tôi đã đề xuất anh ấy mở rộng từ khóa. anh ấy nói chạy các từ khóa hiện tại. tôi tư vấn anh ấy chạy quảng cáo banner. anh nói muốn tôi gửi thông tin về quảng cáo banner sẽ cân nhắc để chạy quảng cáo
I've suggested he expand tag. He said running the existing keyword. I advise him to run banner ads. He said would like to send me information about the banner ads will consider to run ads
I've suggested he expand keywords. He said running the existing keywords. I advise him to run banner ads. he said he wanted me to send information about banner ads will consider the ad to run
I proposed him to expand the key words, he said, the current running of the key words. You said you want me to send the information, advertising Banner advertising to consider running