Hi Saran, thanks for that. Generally looks good, attached and below are comments:
1) Make the timber more orange like attached image
2) Recess battens at base to other side of timber piles- refer image one. Make the timber more lighters and can we add in a green wall over all battens, while exposing the piles in an orange timber stain. Green wall can be like mcgregors
3) Add solar panels on roof, off set from sides by 1m
4) Delete screens at top corner of roof
5) Need more detail for the corrugated profile. At the moment it just looks like vertical lines. Refer attached CAD detailing showing corruagred profile
6) Can we mass up the basic interior kitchen in white with grey bench tops/ stainless sink. Does not have to be in detail. Add in TV and small storage unit below TV and desk- refer attached CAD plan
7) Use same furniture as mcgregors to dining tables/ lounge etc- don’t worry about lights
8) Floor of the interior will be a black indian slate tile
9) Garage. Walls150mm planks and timber posts all in orange timber stain
10) Garage cladding material at work shop, plywood sheet with charcoal door- refer attached image
11) Make deck out of timber- organge stain around edge. Keep decking placks same brown as you have them now
12) Concrete steps at deck
13) Entry deck at main door- same materials as deck
14) Adjust contour at deck level so at the highest point its 1m
Keep up the good work, thanks