What steps would you take to identify your own learning/development needs?
strategies you might use to facilitate your professional development
Report and self-evaluation
This is the presentation about my life in Mega school. So, I just need to express about life, key events and experience in my personal or professional achievement, hobbies and any interesting events in my life. This is also the perfect opportunity for presenters to show their students that they understand where they can improve. While no one likes to point out areas of weakness, some have more respect for presenter who are able to honestly assess their shortcoming. I thing overall my presentation went well but I am definitely able to identify able to identify features which could have been improved.
Drawing information from the feedback given by the audience, one primary thing that emerges is that length was an issue. I don’t know how ling my presentation actually turned out to be but it properly did go over the 10 mins. When practicing. I could definitely have been more ruthless in cutting down the first section.