Ein paar Tage später , nachdem der Mann verlassen hatte, erinnerte ich mich , was er mich fragte , und ich beschlossen, mein Vater das Zimmer für das, was er hat mich gebeten , zu gehen und zu suchen.
Zum Glück fand ich den Koffer , und ich tat mein Bestes , um es zu öffnen gewaltsam .
Oh Liebling, ich mit dem Inhalt des Koffers verwunderte.
Es ist von Rohdiamant, Roh Gold und einige andere teure Dinge bestand , dass ich nicht erinnern kann.
ich hatte solche Angst , solche Dinge zu sehen , aber ich versuchte , meine Angst zu kontrollieren und war alles , was ich konnte , um es zu halten woanders sicher.
Ein paar Tage später hatte ich den Koffer gefunden, dass gleiche Freund meines Vaters besuchte mich wieder , und während er verlassen wollte, fragte er mich wieder , wenn ich den Anzug gefunden hatte , Fall.
ich sagte ihm nicht , aber er schrie plötzlich auf mich und sagte , die er mir mein Vater genauso gestorben gestorben machen würde , wenn ich ablehnen , ihm die Wahrheit zu sagen , wenn er mich wieder besucht
Results (
English) 1:
A few days later, after the man had left, I remembered me, he asked me, and I decided, my father the room for that which he has asked me to go and look. Luckily, I found the suitcase, and I did my best to open it by force. Oh so Darling, I with the contents of the trunk. It is diamond in the rough, raw gold and some other expensive things was that I can't remember. I was so scared to see things like that, but I tried to control my anxiety and was everything I could to keep it somewhere safe. A few days later I had found the suitcase, that same friend of my father visited again, and while he wanted to leave me, he asked me again if I had found the suit case. I didn't tell him, but he suddenly shouted at me and said that the he me my father would make just died died, if I refuse to tell him the truth when he visited me again
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Results (
English) 2:
A few days later, after the man had left, I remembered what he asked me, and I decided my father to go the room for what he has asked me and look.
Luckily I found the suitcase, and I did my best to open it by force.
Oh darling, I marveled with the contents of the trunk.
it is of rough diamond, raw gold and some other expensive things was that I can not remember.
I was so afraid such things to see, but I tried to control my fear and was everything I could to keep it somewhere safe.
A few days later I had the suitcase found that my father's same friend again visited me, and while he was leaving he asked me again if I had the suit found case.
I did not tell him, but he suddenly shouted at me and said that he would have died died my father as well, if I refuse to tell him the truth, when he visited me again
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Results (
English) 3:
a few days later, after the man had left, i remembered what he asked me and i decided to my father"s room for what he asked me to go and look.fortunately, i found the suitcase, and i did my best to open forcibly.oh, darling, i with the contents of which struck.it is a rough diamond raw gold and some other expensive things was that i can remember.i was so scared to see those things, but i tried to control my fear and did everything i could to keep somewhere safe.a few days later i had the suitcase that same friend of my father came to see me again, and while he wanted to leave, he asked me if i had found the suit case.i told him, but he shouted suddenly at me, and said, my father just died, died, he"d do if i refuse to tell him the truth when he visited me again
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