ТЕКСТ. Друг в беде Уильям Сомерсет Моэм (в сокращении) Моэма, Уильям С translation - ТЕКСТ. Друг в беде Уильям Сомерсет Моэм (в сокращении) Моэма, Уильям С English how to say

ТЕКСТ. Друг в беде Уильям Сомерсет

ТЕКСТ. Друг в беде Уильям Сомерсет Моэм (в сокращении)
Моэма, Уильям Сомерсет (1874-1965): английского писателя. Он достиг больших успехов как романист с такими романами, как «Из правам кабалы", "по лезвию бритвы» и другие, как драматург с г-жой остроумных сатирических пьес "Наши Беттерс", "The Circle" и т.д., но он Самый известный его рассказов.
В начале своей литературной деятельности Моэма находился под сильным влиянием французского натурализма. Позже его взгляды на жизнь изменились. Стало прохладно, бесстрастным и пессимистический. Он говорит, что жизнь слишком трагична и бессмысленна, которые будут описаны. Писатель не может изменить жизнь, он должен только попробовать, чтобы развлечь читателя, размешать его воображение. И вот тут Моэм достигает совершенства: его рассказы всегда интересно. Умение Моэма в изображающих сцены и персонажей с несколькими штрихами удивительна и означает ли он это или не его романы, рассказы и пьесы раскрывают тщеславие, лицемерие и жестокость общества он живет дюйма Так же рассказ "Друг в беде" . Бертон, преуспевающим бизнесменом, является not.in мере обеспокоены проблемами и потребностями тех, кто не в жизни. Не колеблясь ни минуты, он посылает человека до смерти только потому, что его присутствие отверстий его, и позже он помнит тот факт, с "любезно хихикать".
Когда Моэм описал людей и места в его рассказах, он сделал это в основном из его личного опыта .
"Это довольно забавная история", сказал он. "Он не был плохим парнем. Я любил его. Он всегда хорошо одет и подтянутый. Он был красив таким образом, с вьющимися волосами и розово-andwhite щеки. Женщины много думал о нем. Был нет вреда в него, вы знаете, он был только дикий. Конечно, он слишком много выпил. Те рода товарищей всегда. Немного денег, используемых прийти на него один раз в квартал, и он сделал немного больше по карт-игры. Он выиграл немало моих, я знаю, что ".
Бертон дал любезно мало смешок. Я знал по собственному опыту, что он может потерять деньги на мост с хорошим изяществом.
"Я полагаю, что именно поэтому он пришел ко мне, когда он пошел ва-банк, что и то, что он был тезка мой. Он пришел ко мне в моем кабинете один день и попросил меня на работу. Я был весьма удивлен. Он сказал мне, что больше не было денег, поступающих от дома, и он хотел работать. Я спросил его, сколько ему лет.
"Тридцать пять", он сказал.
"И что вы делали до сих пор?" Я спросил его.
"Ну, ничего очень много", сказал он.
Я не мог удержаться от смеха.
"Я боюсь, что я ничего не могу сделать для вас прямо сейчас, "сказал я." Вернись ко мне в еще тридцать пять лет, и я посмотрю, что я могу сделать. "
Он не двигался. Он пошел довольно бледно. Он на мгновение замялся, а затем сказал мне, что он имел несчастье в карты в течение некоторого времени. Он не был готов придерживаться моста, он играет в покер, и он получил обрезаны. Он имел ни гроша. Он заложил все, что имел. Он не мог оплатить его счета наличными и они не будут давать ему больше очков. Он разорился. Если он не мог получить что-то делать, он должен был бы покончить с собой.
Я посмотрел на него некоторое время. Я мог видеть теперь, когда он был все на куски. Он пил больше, чем обычно, и он выглядел на пятьдесят. Девушки не было бы так много думал о нем, если они видели его тогда.
"Ну, не так ли, что вы можете сделать, кроме как играть в карты?" . Я спросил его,
"Я умею плавать", сказал он.
Я едва мог поверить своим ушам; казалось такой безумный ответ дать.
"Я плавал на моем университете." [1]
я получил некоторые проблески, что он ехал со скоростью. Я знаю слишком много людей, которые были маленькие боги олова в их университете, чтобы быть впечатлен им.
"Я был довольно хороший пловец себя, когда я был молодым человеком," сказал я.
Вдруг у меня была идея.
Приостановка в своем рассказе Бертон повернулся ко мне.
"Знаете ли вы, Кобе?" спросил он.
"Нет", я сказал: "Я прошел через это один раз, но я только провел ночь там."
"Тогда вы не знаете Shioya клуб. Когда я был молодым человеком, я плавал оттуда вокруг маяка и приземлился в ручье в Tarumi. Это более трех миль, и это довольно сложно из-за токов вокруг маяка. Ну, я сказал мой молодой тезка об этом, и я сказал ему, что если он сделает это, я дал бы ему работу. Я видел, что он был довольно озадачен.
"Ты говоришь, что пловец," сказал я.
"Я не в очень хорошем состоянии," он ответил.
Я ничего не сказал. Я пожал плечи. Он посмотрел на меня на мгновение, а затем он кивнул.
"Хорошо," сказал он. "Когда вы хотите, чтобы я сделал это?"
Я посмотрел на часы. Это было сразу после десяти.
"Плавание не должны" т вас много более часа с четвертью. Я отвезу круглый к ручью на 12:30 и встретиться с вами. Я возьму тебя обратно в клуб, чтобы одеть и тогда мы пообедаем вместе ",
"Готово", сказал он.
Мы пожали друг другу руки. Я пожелал ему удачи, и он оставил меня. У меня было много работы, чтобы сделать В то утро, и я едва успел добраться до ручья на Tarumi в 12:30 Но я не должен поспешил;. он так и не появился ".
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
ТЕКСТ. Друг в беде Уильям Сомерсет Моэм (в сокращении) Моэма, Уильям Сомерсет (1874-1965): английского писателя. Он достиг больших успехов как романист с такими романами, как «Из правам кабалы", "по лезвию бритвы» и другие, как драматург с г-жой остроумных сатирических пьес "Наши Беттерс", "The Circle" и т.д., но он Самый известный его рассказов. At the beginning of his literary activity Maugham was heavily influenced by French naturalism. Later, his Outlook on life changed. It became cool, unemotional and pessimistic. He says that life is too tragic and senseless, that will be described. The writer may not change life, he should just try to entertain the reader, stirred his imagination. And this is where Maugham reaches perfection: his stories are always interesting. Skill Maugham in depicting scenes and characters with a few strokes is amazing and if he means it or not his novels, stories and plays reveal a vanity, hypocrisy and cruelty of the society he lives in. the same story "friend in need". Burton, a successful businessman, is as concerned about not.in problems and needs of those who are not in life. Don't hesitate for a minute, he sends a man to death only because his presence his hole, and later he remembers the fact from "courtesy of Twitter." When Maugham described the people and places in his stories, he did so mainly out of his personal experience. "It's quite amusing story," he said. "It was not a bad guy. I loved it. He was always well dressed and taut. He was handsome so, with curly hair and pink-andwhite cheeks. Women thought a lot about it. There was no harm in it, you know, it was just wild. Of course, he drank too much. Those kind of mates always. Some money come to him used once a quarter, and he made a little more card games. He won quite a few of my own, I know that. " Burton gave a kindly little chuckle. I knew from experience that he could lose money on the bridge with a good grace. "I believe that this is why he came to me when he went all-in, that and the fact that he was my namesake. He came to me in my Office one day and asked me to work. I was quite surprised. He told me that there were no more money coming from the House, and he wanted to work. I asked him how old he is. "Thirty-five", he said. "And what have you been doing so far?" I asked him. "Well, nothing very much," he said. I couldn't stop laughing. "I'm afraid I can't do anything for you right now," I said. "come back to me in another thirty five years, and I'll see what I can do." He did not move. He went rather pale. He hesitated for a moment, and then told me that he had the misfortune in the cards for some time. He was not ready to adhere to the bridge, he plays Poker, and he got clipped. He had a penny. He laid all that he had. He couldn't pay his Bill and they will not give him more points. He went bankrupt. If he couldn't get something to do, he would have to commit suicide. I looked at him for a while. I could see now that it was all to pieces. He drank more than usual, and he looked at fifty. Girls wouldn't be so much thought about it if they saw it then. "Well, isn't it, that you can do except play cards?". I asked him, "I know how to swim," he said. "swim!" I could barely believe my ears; It seemed like such a crazy answer to give. "I swam on my University." [1] I got some glimpses of what he was driving at. I know too many people who were small gods of Tin in their University to be impressed by him. "I was a pretty good swimmer myself when I was a young man," I said. Suddenly I had an idea. Pausing in his story, Burton turned to me. "Do you know Kobe?" he asked. "No," I said, "I went through it once, but I only spent one night there." "Then you don't know Shioya Club. When I was a young man, I floated out of there around the lighthouse and landed in a Creek in Tarumi. This is more than three miles, and it is quite difficult because of the currents around the lighthouse. Well, I told my young namesake about it and I told him that if he would do so, I would give him a job. I saw that he was quite puzzled. "You say that a swimmer," said I. "I'm not in very good condition," he said. I said nothing. I shrugged his shoulders. He looked at me for a moment, then he nodded. "Good," he said. "When you want me to do this?" I looked at the clock. This was just after ten. "Swimming should not" t you a lot more than an hour and a quarter. I otvezu all the stream at 12:30 and meet you. I'll take you back to the Club, to dress and then we have lunch together " "Done," he said. We shook hands. I wished him good luck and he left me. I had a lot of work to do in the morning, and I barely had time to get to the Creek in Tarumi at 12:30 but I should not be hurried. He never showed up. " "On
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
TEXT. A Friend in Need W. Somerset Maugham (abridged)
Maugham, William Somerset (1874-1965) English writer. He achieved great success as a novelist with novels such as "Of Human Bondage", "razor's edge" and others, as a playwright with Ms. witty satirical pieces "Our Betters", "The Circle", etc., but it is most known for his short stories.
At the beginning of his literary career Maugham was heavily influenced by French naturalism. Later, his outlook on life changed. It was cool, impassive and pessimistic. He says that life is too tragic and senseless to be described. The writer can not change his life, he should just try to entertain the reader, stir his imagination. And here Maugham reaches perfection: his stories are always interesting. Ability to Maugham depicting scenes and characters with a few strokes is amazing and if he means it or not his novels, stories and plays reveal the vanity, hypocrisy and cruelty of the society he lives in inches As the story "A Friend in Need". Burton, a successful businessman, is not.in least concerned about the problems and needs of those who are not in life. Do not hesitate for a minute, he sends a man to death because of his presence his holes, and later he remembers the fact, with the "courtesy chuckle."
When Maugham describe people and places in his stories, he did it mainly because of his personal experience.
"it's a pretty funny story," he said. "He was not a bad guy. I loved him. He was always well dressed and smart. He was handsome in a way, with curly hair and a pink-andwhite cheeks. Women thought a lot about it. There was no harm in it, you know, he was only wild. Of course, he drank too much. Those sort of fellow always. a little bit of money used to come to him once in a quarter, and he made ​​a little more for a card game. he won a lot of my own, I know that. "
Burton gave kindly little laugh. I know from personal experience that it can lose money on a bridge with a good grace.
"I suppose that's why he came to me when he went all-in, that and the fact that he was a namesake of mine. He came to me in my office one day and asked me to work. I was quite surprised. he told me that there was no more money coming from the house, and he wanted to work. I asked him how old he was.
"Thirty-five," he said .
"And what are you doing so far?" I asked him.
"Well, nothing very much," he said.
I could not stop laughing.
"I'm afraid I can not do anything for you right now," he said I." Come back to me in another thirty-five years, and I'll see what I can do. "
He did not move. He went quite pale. He momentarily hesitated, and then said to me that he had the misfortune of cards for some time. He was not ready to adhere to the bridge, he plays poker, and he got cut off. He had a penny. he put everything he had. he could not pay his bills in cash and they will not give him more credit. it broke. If he could not get something to do, he would have to kill myself.
I looked at him for a while. I could see now that it was all to pieces. he drank more than usual, and he looked fifty. Girls would not have thought so much about it if they saw it then.
"well, not so ? do what you can do other than play cards. "I asked him,
" I know how to swim, "he said.
" swim! "
I could hardly believe my ears; it seemed a crazy answer to give.
" I sailed on my University. "[1]
I got some glimpses of what he was driving at. I know too many people who were little tin gods in their university to be impressed with them.
" I was a pretty good swimmer myself when I was a young man , "I said.
Suddenly, I had an idea.
Pausing in his story, Burton turned to me.
" Did you know Kobe, "he said.?
" No, "I said," I've been through it once, but I only spent the night there. "
" Then you do not know the Shioya club. When I was a young man, I floated out around the lighthouse and landed in the creek at Tarumi. This is more than three miles, and it is quite difficult because of the currents around the lighthouse. Well, I told my young namesake about it and I told him that if he did, I'd give him a job. I saw that he was quite taken aback.
"You say that the swimmer," I said.
"I'm not in very good condition," he said.
I did not say anything. I shrugged my shoulders. He looked at me for a moment, and then he nodded.
"Well," he said. "When you want me to do it?"
I looked at the clock. It was just after ten.
"Swimming should not 't have a lot more than an hour and a quarter. I'll drive round to the stream at 12:30 pm and meet you. I'll take you back to the club to dress and then we have lunch together, "
" Done, "he said.
We shook hands. I wished him luck, and he left me. I had a lot of work to do in the morning and I barely had time to get to the creek at Tarumi at 12:30 But I should not have rushed ;. he did not show up. "
" on
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