Nama : Siti MunadhirohNIM : 135120100111011Tugas : Review Film John-QF translation - Nama : Siti MunadhirohNIM : 135120100111011Tugas : Review Film John-QF English how to say

Nama : Siti MunadhirohNIM : 1351201

Nama : Siti Munadhiroh
NIM : 135120100111011
Tugas : Review Film John-Q

Film ini mengangkat kisah kehidupan John Quincy Archibald atau John Q yang tidaklah berbeda dengan kehidupan banyak ayah lainnya. Dalam kesehariannya, ia bekerja keras untuk menafkahi keluarganya, menjalankan ibadah agama dan rutin menonton liga kecil baseball Mikey (Michael Williams Archibald), anak tunggalnya. Istrinya, Denise, bekerja sebagai kasir di sebuah supermarket. Kehidupan keluarga ini digambarkan mengalami pasang surut, terutama di bidang ekonomi. Pekerjaan John Q sebagai buruh di bidang mesin berat sedang mengalami penurunan drastis. Belum lagi desakan dari pihak bank untuk segera membayar tunggakan mereka. Keluarga Jhon merupakan potret dari rentannya kehidupan pekerja kelas bawah. Penghasilan yang pas-pasan, jam kerja yang panjang, minimnya saldo tabungan di bank, serta tidak tersedianya proteksi asuransi kesehatan menjadikan masyarakat golongan ini berpotensi mendadak jatuh miskin ketika salah satu anggota keluarga mereka menderita sakit yang membutuhkan penanganan kesehatan berbiaya tinggi.
Itulah awal konflik dalam film John Q. Mike, putra semata wayang John, menderita kelainan jantung dan supaya Mike tetap hidup, tindakan transplatasi jantung harus dilakukan. Itu artinya Mike harus mendapatkan jantung baru dari pendonor supaya ia dapat tetap hidup. Dan tentu saja untuk mendapatkan jantung baru, uang yang harus dikeluarkan tidaklah sedikit. Bahkan sekedar untuk memasukkan nama anaknya dalam daftar penerima donor, John Q harus menyerahkan uang sejumlah 25,000 USD. Jumlah yang sangat besar untuk pekerja pabrikan seperti John. Pahitnya kehidupan semakin dirasa John Q ketika secara sepihak pihak manajemen tempat John bekerja, merubah status John dari pekerja tetap menjadi pekerja paruh waktu yang tentu berimbas pada jaminan asuransi John Q. Seluruh biaya transplatasi jantung Mike harus, ia tanggung. Pula dengan semena-mena tanpa belas kasihan, pihak rumah sakit meminta John Q segera menyediakan biaya perawatan dan transplatasi sebesar 250,000 USD sesegera mungkin. Karena jika dana itu belum tersedia, maka pihak rumah sakit terpaksa memulangkan Mike. Di tengah himpitan dan desakan itulah, akhirnya John Q nekat menyandera Dr. Raymond Turner, ahli jantung yang menangani Mike, bersama-sama dengan seluruh staf dan pasien ruang UGD. John Q yang tidak pernah berbuat kejahatan, dipaksa melakukan tindakan kriminal akibat sistem dan birokrasi rumah sakit yang tidak berpihak pada orang miskin.
Dalam film ini banyak sekali tema yang dapat dibahas, namun penulis lebih memfokuskan pandanganya pada tema kapitalisme dan pada isu perbedaan kelas. Tujuan tulisan ini tidak untuk mengkritisi jaminan penyediaan kesehatan bagi orang miskin, walaupun harus diakui menjadi orang miskin di Indonesia artinya tidak akan pernah dapat memiliki perawatan yang terbaik. Bahkan rumah sakit yang tadinya didirikan di atas filosofi belas kasihan, lambat laun berubah menjadi monster kejam berbajukan kapitalisme yang hanya berpihak pada masyarakat kelas atas. Tetapi memang harus mulai dipikirkan bagaimana agar masyarakat miskin dapat memiliki hak yang sama dengan masyarakat kaya. Karena penyakit tidak kenal golongan sosial, meskipun beberapa dokter dan rumah sakit memberikan perlakuan yang berbeda berdasarkan tebal tipisnya kantong pasien dan tidak mungkin bagi orang miskin hanya mendapatkan perawatan seadanya.
Hal tersebut bisa dilihat dari faktanya di Indonesia juga terdapat beberapa kasus tentang penanganan kesehata yang masih terbilang buruk dan pilih kasih berdasarkan uang. Tidak jarang banyak pasien yang harus rela meninggal karena tidak mampu membayar tingginya biaya kesehatan. Berikut ini contoh kasus di Indonesia yaitu meninggalnya ibu Rahayu karena tidak memiliki biaya untuk berobat.
“Akibat kurang perhatian dari pemerintah kota, Rahayu, 34, ibu tiga anak meninggal dunia akibat penyakit menahun yang dideritanya, Jumat (18/4) dinihari. Ia tidak mendapat perawatan medis karena tidak ada biaya berobat. Kesedihan yang amat mendalam dirasakan warga di Gang Masjid, RT 01/08, Kel. Cisalak, Kec. Sukmajaya, Kota Depok, setelah salah seorang tetangganya Rahayu meninggal dunia akibat penyakit TBC yang menyerang sudah lama. Tidak hanya itu, tiga anaknya yang masih pada kecil hidupnya terlantar lantaran terancam tidak ada yang mau merawat kebutuhan hidupnya.”Ibu Rahayu hidup sebagai ‘single parent’, ketiga anak yang masih kecil-kecil putus sekolah dan hidup dari belas kasihan orang lain,” ujar Dadang, 47, Ketua RT 1/8 di lokasi, Jumat (18/4) siang. Rahayu menghembuskan napas terakhir pada Jumat (18/4) dinihari, sekira pukul 00:30 di rumah sakit Fatmawati. “Korban meninggal setelah sempat mendapat dana urunan warga selama 13 hari dirawat di ruang isolasi RS Fatmawati. Korban didiagnosa dokter mengidap TBC,” katanya.Dadang menyesalkan kurang responnya pemerintah terkait untuk membantu biaya berobat korban yang kurang mampu. “Korban tidak mempunyai kartu
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Name: Siti MunadhirohNIM: 135120100111011Movie Review Assignment: John-QThe film raised the life story of John Quincy Archibald or John Q that is not different from the lives of many other father. In her everyday, he worked hard to menafkahi his family, running religious and worship routine of watching minor league baseball Mikey (Michael Archibald Williams), his only begotten son. His wife, Denise, worked as a cashier at a grocery store. Family life is described experiencing ups and downs, especially in the economic sphere. The work of John Q as laborers in the field of heavy machinery is undergoing a drastic decline. Not to mention the pressure from the bank to pay their arrears immediately. The family of Jhon is portrait of rentannya the life of lower class workers. Mediocre income, long hours, lack of balance on savings accounts, as well as the unavailability of health insurance protection makes this potentially the Community suddenly fell when one of their family members suffer from pain that requires the handling of high-cost health care. That was the beginning of the conflict in the movie John Q Mike, the only son of John, was suffering from an abnormality of the heart and to let Mike lingers, action transplatasi heart to do. It means that Mike had to get a new heart from donors so that he can stay alive. And of course to get a new heart, the money must be removed is not a little. Even just to enter his son's name in the list of recipients of the donor, John Q should hand over money to a number of 25.000 USD. A very large number of workers for manufacturers such as John. The bitter life is getting weaker John Q when management unilaterally place John work, change the status of John of workers remains a part-time worker who necessarily imposes on insurance coverage John Q. all costs transplatasi the heart of Mike must, he paced. By arbitrarily without mercy, the hospital asked for John Q immediately provide the cost of care and transplatasi of 250.000 USD as soon as possible. Because if the funds were not yet available, the hospital was forced to return Mike. In the middle of the himpitan and that's insistence, finally a desperate hostage John Q Dr. Raymond Turner, a cardiologist who worked on Mike, along with the entire staff and EMERGENCY room patients. John Q who never commit a crime, the criminal action was forced due to bureaucratic systems and hospitals that do not favour the poor. In this film lots of themes that could be discussed, but the author is more focused on the theme of pandanganya capitalism and class differences on the issues. The purpose of this paper is not to criticize the guarantees the provision of health care for the poor, although it must be admitted into the poor in Indonesia means it will never be able to have the best care. Even hospitals that had been erected on top of a philosophy of compassion, gradually turned into a cruel monster berbajukan capitalism that only favors the upscale community. But it must begin to think about how to make the poor can have equal rights with the community. Because the disease is not familiar with the social, though some doctors and hospitals give different treatment based on the patient's pockets are thin and thick it is impossible for the poor only get care potluck.It can be seen from the fact that in Indonesia there are also some cases of health and handling that are still relatively poorly and favoritism based on money. Not uncommon to many patients who should be willing to die for not being able to pay the high cost of health care. The following is an example of a case in Indonesia, namely the death of mother Rahayu because it has no cost for medical treatment."Due to the lack of attention from the City Government, Rahayu, 34, the mother of three children died of the disease he suffered chronically, Friday (6/4) on Wednesday. He did not get medical care because there is no charge for the medication. A very deep sadness felt in the Gang Mosque, RT 01/08, Kel. Cisalak, Kec. Sukmajaya, Depok, after one of his neighbors Rahayu died of tuberculosis that attacks are already long. Not only that, the three children still displaced because of her life on small endangered no one wants to take care of the needs of his life. " Mother Rahayu life as ' single mom ', third son of the still-small dropouts and live off other people's mercy, "said Dee, 47, Chairman of RT 1/8 on site, Friday (6/4) afternoon. Rahayu died last Friday (6/4) daybreak, around 12:30 pm at the Fatmawati hospital. "The victim died after got dana urunan citizens for 13 days were treated at Fatmawati HOSPITAL's isolation room. Doctors have diagnosed TUBERCULOSIS victims, "he said. Dadang regrets the Government response was related less to help the costs of medical treatment of victims who are less capable. "Victims do not have a card
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Name: Siti Munadhiroh
NIM: 135120100111011
Task: Film Review John-Q

The film is the story of the life of John Quincy Archibald or John Q which is no different from the lives of many other fathers. In daily life, he worked hard to support his family, to practice religion and regularly watch minor league baseball Mikey (Michael Williams Archibald), her only child. His wife, Denise, worked as a cashier in a supermarket. Family life is depicted experienced ups and downs, especially in the economic field. John Q job as a laborer in the field of heavy machinery is declining drastically. Not to mention the insistence of the bank to promptly pay their arrears. Jhon is a family portrait of the fragility of life lower-class workers. Earnings were mediocre, long working hours, lack of savings balances in the bank, as well as lack of protection of health insurance make public this group has the potential to suddenly become poor when one member of their family illness requiring medical treatment cost is high.
That was the beginning of the conflict in movie John Q. Mike, the only son of John, suffered heart failure and so Mike alive, measures heart transplant to be done. That means that Mike should get a new heart from a donor so that he can stay alive. And of course to get a new heart, money must be spent not a little. Even just to enter his name in the list of recipients of donor, John Q must hand over a sum of 25,000 USD. A very large amount for factory workers like John. Increasingly felt the bitterness of John Q when it unilaterally management where John worked, changing the status of a worker John remained a part-time worker who certainly impact on insurance coverage John Q. All fees must Mike heart transplant, she had to carry. Similarly arbitrarily without mercy, the hospital asked John Q immediately provide the cost of care and the transplantation of 250,000 USD as soon as possible. Because if funds are not available, then the hospital was forced to repatriate Mike. In the midst of the crush and his insistence that, finally daring hostage Dr. John Q Raymond Turner, a cardiologist who deal with Mike, together with the entire staff and emergency room patients. John Q who have never done a crime, forced to commit crimes as a result of bureaucratic systems and hospitals that are not pro-poor.
In this film a lot of themes that can be discussed, but the author focuses on the themes of capitalism and the consideration on the issue of class differences. The purpose of this article is not to criticize the guarantee provision of services for the poor, although it must be recognized to be poor in Indonesia means it will never be able to have the best care. Even hospitals that had been founded on the philosophy of compassion, gradually turns into a cruel monster berbajukan capitalism only in favor of the upper classes. But it must begin to think about how so that the poor can have the same rights as the rich. Because the disease is not known social groups, although some doctors and hospitals provide different treatment based on the thickness of the pockets of patients and it is impossible for the poor would only get treatment lightly.
It can be seen from the fact that in Indonesia there are also several cases concerning the handling kesehata still fairly bad and favoritism based on money. Not infrequently, many patients who have to be willing to die because they can not afford the high cost of healthcare. Here is an example of a case in which the death of the mother Rahayu Indonesia because it does not have the cost of treatment.
"Due to lack of attention from the city government, Rahayu, 34, a mother of three children died as a result of chronic illness which he suffered on Friday (18/4) morning. He did not receive medical treatment because there is no cost of treatment. Profound sadness felt by residents in Gang Masjid, RT 01/08, Ex. Cisalak, district. Sukmajaya, Kota Depok, after one of his neighbors Rahayu died of tuberculosis that attacks had been longer. Not only that, three children are still on the small of her life abandoned because of threatened no one would care for their needs. "Ibu Rahayu life as a 'single parent', the three children were still small dropouts and live on the mercy of others," said Dada, 47, Chairman of RT 1/8 at the site on Friday (18/4) afternoon. Rahayu breathed his last on Friday (18/4) morning, at approximately 00:30 Fatmawati hospital. "The victim died after being received funds for 13 days urunan citizens treated in isolation rooms Fatmawati Hospital. Victims of physician-diagnosed with TB, "lamented the lack of response katanya.Dadang relevant government to help the medical expenses of victims who are less able. "The victim does not have a card
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