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English) 1:
The Meaning Of Mori Mori is a sign for the citizens of loyal hearts terate which have the sense that the student has passed as a loyal citizen heart terate feeding. Mori is his white symbolizes the purpose of its owner to be able to live a good, does not have the properties of the goods. In General, most of the dead were wrapped mori had the intention that pasrahnya citizens Loyal Hearts Terate on God Almighty followed sincere inner born, meaning that at any time God's calling is ready with the hope not to trouble other people. With a loyal citizen, mori got Liver Terate every view that mori will always remember that he has promised to live in God's way and being a virtuous man, able to distinguish right and wrong. Abdurrachman (1990), explain the meaning of mori for MUAY as follows. (1) Mori as a sign that someone has been endorsed as a Loyal citizen Heart Terate. (2) pure white colored, Mori mori symbolizes cleanliness. (3) in General mori for the lurub people died, mori means having resigned on God in sincere, no matter what happens if it's his will must be good and useful. The law obliged if at any time called upon God, humans are ready and have the intention not to hassle other people. 4) Mori that his white, for the citizens of SH Terate thus saw this mori, remember start when it has been promised for a living to try to become a man virtuous know right and wrong. Mori was considered something that had power so it should be stored in a clean place. Mori was only allowed washed in Sura. Before washing the mori should clean themselves with a fast inner and many do charity. Washing with ordinary SOAP, washed clean after repeated with scattered flowers. This is the meaning of all the flower-scented fragrant garden so that the intended either for mori more closer to God. After being washed with the scattered flower, and then dried on the home page and should not be subject to the Sun to dry, and then stored in a place that is clean and respectable.
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