В начале XVII в. на атлантическом берегу Северной Америки, покрытом гу translation - В начале XVII в. на атлантическом берегу Северной Америки, покрытом гу English how to say

В начале XVII в. на атлантическом б

В начале XVII в. на атлантическом берегу Северной Америки, покрытом густыми лесами, появились первые колонисты из Англии. Продвигаясь вглубь материка, они оттесняли на запад и истребляли коренное население — индейцев. К 1775 г. в 13 английских колониях в Северной Америке насчитывалось уже более 2,5 млн. поселенцев. Основную часть их составляли крестьяне-фермеры. Они строили бревенчатые хижины, расчищали в девственных лесах участки под пашни, возделывали пшеницу или кукурузу. Среди колонистов были ремесленники, рыбаки, рабочие шерстяных, стекольных, кожевенных мануфактур, а также верфей, на которых сооружались корабли для английских купцов.

Уже с самого начала в колониях проявились резкие социальные различия между основной массой поселенцев: фермерами, ремесленниками, неграми-рабами и богачами эксплуататорами. Большие состояния в колониях имели купцы, торговавшие с Англией, работорговцы, поставлявшие рабов из Африки, крупные землевладельцы-аристократы, получившие в подарок от английского короля огромные поместья. В своих владениях они пытались насаждать феодальные порядки, требуя с фермеров оброк за пользование землей.

В южных колониях: Виргинии, Северной и Южной Каролине, Джорджии — распространилось плантационное хозяйство. На обширных плантациях табака, риса и других культур трудилось много рабов.

Богатые рабовладельцы строили роскошные усадьбы на берегах рек. Раз в год к причалам таких усадеб подплывали корабли из Англии, привозившие бархат, шелка, вина, дорогую мебель и другие товары для плантатора и его семьи. В обратный путь корабли отправлялись груженные кипами табака. Плантаторы жили во дворцах с колоннами, с большими залами для приема гостей. А позади дворцов теснились жалкие хижины рабов. На рассвете надсмотрщики, вооруженные ружьями и плетьми, поднимали рабов на работу: за неповиновение — пуля или петля, за минуту отдыха — хлыст надсмотрщика. Рабы устраивали заговоры и поднимали восстания. Расправа с восставшими была чудовищна: их заковывали в цепи, истязали, вешали, заживо сжигали. Для устрашения рабов головы казненных выставлялись на шестах.

В колониях были не только черные рабы (негры), но и белые. Их здесь называли кабальными слугами. Это были нищие, бедняки, арестованные за долги, каторжники, иногда военнопленные или политические заключенные. Всех этих людей насильно отправляли из Англии в колонии и продавали во временное рабство, на 5 — 7 лет.

Не только рабы, но и фермеры выступали против властей и крупных землевладельцев. Они добивались отмены оброка за пользование землей, принадлежавшей аристократам.

В 1768 — 1771 гг. в колонии Северная Каролина восстали 5 тыс. фермеров, арендовавших земли английского короля. Восставшие разрушили дома чиновников и вступили в бой с правительственными войсками. В одном из боев было убито 30 фермеров, 200 взято в плен, а затем 10 зачинщиков восстания было казнено.

Английский король, лорды и крупная буржуазия стремились извлечь как можно больше дохода из североамериканских колоний, но в то же время, опасаясь конкуренции, они всячески тормозили развитие там промышленности и торговли.

Колонистам-предпринимателям английские власти запрещали основывать шерстяные, железоделательные и другие мануфактуры, купцам разрешали торговать только с Англией и перевозить товары только на английских кораблях. Притеснений было бесчисленное множество. Например, железо разрешалось добывать только для вывоза в Англию, в колониях запрещалось изготовление каких-либо изделий из железа. Английская буржуазия рассматривала свои владения в Северной Америке как источник дешевого сырья для английской промышленности и выгодный рынок сбыта промышленных товаров. Жители Бостона, например, жаловались, что «колонист не может изготовить пуговицы, подковы или гвоздя» без того, чтобы английские купцы не подняли шум, что их лишают «законных доходов».

Особенно сильное недовольство вызвала аграрная (земельная) политика метрополии: в 1763 г. королевским указом было запрещено кому бы то ни было переселяться на запад, за гряду Аллеганских гор. Сделано это было для того, чтобы фермеры-арендаторы не уходили на запад, на индейские земли, лишая тем самым землевладельцев-аристократов доходов от арендной платы.

Королевский указ ударил не только по фермерам, но и по рабовладельцам, которые хищнически использовали земли плантаций, а истощив их, передвигались с рабами на запад, на плодородную целину. Так, предкам теперешних американцев пришлось испытать на себе колониальный гнет.

Недовольство зрело год от года, и, когда королевский парламент в 1765 г. ввел гербовый сбор в колониях, т. е. обложил налогами в пользу Англии буквально каждый шаг колонистов — каждую торговую сделку, каждый номер газеты, каждую справку, выдаваемую властями жителям, возмущение колонистов прорвалось наружу. Сопротивление их было единодушным. Сборщиков налогов, по народному обычаю, обмазывали дегтем и вываливали в перьях, а потом носили их на длинных шестах по улицам или возили в телегах под оглушительный стук в сковороды и ведра. Колонисты перестали покупать английские товары, начали одеваться в грубые домотканые одежды и даже вместо чая, привозимого из Англии, пили настой из малины.

В 1769 г. видные деятели колоний: Джордж Вашингтон, будущий вождь революционной армии, Томас Джефферсон, впоследствии автор «Деклараций независимости» и пламенный оратор, борец против колониального угнетения Патрик Генри — организовали в Виргинии объединение для бойкота английских товаров. Вскоре такие же организации в
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
In the early 17th century, on the Atlantic coast of North America, covered with dense forests, the first colonists from England. Moving inland, they were pushed West and exterminated the indigenous population is Indian. By 1775, the 13 English colonies in North America were more than 2.5 million. the settlers. Most of them were peasant farmers. They built log cabins, cleared debris in virgin forests land for arable land, cultivated wheat or corn. Among the colonists were artisans, fishermen, the working of wool, glass, leather factories and shipyards, where ships were built for British merchants.From the very beginning in the colonies were sharp social differences between the majority of settlers: farmers, artisans, blacks-slaves and the rich exploiters. Great condition in the colonies were merchants who traded with England, slave dealers, supplying slaves from Africa, large landowners and aristocrats who received a gift from the King of England huge estates. In their possessions, they tried to impose feudal order, requiring the farmers of Servage for land.In the southern colonies: Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia-spread plantation economy. On the vast plantations of tobacco, rice and other crops, and they employed a lot of slaves.The rich slave-built luxury estate on the banks of rivers. Once a year to berths of farmsteads swam up ships from England, which brought velvet, silk, wine, expensive furniture and other products for the planter and his family. On the return journey the ships were laden with bales of tobacco. The planters lived in palaces with columns, with large rooms for the reception of guests. But behind the palaces of crowded pathetic slave huts. At dawn, armed guards with guns and whips, by the slaves to work: for disobedience is a bullet or noose, rest for a minute — whip overseer. Slaves were conspiracies and raise rebellion. Massacre of the rebels was the enormity of their chain stretches, abused, hanged, burned alive. To terrify the slaves head executed exhibited with poles.In the colonies were not only black slaves (Blacks), but white. They are called dependent servants. They were poor, the poor, those arrested for debts, convicts sometimes prisoners of war or political prisoners. All these people were sent from England to the colonies and sold into temporary slavery, for 5-7 years.Not only slaves, but farmers opposed authorities and large landowners. They sought the abolition of tribute for land owned by aristocrats.In 1768 — 1771 BC. in the colony of North Carolina have risen 5th. farmers rented land to the English King. The rebels destroyed the homes of officials and clashed with Government forces. In one of the battles have killed 30 farmers, 200 taken prisoner, and then 10 ringleaders of the revolt were executed.The English King, Lords and upper class sought to extract as much revenue from North American colonies, but at the same time, fear of competition, they were held there for industry and commerce.Colonists British authorities forbade entrepreneurs to found wool, iron and other manufactures, merchants were allowed to trade only with England and to transport goods only on English ships. Harassment was countless. For example, iron is allowed to produce only for export to England, in the colonies was forbidden to manufacture any products made of iron. British bourgeoisie had their possessions in North America as a source of cheap raw materials for the industry and a lucrative market for manufactured goods. The residents of Boston, for example, complained that the colonist cannot produce buttons or nail, Horseshoe without the British merchants did not have raised the noise that they are deprived of the legitimate income ".Particularly strong discontent aroused agrarian (land) Metropolitan Policy: in 1763, the Royal Decree was forbidden anyone to move to the West, with the ridge of Alleganskih mountains. This was done to ensure that farmers are not left to the West, on Indian lands, depriving landowners of aristocrats income from rents.Royal Decree has hit not only for farmers, but also on rabovladel′cam, who had used the land to plantations, and istoŝiv them with slaves moved to the West, on fertile virgin lands. So, the ancestors of the current Americans have had to experience the colonial oppression.Discontent ripe from year to year, and when the Royal Parliament in 1765, the stamp duty is introduced in the colonies, that is overlaid with taxes in favour of England literally every step of the colonists — every trade deal, every newspaper, every certificate issued by the authorities of the inhabitants, the outrage has erupted out of the colonists. Their resistance was unanimous. Tax collectors, according to popular tradition, daubed with tar and feather the tarring and then wore them on long poles along the streets or were transported in carts with a resounding thud in frying pans and buckets. Colonists stopped buying British goods started to dress in coarse homespun clothes and even instead of tea imported from England, drinking an infusion of raspberries.In 1769, the prominent colonies: George Washington, the future Chief of the Revolutionary Army, Thomas Jefferson, author of "declarations of independence" and fiery speaker, fighter against colonial oppression of Patrick Henry, Virginia organized the Association to boycott British goods. Soon, the same organization in
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
At the beginning of the XVII century. on the Atlantic coast of North America, are covered with dense forest, the first colonists from England. Moving inland, they were pushed back to the west and exterminated the indigenous population - Indians. By 1775, in the 13 British colonies in North America, there were more than 2.5 million. Settlers. The bulk of them were peasant farmers. They built log cabins, cleared the virgin forests plots of arable land, cultivated wheat or corn. Among the colonists were craftsmen, fishermen, workers wool, glass, leather factories, and shipyards, where ships were built for British merchants. From the very beginning of the colonies appeared sharp social differences between the bulk of the settlers: farmers, artisans, slaves and blacks rich exploiters. Large state of the colonies were merchants who traded with Britain, slavers who supplied slaves from Africa, the big landowners, aristocrats, received a gift from the King of England huge estates. In his possession they tried to impose the feudal system, requiring farmers to rents for land. In the southern colonies: Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia - spread plantations. In the vast plantations of tobacco, rice and other crops work of many slaves. Wealthy slaveholders built luxury estates on the banks of rivers. Once a year, the berths of estates ships sailed from England, brought velvet, silk, wine, expensive furniture and other products for the planter and his family. On the way back ships laden with bales of tobacco were sent. The planters lived in palaces with columns, large rooms for entertaining. But behind the palace were crowded miserable huts of slaves. At dawn, the overseers, armed with guns and whips, raised slaves to work: for disobedience - a bullet or a loop for a minute of rest - the whip of the overseer. Slaves conspired and rebelled. The massacre of the rebels was monstrous: they are shackled in chains, tortured, hanged, burned alive. To intimidate the slaves executed head exposed on poles. The colonies were not only black slaves (negros), but also white. They are called servants of bondage. They were poor, poor people who were arrested for debt, convicts, prisoners of war, or sometimes political prisoners. All these people forcibly sent from England to the colonies and sold into temporary bondage, 5 - 7 years. Not only slaves, but farmers opposed the government and large landowners. They sought the abolition of dues for the use of land belonging to the aristocracy. In 1768 - 1771 years. in the colony of North Carolina rose 5 thousand. farmers who lease land of King. The rebels destroyed the homes of officials and clashed with government forces. In one battle killed 30 farmers, 200 taken prisoner, and then 10 ringleaders of the uprising were executed. The English king, the lords and the big bourgeoisie sought to extract more revenue from North American colonies, but at the same time, fear of competition, they are in every way it retarded the development of industry and commerce. The colonists entrepreneurs British authorities forbade base wool, ironworks and other manufactures, merchants were allowed to trade only with England and to transport goods only in English ships. Harassment were countless. For example, iron is allowed to produce only for export to England, the colonies were forbidden to manufacture any products of iron. The British bourgeoisie considered its possessions in North America as a source of cheap raw materials for British industry and a lucrative market for industrial goods. Residents of Boston, for example, complained that "the colonist can produce buttons, or horseshoe nail" without having to English merchants not raised a fuss that they are deprived of "legitimate income". Particularly strong dissatisfaction caused agrarian (land) policies metropolis: in 1763 by royal decree it was forbidden to anyone was to move to the west, a ridge of the Alleghenies. This was done to ensure that tenant farmers would not go west on Indian lands, thereby depriving landowners aristocrats income from rents. Royal Decree hit not only farmers, but also slave owners who have used predatory land plantations, and exhausting them slaves moved westward to the fertile virgin lands. Thus, the ancestors of present Americans had to experience the colonial oppression. Dissatisfaction mature every year, and when the royal parliament in 1765 introduced a stamp duty in the colonies, t. e. taxed in favor of England literally every step of the colonists - each trade Each issue of the newspaper, every certificate issued by the authorities of the inhabitants, the perturbation of the colonists broke out. Resistance were unanimous. Tax collectors, according to popular tradition, smeared with tar and feathers fall out and then wear them on long poles on the streets or carried in carts to the deafening sound of the frying pan and into the bucket. The colonists stopped buying British goods began to dress in coarse homespun clothes and even instead of tea imported from England, drank the infusion of raspberries. In 1769 prominent colonies George Washington, the future leader of the Revolutionary Army, Thomas Jefferson, later the author of "The Declaration of Independence "and a fiery orator, a fighter against colonial oppression Patrick Henry - organized the Virginia Association for a boycott of British goods. Soon the same organization

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
In the early seventeen. North America's the Atlantic coast, with its fading dense forest, the early colonists came from England. Mobile development in the mainland, they c, e, C and pi from the West and kill me, Indian natives.By 1775. A total of 13 British colonies in North America have already exceeded 25000. Settlers. They accounted for the main part of the farmers. They built huts of wood structure.,In the virgin forest under the P. C me pgfla le me long tracts of arable land, plowed wheat or corn. The fishermen among the colonists of craftsmen, wool, leather, glass, a society and phi kappa alpha, Y P, and shipyard,The merchant ships of the building English had shown a distinct social difference between the basic quantities of the settlers from the beginning of a distinct colony: farmers, artisans,The exploitation of black slaves and the super rich. The status, Liapunov P T by Liapunov's pgfla's use, and it is Merchants in the colonies, and British slave, slave owners, 'in China with pgfla lowlevel Korolev, lowlevel, me is from Africa, the landed aristocracy, tooThe king's gift received a huge manor in England. In their eminent domain they tried to inculcate feudal human foibles, requirements of the right to use the land of farmers and sharecropping.

: Virginia southern colonies,South, North Carolina, Georgia, pgfla tse.png. PI are from me from the society from agriculture has spread from. In the vast tobacco plantation, rice and other crops, and to me, their increased die many slaves

.The rich slave Lord's river bank built the luxurious homestead. Once a year ', to' Korolev allus been pgfla Korolev, etc. on 'ships, large in pgfla Korolev. - from the English Manor,', he was in charge of me's use of me by velvet, silk, faultThe expensive furniture and other products are from the alpha, alpha PI, and his family from studies. Loading me. M me kappa are set out in the reverse path tobacco ships. The growers live in the pillars in the palace, and the guests receive the guests from the hall..But behind the hut palace were rolling poor slave. In the dawn and the author pgfla betel, m,,, (m), kappa, armed with shotguns, whipping, set random slave work: on refractory - bullet or loop by pgfla betel, m,,, (m), K - whip, one minute rest.Permutation of the plot and chaos of slave uprising. With the state's use. The increased C, slow to me to repent: they are such a guy by the chain, tortured, burned to death. The slave

used to be executed with the bar

..Not only in the colonies of black slaves (Blacks), but in white. Here they are called by pgfla and from alpha kappa allus to me the servant. This is a beggar, a beggar, was arrested for debt, from P albumose, alpha kappa kappa me from the scene, sometimes prisoners of war or political prisoners.All these people forced from the British colony and sold the poisonous gas in temporary slavery at 5 to 7 years

not only, but slaves and farmers opposed the authorities and the landlords.They are calling for the abolition of energy-saving, the kappa alpha owned land use rights, alpha, me C, C M, alpha kappa alpha P.

in 1768 - 1771 GG. In the 5000 colonies of North Carolina. The farmers' land, alpha, e to the state. The state, from the English king were me.Officials and opposition from the destroyed house to war with government forces. Farmers in a killed 30 fighter, 200 excerpt from 10 captured the uprising, and was executed by the instigators.

English king.The aristocracy and the bourgeoisie try to extract as much as possible from the colonies of North America, but at the same time, afraid of competition, where they have hindered the development of industry and trade.British authorities banned the colonists build entrepreneurial wool, albumose E Ji. 3. Betel E Ji pgfla, E Ji has by hallux. And other - pgfla by the phi alpha kappa the new allus kappa and '- pgfla to British trade, allowing only for ships and transport of the goods only English.There are countless harassment. For example, only to allow the outside of the iron out in the colonies of the United Kingdom, prohibiting any iron products manufacturing.The British bourgeoisie considered the lucrative market for the UK industrial and industrial marketing of cheap raw material sources in North America.. Boston residents, for example, complain,"Colonists cannot making buttons,, was in charge of betel," horseshoe or unwanted noise not to improve his English businessman, depriving them of their "legitimate economic benefits.

In particular, the land (land) of the strongly dissatisfied policy has caused the metropolitan area: in 1763. The Royal Decree prohibits the westward migration, will pgfla e for pi pi from the energy-saving in the mountains were. It's for doing.,To the west of the tenant does not leave, so in Indian land, deprived of aristocrat landlord rental income.

royal decree not only the impact of the farmers and the slave owners, but.The plantations are being degraded land use them, and to me, from me to Isabel to the west, and the slave, in a scene from a fertile by pi. So Americans have to experience the current colonial oppression in their own ancestors.The year of the year of the discontent and the maturity of the Royal assembly in 1765, sir. Stamp duty in colony T. E. Every step of the tax is in favor of the British colonists literally every trade transaction, each room of the newspaper,Each certificate issued by the residents, authorities are p p, alpha PI increased from die outward, angry colonists. Their resistance is consistent. The tax collector, the people's customs, energy-saving a 3 allus state. The state's allus pgfla Pi Pi me me. To me, tar and feathers,Then they used the rods at long street or driving in the e e, PI t by. Were knock down plates and bucket deafen the ear with its roar. The colonists stopped buying British goods,Coarse to m,, K by hallux. Began to wear clothing, even ', he was in charge of me to Liapunov, Liapunov from England, and isn't a cup of tea, drink the infusion of raspberry.

in 1769. The colony of eminent persons: George Washington, the leader of the future revolutionary army, Thomas JeffersonSubsequently, the author independent statement and the fiery speaker, anti colonial oppression of the wrestling player Patrick Henry launched a boycott of British goods in the combination of Virginia.Before the same organization
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