The possibility of a total substitution of egg
proteins in yellow cakes by vegetable proteins isolated
from white lupine seeds was studied. The effects of
several components on hardness, moisture content, volume,
and shape characteristics of lupine-cakes were evaluated,
using response surface methodology. Baking powder,
soy lecithin, and mono- and diglycerides (MDG), were
studied through a central composite rotatable experimental
design and an optimization of the leavening agent
proportion was achieved; however, an undesirable collapse
of the cakes was observed. This problem was solved by
the combined use of emulsifiers (MDG) and hydrocolloids
(xanthan gum) in a second experimental design. Xanthan
gum improved the internal structure of crumb, reducing
shrinkage and increasing the cake height. Optimum
contents for the lupine-gum-emulsifier system were:
2.2% baking powder, 4.5% MDG, and 0.55%
xanthan gum, all relative to the total weight of flour
and sugar.