Джон питал очень мало любви (affection) к матери и сестрам, а ко мне – живейшую антипатию. Он издевался надо мной и бил меня; и не два-три раза в неделю, не раз-другой на дню, а непрерывно: каждый мой нерв изнывал от страха перед ним, и все мое существо сжималось
при его приближении. Бывали минуты, когда я совсем терялась (bewildered) от ужаса, который он мне внушал, ведь у меня не было никакой защиты ни от его угроз (threats), ни от причинения страдания (inflictions); слуги не хотели идти наперекор молодому хозяину, вступившись за меня (taking my side), а миссис Рид оставалась слепа и глуха: она не видела, как он меня бьет, не слышала, как он осыпает меня бранью, даже если он расправлялся со мной, не стесняясь ее присутствия, правда, чаще это происходило у нее за спиной.
Results (
English) 1:
John had very little love (affection) to his mother and sisters, and me-lively antipathy. He mocked me and beat me; and not two or three times a week, not once a day, and continuously: my every nerve exhausted from fear of him, and all my creature shrinks When it is approaching. There were moments when I really lost (bewildered) from the horror that he instilled in me, because I did not have any protection from it threats (threats), nor from causing suffering (inflictions); the servants did not want to go against the young master, vstupivšis′ for me (taking my side), and Mrs. Reid remained blind and deaf: she did not see how he beats me not heard as he pours me lash out, even if he dealt with me, undeterred by its presence, however, more often it is happening behind her.
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Results (
English) 2:
John harbored little love (affection) for the mother and sisters, and me - lively antipathy. He abused me and beat me; and two to three times a week, once or twice a day, and continuously: my every nerve languishing in fear before him, all my being ached
at his approach. There were moments when I completely lost (bewildered) from the terror that he inspired me, because I did not have any protection of any of his threats (threats), nor from causing suffering (inflictions); the servants did not want to go against the young master, stood up for me (taking my side), and Mrs. Reed remained blind and deaf; she did not see how he beats me, did not hear, he showered me with abuse, even if it is short work with me, do not hesitate to her presence, although often it occurred behind her.
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