Unde mos bullae duravit, ut filii eorum, qui equo merussient, insigne id haberent, cetere filii lorum haberent, et ideo miror tarquinii eius statuam sine anulo esse.
Hence the custom of the boss lasted, so that the sons of those who earned a horse had that badge, while the rest of the sons had bridles, and that is why I wonder that the statue of Tarquinius is without a ring.
At that time, he held a bullet's mouth, so that his sons, who were sick of horses, had no knowledge of it, had other sons, and so that his tarcine was a statue without ring.
Undemos bullae duravit, ut filii eorum, among them, Eqo Merussian, Insigne ID Haberent, Ceere Filii Lo Rum Haberent, Ideo Miror Tarquinii Eius Statuam Sinanuloesse.