Job security was measured with 5 items on a 5-point scale, respondents were asked to respond to the
different aspects of security in their jobs. The Appendix-A provides detail of items which has been used to
measure job security. The measure has moderate reliability properties. alpha value was 0.60. Job
performance was measured in two dimensions i.e., working performance and monetary performance. Working
performance was defined in terms of employee retention, achievement of the goals of organization, employee
productivity and objectivity of performance evaluation system. Monetary performance was measured in terms
of monetary and non-monetary benefits of the employees. Job performance was measured with 6 items on a 5-
point scale, respondents were asked to respond to the different aspects of their jobs like performance
enhancement on job, objective achievement and consistency with the goals of the organization, objectivity of
the performance evaluation system, monetary and non-monetary benefits. The measure has good reliability
properties. alpha value was 0.77.