress, eg. different diets. One respondent is treated with ulcer onduodenum (even in a Spa) and others testified that his wife got sick andShe died of cancer in the Czech Republic. The other was: vomiting, hormonaldisorder, chronic inflammation of the nasal cavities, the flu (first in my life respondentkaill), frequent bronchitis and severe allergies, nervousness, increaseddrowsiness and depression.In three cases the respondents didn't feel any barrier in contact withthe majority. Nine respondents stated the language barrier, especially in the initialthe period. Social barriers-in the sense of not taking their majority populations91 It also flagged the nine immigrants, one immigrant describes the specificsocial barrier with the men in the middle and older age. The last respondentka thendescribing the cultural barrier. Even after several years of stay with us feel mostthe respondents be outside the Czech company.The most commonly described copingovou was a combination of solution strategiesthe problem and the search for social support. To a lesser extent, then the respondents indicatedthe other strategy. Compensatory strategies are mutually intertwined. In ourresearch, there are two basic ways of solution, half the respondents dealt withproblems alone, and the other half with the help of the social surroundings. Social supportthe network of immigrants make up the family (in some cases in the country of origin), friends(most countrymen) and other members of the community. At the State and non-State institutionsdealing with the immigrants turned only one respondentka.The hardest thing for an incoming to a new country is to learn the language of the hostcountry, we confirmed the 14 respondents. Difficult it is also understanding and acceptancenew cultural patterns, it's aware of the four respondents. One participantresearch as the most difficult for the adaptation process of the withdrawal of the Czechthe company and others said, summarizing the response, which is considered the most difficult in a trancefrom the community, explaining the connotation of the exertion and associated with it,the greater the need to control immigrants.Almost all respondents agreed that adjustment makes it easy tocontact with people, whether with countrymen or dedicated Bohemia. One respondentkaalleged sense of the need for other people, which contributes to faster adaptation.In General, as a prophylactic activity appears to be a lone immigrant-within the meaning ofthe adoption of the new cultural patterns, the adoption of the language of the host country. In onethe case helped the respondent to return to religion.The degree of acceptance of the language of the host country as an important indicator of the degree ofthe integration of immigrants into mainstream society, especially in the Czech Republic is verysignificant. the Czech foreigner and by the majority distinguishes between "foreign" accent, with thevery negative connotations are associated with a Russian accent. Nine respondentsstated that he thinks in the native (or even other than Czech) languages, sevenmore specifically, that he thinks the situation either in the native (complex or newproblems) or Czech language (the normal case). One respondent thinks alwaysin the language, in which he speaks (speak 6 languages) and five respondents think92 in the Czech language. In the home speaks English the nine participants in the research.Twelve respondents speak with family members in his native language (or a language other thanCzech) and in one family speaks the native language and alternately (wifeis Czech).The vast majority (18) of the respondents indicated that they came to the newthe country has changed and the lifestyle, and it's from the open to the closed lifestyle.Further described the changes in the purposes of development of their own identity, changes in activity, valuesand cultural practices. the pace of work. Four respondents indicated that thehave not changed their lifestyle.Most often, compliance with the indigenous traditions and customs reflected in conservationthe style of preparing food, ingredients, original recipes (7). To a lesser extent thenrespondents celebrate their national holidays (5). As an isolated case showed upthe Arab of the respondent, which has fully returned to compliance with the original traditions.In five cases the respondents even said they do not adhere to any of the originalhabits and traditions.In most cases (12) respondents missed familyShe remained in the country of origin, while almost a third of participants in the research camewith a partner, or. with the children. Furthermore, the respondents missed the environment,your native country and after life, which led in it. One respondent ismuch anything and anyone, and one respondentka said that she had noThanks, time, her husband, his family, which remained in his native country, crowd out.Two-thirds of respondents want to continue to live in the Czech Republic, fiveleaves open the question of the future and the rest of the immigrants are thinking about changeState.A summary of this research question, we can say that the course adaptationthe process is highly individual. Honeymoon phase occurs significantly less oftenthan the other phase. The progress of cultural shock and the intensity of its symptoms is alsoindividual and depends primarily on the personality of the immigrants, its valuethe system, in its assessment of his situation in the new country, and also on itsexpectations that the adventures of immigration through the desert. The most importantexternal influences, which intervene in the course of cultural shock (and adaptation)they are: knowledge of the language, the ability to return to the home country, immigration policythe State of the home and the host country, openness/separation, the possibility of majority93 obtain legal work and accommodation. The process of adaptation is more painfulin cases where the cultural distance between the two countries is too large, and custom optionssolutions are seen as limited (feelings of helplessness).
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 2:[Copy]
The most common reason for the departure of the respondents were studying in the Czech
Republic (resp. Czechoslovakia), and in nine cases. The second most frequent
motive for departure was the war in their homeland. Because of fears for their safety
(and their families) immigrated four respondents. In three cases, the departure
forced by government policies in the country of origin. Another three respondents arrived with a vision to experience
something new, to satisfy the need for changes in your life. One respondent
indicates job change as the main reason for the departure from his country and other merger
families. Recent research participants wanted to leave to deal with a certain inner
emptiness I felt, to solve certain existential questions.
Czech before leaving learned only two respondents, the other to the
arrival in our country. Students before 1989, then attended the annual
preparatory course in teaching the Czech language, the other is Czech taught themselves, using
television, newspapers and books. One respondent to the time of our research
Czech learned (at home staying 1 O years).
Objectively, at the time of migration could return to their country of origin 15
respondents, and 7, this option should not (because of war and politics in his native country).
On departure, students in five cases appeared positive emotions
(feelings of happiness, anticipation and curiosity), in three cases, a neutral feeling and one
respondent indicates mixed emotions (fear and anticipation). The student forced
dominated by negative emotions (feelings of hurt, anger and sadness). Respondents
who went behind the change, the new country enjoyed. Migrant labor endured a
certain fear of the future. Another respondent describes certain flat experiencing
this situation as a consequence of her depressive state.
The process of acculturation was conducted in respondents with varying
intensity, only two immigrants described the honeymoon phase. In other after
arrival develop symptoms of culture shock in different intensity. From fear of his
person, feelings of injustice, hopelessness, depression and isolation, to rationalize difficulties
in bearable form. On issues related to adaptation answered some
respondents positively, in the sense that you feel immediately at home, but
in another interview often talked about loneliness and sadness. Students
before 1989 generally reported that these symptoms diminished after about half a year,
when he won the basis of the Czech language. For a clearer summary, we created
a table no. 5, which we included at the end of this chapter.
Health problems associated with the arrival in a foreign environment did not report
half of the research participants. Three respondents mention stomach problems from
stress, eventually. different diets. One respondent was treated for an ulcer on
duodenum (even in the bath) and others testified that his wife fell ill and
died of cancer in the Czech Republic. For others, there were: vomiting, hormonal
disorder, chronic sinusitis, influenza (the first time the respondent
ill), frequent bronchitis and severe allergies, nervousness, increased
sleepiness and depression.
In three cases, respondents felt no barriers in contact with
the majority. Nine respondents cited the language barrier, especially in the initial
period. Social barriers - which did not include the majority population of persons
was reported also nine immigrants, including one immigrant describe specific
social barriers to men middle-aged and older. Last respondent then
described the cultural barrier. Even after several years of residence in our country we feel the majority
of respondents to be out of Czech society.
The most frequently reported coping strategy was a combination of solving
the problem and finding social support. To a lesser extent, respondents reported
strategies others. Compensatory strategies are mutually intertwined. In our
research, there were two basic ways of solution, half of the respondents solve
problems on its own and the other half with the help of the social environment. Social support
networks form a family of immigrants (in some cases in the country of origin), friends
(mostly expatriates) and other community members. On state and private institutions
dealing with immigrants turned only one respondent.
The hardest thing for inbound to a new country is to learn the language of the host
country, we confirmed that 14 respondents. It is also difficult to understand and accept the
new cultural patterns, not realizing four respondents. One participant
research indicated it difficult for the adaptation process openness of Czech
society and others said summarizing response in which the toughest considers the rapture
of the community, constantly explaining connotations and effort associated with it,
a greater need for self-control immigrants.
Almost all respondents agreed that adaptation facilitates
contact with people, whether or colliding with fellow Czechs. One respondent
stated feeling of need for other people, which contributes to faster adaptation.
In general, as a prophylactic activity appears to be an immigrant himself - in terms of
adoption of new cultural patterns, adopting the language of the host country. In one
case helped the respondent to return to religion.
The degree of adoption of the language of the host country as an important indicator of the degree of
integration of immigrants into mainstream society especially in the Czech Republic is very
significant. Czech majority distinguishes between foreigners and by a "foreign" accent, with
very negative connotations associated with a Russian accent. Nine respondents
said they think the mother (or even in other than Czech) language, seven
reported they think the situation either at home (new or complex
problems) or Czech (current affairs). One respondent thinks always
in the language in which he speaks (speaks 6 languages) and five of the respondents think
in the Czech language. At home, speaks Czech, nine research participants.
Twelve respondents speak with family members in their native language (or a language other than
Czech) and in one family speaks alternately native and Czech language (wife
is Czech).
The vast majority (18) of the respondents indicated that they coming to a new
country and changed lifestyles, from an open to a closed lifestyle.
In addition, the changes described in terms of the development of their own identity, changes in activity, values
​​and cultural practices, if necessary. pace of work. Four respondents said they
did not change their lifestyle.
Most often observance of indigenous traditions and customs reflected in maintaining the
style of food preparation, ingredients, authentic recipes (7). To a lesser extent,
respondents celebrate their national holidays (5). As a unique proved the case
of the Arab respondents, who fully returned to respect indigenous traditions.
In five cases, respondents indicated that fail to comply with any of the original
customs and traditions.
In most cases (12) respondents missed his family who
remained in the country of origin; while nearly a third of the research participants arrived
with a partner, eventually. with children. Furthermore, respondents missed the environment after
their homeland and to live a life in the lead. One respondent is
not missed nothing and of anybody, and one respondent stated that it had no
stýskání time, her husband, his family has remained in his native country displaced.
Two-thirds of respondents want to continue to live in the Czech Republic, five
leaves the question of the future open and the remaining Immigrants are considering a change in
the state.
In summary, this research question, we can say that an adaptation
process is highly individual. Honeymoon phase occurs significantly less frequently
than other stages. The course of culture shock and the intensity of the symptoms is also
variable and depends primarily on the personality of the immigrant, his value
system on its assessment of its situation in a new country and on its
expectations with which the adventure of immigration desert. The most important
external factors that intervene in the course of culture shock (and adaptation in general)
are: knowledge of the language, the possibility of returning to their home country, immigration policy
of the state home and host countries, openness / closeness of the majority, the possibility of
obtaining legal work and accommodation. The process of adaptation is more painful
when the cultural distance between the two countries is too large and the possibilities for their own
solutions are seen as limited (feelings of helplessness).
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 3:[Copy]
the most common reason for departure of respondents was study in the czech republic (r, respectively. czechoslovakia) in nine cases. the second most common reason for departure and war was in the home country. due to concerns about their safety
(and their families) immigrated four respondents. in three cases, was leaving
and government policy in the country of origin. the next three respondents came up with the vision to experience.something new, satisfying the need for change in your life. one respondentka
indicates the change in job as the main reason for departure from his country and other merger
family. the last part was left to solve a certain internal research
emptiness that felt to address certain existential questions.
english before departure taught only two respondents, others after.the arrival of our territory. students before 1989 then completed annual
preparatory course teaching the czech language, the other in english teaching, with the help of
tv, newspapers and books. one respondentka into time of the our research
english learned (in the czech republic to be 1 years) at the time of migration.
objectively could return to their country of origin, 15 eof the respondents, and 7 this possibility should not (for reasons of war and policy in the home country). a departure for students in the five cases appeared positive emotions
(feelings of happiness, anticipation and curiosity), in three cases, a neutral feelings and one
the respondent indicates mixed feelings (fear and anticipation). for the student of coercion
prevailed feelings negative feelings of injustice, anger and sadness). respondents.
who went for the change to the new country forward. the working migrantka through i
certain concerns for the future. another respondentka describes certain flat prožívaní
this situation as a result of its depressing state.
process akulturace was among respondents with different
intensity, only two immigrants described the honeymoon phase. for the other after.the arrival of the developed expressions of cultural shock in different intensity. from the fear of its
person, feelings of injustice, hopelessness, depression and isolation, to rationalise the difficulties
to an image. on the issues concerning the adaptation of some
respondents were positive, in the sense that will feel immediately at home, but in another interview and then often talked about the sense of loneliness and sadness.students
before 1989 all have reported that these expressions are reduced approximately after half a year, and when they got the czech language. for clearer summary we created
table. 5 we have at the end of this chapter. the health problems associated with the arrival in the foreign environment neudávala
half participants in research. three respondents mentioned stomach problems from
the stressand different diet. one respondent treatment with ulcer in the duodenum (spa), and further testified that his wife fell ill and died of cancer and in the czech republic. for the other occurred: vomiting, hormone
disorder, chronic inflammation of the nasal passages, the flu (for the first time in my life respondentka
got sick), common inflammation bronchitis and severe allergies, anxiety, increased.sleepiness and depressed.
in three cases, respondents nepociťovali no barrier in contact with a majority. nine of the respondents stated that language barrier, especially in the initial
period. social barriers - in the sense of not taking their person majority population
give also nine immigrants, one immigrant describes specific
social barrier with men the middle and older age.the last respondentka then
described the cultural. after several years of residence in us feel most
respondents outside the czech company.
most commonly described copingovou strategy was the combination of solving problem and seeking social support project. to a lesser extent, respondents reported a
strategy. the compensation strategy are lost on the way. in our projectresearch has two basic ways, half of the respondents had problems alone and the other half by using social surroundings. social support networks of immigrants form the family (and, in some cases, in the country of origin), friends
(most countrymen) and other members of the community. on the state and non-state institutions dealing with immigrants and turned only one respondentka.
the hardest for the arrival to a new country is to learn the language host
country, we confirmed the 14 respondents. it is also the understanding and acceptance of difficult and new cultural patterns, it realized four respondents. one participant described as the most difficult to research the adjustment process the withdrawal of the czech
companies and other alleged summary answerin the hardest as rapture
from the community, and explaining the connotations and effort with its greater necessity of self-control, and immigrant.
nearly all respondents agreed that adaptation facilitates
people contact, whether friends or friendly bohemia. one respondentka
reported feeling the need for other people, which contributes to a faster adaptation.
in general, as a prophylactic to activity of immigrant - in terms of the adoption of new cultural patterns and, adopting the language of the host country. in one case the respondent and helped return to religion. the degree of adoption of the language of the host country, as an important indicator of the degree of the integration of immigrant into mainstream society is particularly in the czech republic a
is significant.the czech majority distinguishes between foreigners and according to "foreign" accent, while
very negative connotations are associated with a russian accent. nine of the respondents' stated that thinks in home (or in another language than the czech), seven
reported thinking according to the situation, either in the native (more complicated or new
problems) or czech language (the normal case). one respondent thinking the language in which he (speaks six languages) and five respondents think
in the czech language. in the household speaks english nine participants research.
12 respondents talking to family members in their native languages (or other than
czech) and in one family are alternately the first and czech language (wife
's czech).
the vast majority (18) of the respondents statedthey came to a new
country change lifestyle, from the open to the closed environments.
also described the changes in the sense of the development of personal identity, change activity values of
and cultural practices and work rate. four respondents indicated that
changed his lifestyle. the most respect for the traditions and customs reflected in training, food ingredients, the recipes (7). to a lesser extent
respondents celebrating its national holidays (5). as a show case
arab of the respondent, which fully returned to the original traditions.
in five cases, respondents even claimed that adhere to no original
practices and traditions.
in most cases (12) respondents missed family who remained in the country of origin and, almost one-third of participants in research come
with a partner, or with children. furthermore, respondents missed environment, after his home country and for life and that she had. one respondent is
suffered from nothing and nobody, and one respondentka stated that she and long timeher husband and family, which remained in his native land, two thirds of respondents blocked.
want to continue to live in the czech republic, five
leaves the question open and future immigrants may change the state of the
this research question, we can say that the process of adaptation and is highly individual. honeymoon phase is significantly less often than other project phase.the cultural shock and the intensity of its symptoms is also the individual and depends primarily on the personality, immigrant, his value
system on his evaluation of their situation in the new country, and also his
expectations, which in the adventures of immigration across the desert. the most important and external influences, which applies to the cultural shock (and adaptation)
are: knowledge of the languagethe possibility of a return to the home country, immigration policy and the state of home and host countries, openness / separation and possibility of
obtain legal work and accommodation. the process of adaptation is painful and, in cases where the cultural distance between both countries is too big and my own options
solutions are perceived as limited (feelings of worthlessness).
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