astechnologies, standards and administrative requirements change”(European-Commission, 2004).The ATHENA project defines an interoperability framework asfollows: “An interoperability framework provides a set of assump-tions, concepts, values and practices that constitutes a way ofviewing and addressing interoperability issues” (Lillehagen andSolheim, 2004).The E-business Interoperability Framework constitutes the cor-nerstone for resolving interoperability issues in the e-businesscontext. These frameworks further provide the required method-ological support to an increasing number of projects related to theinteroperability of enterprise applications and software systems toenhance the management of their complexity and risk, and ensurethat they bring the promised added value (Lillehagen and Solheim,2004; Zutshi, 2010).In this direction, this paper presents the existing E-businessInteroperability Framework (Interoperability Development forEnterprise Application and Software Framework, ATHENA Interop-erability Framework, Enterprise Interoperability Framework, andGridWise Interoperability Context-Setting Framework), and pro-vides an overview of their main concepts and recommendations.Additionally, this paper performs a comparative analysis of theexisting E-business Interoperability Framework to determine thesimilarities and differences in their philosophy and implementa-tion. This analysis yields a set of recommendations for any partythat is open to the idea of creating or improving an E-businessInteroperability Framework.The structure of the paper is as follows: in Section 2 the inter-operability issues are outlined. An introduction to the availableE-business Interoperability Framework is presented in Section 3.Section 4 compares the interoperability frameworks under studyon the basis of the interoperability issues proposed in Section 2.A discussion on the findings is conducted in Section 5 leading toconclusions in Section 6.2