هناك العديد من الأماكن الكلاسيكية والمعالم السياحية الجميلة في فيينا ، translation - هناك العديد من الأماكن الكلاسيكية والمعالم السياحية الجميلة في فيينا ، English how to say

هناك العديد من الأماكن الكلاسيكية و

هناك العديد من الأماكن الكلاسيكية والمعالم السياحية الجميلة في فيينا ، النمسا فمنها المباني القديمة والمتاحف والكنائس والقصور وحتى أماكن الاستراحة وأماكن تناول الطعام . تحتاج إلى يومين على الأقل لإمكانية استكشاف الجمال في فيينا ، المعروفة كوجهة سياحية مرغوبة من كثير من الناس . باعتبارها واحدة من المدن القديمة في أوروبا ، فيينا بها كائنات مثيرة للاهتمام ، ولها قيمة ثقافية عالية .

هنا هي أفضل مناطق الجذب السياحي في فيينا يجب عليك زيارة:
كاتدرائية St .Stephen
هي كنيسة على الطراز القوطي وتقع في وسط مدينة فيينا . اشتهرت بهندستها المعمارية باعتبارها أعلى نقطة من البرج الجنوبي من الكاتدرائية التي شيدت لأكثر من 65 سنوات ، من عام 1368 حتى 1433 .

Ringstraße أو الشارع الدائري
هذا هو الطريق الذي تم إحرازه منذ عام 1857 بأمر من الإمبراطور فرانسيس جوزيف الذي يريد هدم أسوار المدينة القديمة لخلق جو مريح للمدينة الإمبراطورية التي تأخذ شكل حدوة الحصان ، شارع Ringstrasse المحيط بوسط المدينة والطرق والممرات ، و4 صفوف من الأشجار المزهرة الكستناء الأبيض وينتهي عند Donaukanal .

مركز التسوق كرنتنر شتراسه
هذا هو مركز التسوق ومشاهدة المعالم السياحية ، والذي يمتد من ساحة البلدة أمام كاتدرائية Stephansdom Stephenplatz ، مع شارع Ringstrasse قرب دار الأوبرا فيينا ، من خلال فندق زاخر الذي يشتهر بالنموذجية لفيينا .

قصر هوفبورغ
هذا هو القصر الامبراطوري الذي يقع خلف Heldenplatz . منذ القرن 13 إلى 19 ، مع البناء والتوسيع الدائم . هذه عبارة عن مجمع من المباني التي تشمل شقق الدولة التي بها رئيس النمسا لإجراء الاستقبالات الرسمية ، والمستشارة الاتحادية لبناء النمسا ، وقاعة Spanische Hofreitschule (المدرسة الاسبانية للفروسية) حيث يقع سير أداء الخيول يبيزانير ، ONB ، والمكتبة الوطنية في النمسا) الذي تم تصميمها من قبل جوزيف فيشر فون وابنه يوهان في أوائل عام 1700 .

قصر أوجارتن
تم بناء مبنى القصر في القرن 18 ، والذي يستخدم كمدرسة لينر Sängerknaben أو مدرسة فيينا بنين جوقة ، لفريق النمسا في عام 1948 .

Justizpalast ، (قصر العدل)
هذا هو المحكمة العليا والبرلمان المباني النمسا . بنيت من 1875 حتى 1881 من قبل مبادرة على غرار الكسندر فون MONTEFORTE Wielemans Neorenaissance .

راتوس أو قاعة المدينة
تم بناء قاعة المدينة في نفس السنة مع Justizpalast . رئيس بلدية فيينا الذي سمي أيضا باسم حاكم إقليم فيينا .

قصر بلفيدير
هذا هو القصر الكبير للأمير يوجين من سافوي (1663-1736) ذو الطراز الباروكي . والذي يتكون من المجمع بلفيدير السفلى (بلفيدير Unteres) وأعالي بلفيدير (بلفيدير Oberes) . وداخل المباني التي هي بمثابة متحف أو معرض . تم الانتهاء من القصر مع المنحوتات ، والبوابات ، والحديقة ، اورانجيرى (لبساتين البرتقال) مع مجموعة كبيرة . بدأت بلفيدير الأقل التي يتم بناؤها من 1712 حتى 1718 والتي بنيت بلفيدير السفلى في عام 1717 ويكتمل في 1723 .

شلوس شونبرون ، أو قصر شونبرون
يقع القصر في تلال جنوب غرب نمط الروكوكو فيينا ، الذي صممه فيشر فون وأكمل بنائه في عام 1713 كمقر صيفي من العائلة الامبراطورية . فتح مع مجموعه من 45 إلى 1441 غرفة . على غرار الغرف الخاصة المتقشف لجوزيف فرانسيس ، ولكن الغرف الأخرى فاخرة جدا مثل غرفة الملايين مع نمط الروكوكو والديكور الشرقي . يمكن الاستمتاع بإطلالة على المدينة ونهر من شرفة الحديقة . في عام 1996 ، تم تسجيل القصر كموقع للتراث العالمي لليونسكو .

حيوانات Lainzer في Tiergarten
هذا هو ملاذا للحياة البرية الواقعة في Wienerwald . بدأ تاريخها في 1561 ، عندما تم فتح المنطقة من قبل قيصر فرديناند الأول كمكان للبحث عن العائلة الامبراطورية النمساوية . هي موطن للآلاف من الحيوانات البرية مثل الخنازير البرية ، و الغزلان والأيائل الحمراء والطيور والماعز البري .
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
There are many places classic and beautiful sights in Vienna, Austria from old buildings, museums, churches, palaces and even rest areas and places to eat. You need at least two days to explore the beauty in Vienna, known as a desirable tourist destination of many people. As one of the ancient cities in Europe, Vienna with interesting objects and has a high cultural value.Here are the best tourist attractions in Vienna you should visit:The Cathedral of St. StephenGothic church is located in downtown Vienna. Famous architecture as the highest point of the South Tower of the Cathedral is constructed for more than 65 years, from 1368 until 1433.Ringstraße or circular street.This is the path that has been made in 1857 by order of emperor Francis Joseph, who wants to demolish the old city walls to create a comfortable atmosphere for the imperial city which takes the form of a horseshoe, Downtown Ocean Ringstrasse Street and roads and lanes, and 4 rows of flowering trees white chestnut and ends at the Donaukanal.Shopping Centre krntenr StrasseThis is the center of shopping and sightseeing, which extends from the town square in front of the Stephansdom Cathedral Stephenplatz, Ringstrasse Street near Vienna Opera House, by Sacher which is famous for its typical of Vienna.Hofborgh PalaceThis is the Imperial Palace which is located behind the Heldenplatz. Since the 13th century to 19, with construction and permanent expansion. This is a complex of buildings that include the President of Austria's State apartments for official receptions, Federal Chancellor of Austria building, Hall Spanische Hofreitschule (Spanish riding school) where the functioning of the horses ybisaner, ONB, the National Library of Austria) which was designed by Joseph Fisher Vaughn and his son Johan in the early 1700 's.Augartn PalaceThe Palace building was built in the 18th century, which is used as a school or school of Vienna Sängerknaben Lehner Boys Choir, Austria team in 1948.Justizpalast (Palace of Justice)This is the Supreme Court and Parliament buildings in Austria. Built from 1875 until 1881 by Alexander von styled initiative MONTEFORTE Wielemans Neorenaissance.Ratos or City HallCity Hall was built in the same year with the Justizpalast. The Mayor of Vienna, also named Governor of the province of Vienna.Belvedere PalaceThis is the Grand Palace of Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736) with Baroque. Which consists of the lower Belvedere (Unteres Belvedere) and Upper Belvedere (Oberes Belvedere). And inside buildings that serves as a museum or Gallery. The Palace was completed with sculptures, gates, Garden, aurangeri (for orange groves) with a large group. Belvedere least began being built from 1712 till 1718 and the lower Belvedere was built in 1717 and completed in 1723.Schloss schonbrunn, shonbronThe Palace is located in the Southwest hills Rococo style Vienna, designed by Fischer von and completed its construction in 1713 as a summer residence of the imperial family. Opening with a group of 45 to 1441. Like the Spartan rooms for Joseph Francis, but other rooms very luxurious like the Rococo style and decoration with millions. You can enjoy views of the city and the river garden terrace. In 1996, the Palace was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site.Lainzer Tiergarten in animalsThis is a haven for wildlife in the Wienerwald. Began its history in 1561, when the area was opened by Czar Ferdinand I as a place to look for the Austrian imperial family. Are home to thousands of wild animals such as wild boars, deer and elk and Red birds and wild goats.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
There are many classic places and beautiful sights in Vienna, Austria , the mismatch of old buildings, museums, churches, palaces and even rest areas and places to eat. You need at least two days to explore the possibility of beauty in Vienna, known as a tourist destination desirable for many people. As one of the oldest cities in Europe, the Vienna interesting objects, and has a high cultural value.

Here are the best tourist attractions in Vienna , you should visit:
Cathedral of St .Stephen
is the Church of Gothic style and is located in Vienna 's city center. Famous for its architecture as the highest point of the south tower of the cathedral , which was built for more than 65 years, from 1368 until 1433. The

Ringstraße or circular street
that is the way that has been made since 1857 by order of Emperor Francis Joseph , who wants to demolish the old city walls to create an atmosphere comfortable for the city of the Empire , which takes the form of a horseshoe, Ringstrasse Ocean Street in the city center, roads and lanes, and 4 rows of flowering trees chestnut and white ends at the Donaukanal.

Kärntner shopping center Strasse
this is a shopping center and sightseeing, which runs from the town square in front of Stephansdom Stephenplatz Cathedral, with the Ringstrasse near the Vienna Opera House, through the Hotel Sacher , which is famous for Balnmozjah Vienna.

palace Hofburg
this is the Imperial Palace , which is located behind the Heldenplatz. Since the 13th century to the 19th, with the construction and permanent expansion. This is a complex of buildings that includes Apartments state that the Austrian president to make official receptions, the Chancellor of the Federal building Austria, Hall Spanische Hofreitschule (Spanish Riding School) , where the performance of the horses Lipizzaner, ONB, the National Library , the conduct is located in Austria) , which were designed by Joseph Fisher iPhone and son Johan in early 1700.

Palace Ouajjartn
was built palace building in the 18th century, which is used as a school for Weiner Sängerknaben or Vienna School for Boys choir, the Austrian team in 1948.

Justizpalast, (Palace of Justice)
this is the Supreme Court and parliament buildings Austria . Built from 1875 until 1881 by the initiative along the lines of the Alexander von MONTEFORTE Wielemans Neorenaissance.

Ratos or city hall
was built City Hall in the same year with the Justizpalast. Chairman of the municipality of Vienna , which is also named after the ruler of the Vienna region.

Belvedere Palace
This is a grand palace of Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736) with a Baroque style. The complex , which consists of the Lower Belvedere (Unteres Belvedere) and the Upper Belvedere (Belvedere Oberes). Inside the building that serves as a museum or gallery. The completion of the palace with sculptures, gates, and garden, orangery (the orange groves) with a large group. Began least Belvedere which are built from 1712 until 1718 and built the Lower Belvedere in 1717 and completed in 1723.

Schloss Schonbrunn, or Schonbrunn Palace is
located palace in the southwest of Rococo style Vienna, designed by Fischer von completed its construction in 1713 as a summer residence of the family Hills empire. Opens with a group of 45 to 1441 rooms. Like private rooms Spartan Joseph Francis, but the other rooms are very luxurious like millions room with Rococo east decorative pattern. You can enjoy views of the city and river from the garden terrace. In 1996, the palace was registered as a World Heritage of UNESCO.

Animals in the Lainzer Tiergarten
This is a wildlife sanctuary located in the Wienerwald. History began in 1561, when the region was opened by Kaiser Ferdinand I as a place to search for the Austrian imperial family. It is home to thousands of wild animals such as wild boar, deer and red deer and birds and wild goats.
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
There are many places of classic scenic and tourist attractions in Vienna, Austria from old buildings, museums, churches, palaces and even places to rest and eat. You need at least two days in Vienna, known as a destination for exploring the beauty desired by many people. As one of the ancient cities in Europe, Vienna, interesting objects, and has a high cultural value.Here are the top tourist attractions in Vienna, you should visit.The Cathedral of St. StephenIs a Gothic style church located in the city center of Vienna. The famous Bhndstha architecture as the highest point of the South Tower of the cathedral was constructed for more than 65 years, from 1368 to 1433.Ringstra ß e or ring roadThis is the path that has been made since 1857, by order of Emperor Francis Joseph, who wants to demolish the old city walls that form a horseshoe shape to create a comfortable atmosphere in the imperial city. The horse, Ringstrasse Pacific Street in central city roads and tracks, 4 rows of flowering trees, chestnut, white, and ends at the Donaukanal.The shopping center Krntnr StrasseThis is the sightseeing, shopping centre, which runs from the town square before the cathedral Stephansdom Stephenplatz, with Ringstrasse street near the opera house in Vienna Hotel Sacher, who is best known for Balnmwdhjyt to Vienna.The Hofburg PalaceThis is the Imperial Palace, which is located behind the Heldenplatz. Since the 13 century to the 19 century, with the construction and expansion. This is a complex of buildings that include State Apartments for state receptions, President of Austria, the Federal Chancellor for Austria, a Spanische Hofreitschule (school) the Spanish Horse Equestrian) where the operation of Ybyzanyr, ONB, Austria) and the National Library, which was designed by Joseph and his son Johann Fischer von the beginning of 1700.The Augarten PalaceThe palace grounds was built in 18 century, which is used as a liner S ä ngerknaben or school of the Vienna Boys Choir, a group of Austria on 1948.Justizpalast, (the palace of Justice)This is the Supreme Court and Parliament Buildings in Austria. Built from 1875 until 1881 by the style of Alexander von MONTEFORTE Wielemans Neorenaissance.Rattus, city hallThe town hall was built in the same year, with Justizpalast. The mayor of Vienna, who was also known as the governor of the province of Vienna.Belvedere PalaceThis is the Grand Palace of Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736) is a baroque style. Which consists of the lower Belvedere (Unteres) and upper Belvedere Belvedere Belvedere Oberes). Inside the building, which serves as a museum or gallery. The mansion was completed with carvings, gates, garden, Awranjyry (Lbsatyn orange) with a large group. The lower Belvedere built from 1712 until 1718 and built the lower Belvedere on 1717 and be completed in 1723.Schloss Schonbrunn Schonbrunn palace,The palace is located in the southwest of Vienna, Roccoco style designed by Fischer von and completed construction in 1713 as summer residence of the imperial family. Opened with a group of 45 to 1441. Spartan style private rooms to Joseph Francis very luxurious, but the other room such as room of millions with Roccoco style and decor est. You can enjoy spectacular views of the city and river terrace of the garden. In the year
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