I think it's enough proof that I hyped a fragrance and the next 10 pages people blindly followed what I said. I said 15X21 is very potent, very heavy on black currant etc while it is exactly the same as 15X01. Yet I hyped it so much (vguillaume too) that people assumed it must be true, and now it's considered 'a good batch'. Based upon what? Imagination.
Those people are just stupid. Point. You could say that x21 is the best batch ever, that its like a 2011 batch and hype it so much, it will not technically change how it will smells. I mean, maybe I would be more tempted to try a batch that is more hyped but I will test it out and not only use imagination. No matter what people can say about a batch I will base myself on WHAT I SMELL and not WHAT PEOPLE SAID
Anyways, if 15X21 is exactly the same than 15X01 then I think my what my friend told me was true. Creed finally found a new method/procedure to fix the batch variation with future batches