The purpose of innovation, move toward innovation in addition gaining competitive advantage thus increase the
financial performance by being a strong and successful company. Innovation in nursing is fundamental to ensure
and develop the quality of care. In this context, innovation is used in nursing to produce information, protect health,
prevent diseases and offer personalized care. For all these innovation processes, it is required to have a well-trained
nurse labor and a service management system that will allow such labor force to head towards innovation. It can be
seed that some medical terms that are used in the field of health are loan words or they are used in Turkish with an
incorrect equivalence. To use a common terminology, it is needed to clarify the concept of innovation, and nursing
education programs and health professionals should pay strict attention to correct use of that concept. Accordingly,
it should be maintained that nurses are able to participate in innovative actions in their professional lives and reflect
them in their professional practices.