The resources of petroleum as fuel are dwindling day by day
and increasing demand of fuels, as well as increasingly stringent
regulations, pose a challenge to science and technology. With the
commercialization of bioenergy, it has provided an effective way
to fight against the problem of petroleum scarce and the influence
on environment.
Biodiesel, as an alternative fuel of diesel, is described as fatty
acid methyl or ethyl esters from vegetable oils or animal fats.
It is renewable, biodegradable and oxygenated. Although many
researches pointed out that it might help to reduce green house gas
emissions, promote sustainable rural development, and improve
income distribution, there still exist some resistances for using it.
The primary cause is a lack of new knowledge about the influence
of biodiesel on diesel engines. For example, the reduce of
engine power for biodiesel, as well as the increase of fuel consumption,
is not as much as anticipated; the early research conclusions
have been kept in many people’s mind, that is, it is more prone
to oxidation for biodiesel which may result in insoluble gums and
sediments that can plug fuel filter, and thus it will affect engine