Deep inside the underground dungeon once more, Weed spent his time car translation - Deep inside the underground dungeon once more, Weed spent his time car Vietnamese how to say

Deep inside the underground dungeon

Deep inside the underground dungeon once more, Weed spent his time carving more sculptures. In order to defeat the gathered enemy army, he knew he needed something more other than the incoming army of Undead.

'Even with an Undead army, it would still be to difficult to subjugate the gathered enemies. I need something that would turn the tides over.'

After he mastered the skill, Nature Sculpting, the raw sculpture pieces looked different to him.

Not only on the exterior surface, but also in the interior as well. The material itself felt different.

- You can feel a form of Mana that re-energizes you when look you at the sculpture.

- Your Mana increases exponentially, by simply appreciating the difficulty of carving the sculpture without damaging the material.

Even though the ore was hard to beat into shape, the continuous shock from the pummelling transformed the ore.

"Smoothly and accurately."


Completed Sculpture!

Due to the effect of the artistic value of the sculpture endurance has risen significantly.

For the contribution to the arts, Infamy decreases by 2.

Another advantage of being a Sculptor!

The sculpture was completed. It greatly increased Endurance, dropped the Notoriety stat by 2, and increased Fame.

Weed laughed satisfactorily.

"This sculpture shows the true spirit of a Sculptor."

Weed spoke to himself.

"I think I'll have to place this impressive work on a high place for display."

His Fame was still high, and the degree of difficulty was extremely hard for this quest. But this quest had also increased his Notoriety. He would have to make a lot of sculptures in order to decrease it.

"With this method, I could even commit criminal acts and still scratch them off as I could lower my Notoriety again."

"From this moment on I will be a changed man, badder than the baddest Boss! Everyone better watch out for Weed!"

Mining also increased a substantial amount of Notoriety because of the damage it brought to the land during mining precious minerals.

"I could even make my Notoriety go down even faster if I make a ton of sculptures about angels and young children."

Sparkle! Sparkle! Sparkle!

Numerous sculptures of smiling children were created in no time at all.

"Goodbye Notoriety!"


When Seo Yoon was not logged in, the glossy sculptures; Yellowy, GoldenBird, and SilverBird would search for loot and other items.

Due to the fact that they were living sculptures granted by the power of Sculptural life Bestowal, they gained little experience by simply being near their creator Weed as he created more sculptures.

During this time; GoldenBird, SilverBird, and Yellowy were discussing among themselves.

"Master has been making sculptures for quite some time now. He will surely rejoice when we show him the mountain of loot that we've gathered within this week," said Golden Bird.

"I thought he was no good at all since he was a foul smelling Lich, but I have to admit I was wrong. What's needed to be a Sculptor is just your Sculpting ability," added Silver Bird.

"Not only that, he also has a good personality. It's good to know that Master has a calm and gentle side to him," spoke Yellowy.

"Yellowy, are you sure he is a good person?" asked Golden Bird. "I can't really tell what potential roles he would play in our lives."

"A man gets to eat and live his own life, but from the point of view of the animals they are herded and raised as livestock. Horses live their life according to the good will of their masters."

"Yellowy, that’s not the kind of relationship we are in."

The unfortunate reality of this dialog was that his life as a sculpture wasn't to his liking. Yellowy wanted to have a lot of daughters. Weed would've smacked him if he said this.

Anyone could clearly see the undeniable facts from his eyes.

Weed's increased level of power of the undead had an adverse effect on the sculptures that he made.

Weed simply made numerous carvings that did not intrude on emotions.

"Hmmm. OK, looks like it works sometimes."

You have completed a laughing girl sculpture.

Your problems fade away as you see the naive smiling girl.

Kid's sculpture

Made by the hands of the famous sculptor and adventurer Weed.

There are no special attributes, it could serve as a gift.

Artistic value: 6

Optional: charm + 2.

In a blink of an eye, the sculpture transformed from the carefree looking child, and its description changed as well.

Fiendish flaming child sculpture

The sculpture of a girl that gives off a devilish smile.

There are a lot of bad rumours about the Sculptor being evil and corrupt.

People who are in the possession of this sculpture will continue to experience bad events.

Demonic Value: 15


breakout, most wanted, notoriety + 2

Good luck -10

There is a very low chance that a fatal incident will happen to the owner of this sculpture.

After completing the sculpture, the notorious red Murderer State above Weed's name completely disappeared.

"I finally got it."

He wasn't really concerned about the Murderer State if he stayed only in Morata.

But there could be a lot of problem when he had business in other Kingdoms and Holy Cities. The guards at the entrance would most likely put him in prison.

It would certainly hinder him in meeting Lords or Kings.

'I can't believe it, no matter how high your fame is if Notoriety is left unchecked it still becomes that dangerous.'

"Now, I need to widely spread some more of my sculptures."

He was planning to escape Jigolaths which was why he needed to be out of the Murderer State.

With that completed, it was time to execute the plan.

"With the safe arrival of the Undead, it is clear that they are ignorant of the floating bottle messages."


Yellowy persisted to stay well hidden in a narrow place.

Seo Yoon was on Yellowy and was watched by the sculptures. Because of her injuries, her skin had somehow aged by a couple of years.

With that much desire to survive, she had displayed such tenacity!

To stay hidden in the depths of the dungeons, to sparingly eat the food provided by the sculptures just like a refugee.

When not creating sculptures, Weed was seen sewing clothes to improve his Sewing skills.

"If only I could set up a shop here. I already have 20 clothes prepared although they're still of low quality."

Since he didn't really need to create another outfit he decided to store the raw materials for another day.

"However, after joining the pirate crew from the small island leaves me with little options."

Weed as Deoreol was sewing under the orders of the Undead Gisabogina, an aristocrat of the Nifilheim Empire. He wanted to familiarize himself with the situation as it was needed for his plan to work.

Such clothes had slowly made an impact on the Undead Pirates.

'If you're a Pirate, then you'd be wearing a Pirate's shoddy rags. When going out for entertainment, something like getting dressed up is unknown to them.'

Weed's Sewing skills had increased that even if it was on the Pirates' clothes, it made them look so cool that it should be against the law.

Money, skill, and level are the three things that won't betray you.

Weed's Notoriety had lowered thanks to his sculptural pieces. After sewing he transformed into a crow and flew towards the sea, in order for him to see the things he needs to prepare for.

From far away they finally appeared, the notoriously famous Mimihage was the last one left. The sea was now full of Ghost Ships.

"Alright, time to execute the plan."

Who would have believed that all of this was caused by a message on floating glass bottles?

At sea, Ilgwainde and Olliga were lazily getting around their routine route when they suddenly stopped and helplessly watched the parade of ghost ships.

One could say that the most difficult part was planning the whole thing. Having the Ghost Ships made his escape plan an easier job.

Of course that does not mean that they will just let the Ghost Ship exit the Unfreezing River.

Rather, many of the Ghost Ship on the side of the narrow river blocked the second fleet of the Kingdom of Haven and Pirate Confederacy.

The 2nd fleet of the Kingdom of Haven together with the Pirate Confederacy had sensed their prey. Many of the Ghost Ships were having a hard time in the narrow river.


Weed decided to escape Jigolaths together with the living sculptures and Seo Yoon.

Using sculptural transformation Weed became a crow and took the lead in flying.

After him were the living sculptures GoldenBird and Silverbird covered in cold soot, making the 3 black birds into a convoy.

"As expected we should be there soon."

I've left all of my doubts behind, all we have to see is the outcome.

"No way they could all fit."

Weed's adventure in Jigolaths was particularly severe as he had to experience a lot of suffering.

Another method would be to use his masterpiece, transform into an undead and join the fight. He was thinking about a lot of safety measures if the mobilized undead navy would fail.

If they were to fight he would need the help of the currently recovering Seo Yoon. If she hasn't recovered by then that would mean that the quest will end in a horrible failure!

The difficulty of this Sculptor's quest are overly high. You would need to go beyond your breaking point in order to complete the quest given by the previous Emperor.

This sculpture's life wasn't going to be used without meaning.

And thus GoldenBird came to Jigolaths with an empty bodied shapeless Sculptor.

Anyone would be moved to tears by the dedication shown by this subordinate, a living sculpture, in time to complete the Sculptor's legacy.

With a grudge he was powerless to stop the quest.

The problem is that this came out in the middle of the quest.

"The dubious sculptures are pretty useless though throwing them away would be such a waste. I'll have to store these neglected carving
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Sâu bên trong các dungeon ngầm một lần nữa, cỏ dại đã dành thời gian của mình khắc thêm tác phẩm điêu khắc. Để đánh bại tập trung quân đội đối phương, ông biết ông cần một cái gì đó thêm khác hơn so với các đội quân Undead.' Ngay cả với một đội quân Undead, nó vẫn sẽ là khó khăn đến để chinh phục Isarel kẻ thù đã thu thập. Tôi cần một cái gì đó mà sẽ biến thủy triều trong.'Sau khi ông làm chủ các kỹ năng, tính chất điêu khắc, các mảnh điêu khắc nguyên nhìn khác nhau để anh ta.Không chỉ trên bề mặt bên ngoài, mà còn trong nội thất là tốt. Các tài liệu chính nó cảm thấy khác nhau.-Bạn có thể cảm thấy một hình thức của Mana mà lại thêm sinh lực cho bạn khi bạn nhìn vào tác phẩm điêu khắc.-Mana của bạn tăng theo cấp số nhân, chỉ cần đánh giá đúng những khó khăn của khắc tác phẩm điêu khắc mà không làm hỏng các tài liệu.Ngay cả khi quặng được khó khăn để đánh bại thành hình dạng, những cú sốc liên tục từ các pummelling chuyển quặng."Thông suốt và chính xác."Đinh!Hoàn thành tác phẩm điêu khắc!Do ảnh hưởng của giá trị nghệ thuật của tác phẩm điêu khắc độ bền đã tăng đáng kể.Vì những đóng góp cho nghệ thuật, nhục nha giảm bởi 2.Một lợi thế là một nhà điêu khắc!Tác phẩm điêu khắc đã được hoàn thành. Nó rất nhiều tăng độ bền, giảm tai tiếng stat 2, và tăng sự nổi tiếng.Cỏ dại cười một cách Mỹ mãn."Điêu khắc này cho thấy tinh thần thực sự của một nhà điêu khắc."Cỏ dại đã nói chuyện với mình. "Tôi nghĩ rằng tôi sẽ phải nơi này làm việc ấn tượng vào một nơi cao để hiển thị."Danh tiếng của ông là vẫn còn cao, và mức độ khó khăn là vô cùng khó khăn cho nhiệm vụ này. Nhưng nhiệm vụ này cũng đã tăng tai tiếng của ông. Ông sẽ phải làm cho rất nhiều tác phẩm điêu khắc để giảm nó."Với phương pháp này, tôi có thể thậm chí cam kết hành vi tội phạm và vẫn còn đầu họ ra như tôi có thể giảm tai tiếng của tôi một lần nữa.""Từ thời điểm này trên tôi sẽ là một người đàn ông thay đổi, badder hơn baddest ông chủ! Tất cả mọi người tốt hơn xem ra cho cỏ dại!"Khai thác mỏ cũng tăng một số lượng đáng kể của tai tiếng bởi vì thiệt hại mà nó mang lại cho đất trong khai thác mỏ khoáng sản quý."Tôi thậm chí có thể làm cho tai tiếng của tôi đi thậm chí nhanh hơn nếu tôi làm cho một tấn của tác phẩm điêu khắc về thiên thần và trẻ nhỏ."Lấp lánh! Lấp lánh! Lấp lánh!Nhiều tác phẩm điêu khắc của mỉm cười trẻ em được tạo ra trong thời gian không ở tất cả."Tai tiếng goodbye!"==============================Khi chị Seo Yoon không đăng nhập, bóng điêu khắc; Yellowy, GoldenBird, và SilverBird sẽ tìm kiếm các chiến lợi phẩm và các mặt hàng khác.Do thực tế là họ đã sống tác phẩm điêu khắc được cấp bởi sức mạnh vật điêu khắc ân, họ giành được ít kinh nghiệm bằng cách chỉ đơn giản là gần chính Weed như ông đã tạo ra nhiều tác phẩm điêu khắc. Trong thời gian này; GoldenBird, SilverBird, và Yellowy đã thảo luận với nhau."Tổng thể đã thực hiện tác phẩm điêu khắc cho một thời gian khá bây giờ. Ông chắc chắn sẽ vui mừng khi chúng tôi thấy anh ta núi cướp mà chúng tôi đã tập hợp trong tuần này,"ông chim vàng."I thought he was no good at all since he was a foul smelling Lich, but I have to admit I was wrong. What's needed to be a Sculptor is just your Sculpting ability," added Silver Bird."Not only that, he also has a good personality. It's good to know that Master has a calm and gentle side to him," spoke Yellowy."Yellowy, are you sure he is a good person?" asked Golden Bird. "I can't really tell what potential roles he would play in our lives.""A man gets to eat and live his own life, but from the point of view of the animals they are herded and raised as livestock. Horses live their life according to the good will of their masters.""Yellowy, that’s not the kind of relationship we are in."The unfortunate reality of this dialog was that his life as a sculpture wasn't to his liking. Yellowy wanted to have a lot of daughters. Weed would've smacked him if he said this.Anyone could clearly see the undeniable facts from his eyes.Weed's increased level of power of the undead had an adverse effect on the sculptures that he made.Weed simply made numerous carvings that did not intrude on emotions."Hmmm. OK, looks like it works sometimes."You have completed a laughing girl sculpture.Your problems fade away as you see the naive smiling girl.Kid's sculptureMade by the hands of the famous sculptor and adventurer Weed.There are no special attributes, it could serve as a gift.Artistic value: 6Optional: charm + 2.

In a blink of an eye, the sculpture transformed from the carefree looking child, and its description changed as well.

Fiendish flaming child sculpture

The sculpture of a girl that gives off a devilish smile.

There are a lot of bad rumours about the Sculptor being evil and corrupt.

People who are in the possession of this sculpture will continue to experience bad events.

Demonic Value: 15


breakout, most wanted, notoriety + 2

Good luck -10

There is a very low chance that a fatal incident will happen to the owner of this sculpture.

After completing the sculpture, the notorious red Murderer State above Weed's name completely disappeared.

"I finally got it."

He wasn't really concerned about the Murderer State if he stayed only in Morata.

But there could be a lot of problem when he had business in other Kingdoms and Holy Cities. The guards at the entrance would most likely put him in prison.

It would certainly hinder him in meeting Lords or Kings.

'I can't believe it, no matter how high your fame is if Notoriety is left unchecked it still becomes that dangerous.'

"Now, I need to widely spread some more of my sculptures."

He was planning to escape Jigolaths which was why he needed to be out of the Murderer State.

With that completed, it was time to execute the plan.

"With the safe arrival of the Undead, it is clear that they are ignorant of the floating bottle messages."


Yellowy persisted to stay well hidden in a narrow place.

Seo Yoon was on Yellowy and was watched by the sculptures. Because of her injuries, her skin had somehow aged by a couple of years.

With that much desire to survive, she had displayed such tenacity!

To stay hidden in the depths of the dungeons, to sparingly eat the food provided by the sculptures just like a refugee.

When not creating sculptures, Weed was seen sewing clothes to improve his Sewing skills.

"If only I could set up a shop here. I already have 20 clothes prepared although they're still of low quality."

Since he didn't really need to create another outfit he decided to store the raw materials for another day.

"However, after joining the pirate crew from the small island leaves me with little options."

Weed as Deoreol was sewing under the orders of the Undead Gisabogina, an aristocrat of the Nifilheim Empire. He wanted to familiarize himself with the situation as it was needed for his plan to work.

Such clothes had slowly made an impact on the Undead Pirates.

'If you're a Pirate, then you'd be wearing a Pirate's shoddy rags. When going out for entertainment, something like getting dressed up is unknown to them.'

Weed's Sewing skills had increased that even if it was on the Pirates' clothes, it made them look so cool that it should be against the law.

Money, skill, and level are the three things that won't betray you.

Weed's Notoriety had lowered thanks to his sculptural pieces. After sewing he transformed into a crow and flew towards the sea, in order for him to see the things he needs to prepare for.

From far away they finally appeared, the notoriously famous Mimihage was the last one left. The sea was now full of Ghost Ships.

"Alright, time to execute the plan."

Who would have believed that all of this was caused by a message on floating glass bottles?

At sea, Ilgwainde and Olliga were lazily getting around their routine route when they suddenly stopped and helplessly watched the parade of ghost ships.

One could say that the most difficult part was planning the whole thing. Having the Ghost Ships made his escape plan an easier job.

Of course that does not mean that they will just let the Ghost Ship exit the Unfreezing River.

Rather, many of the Ghost Ship on the side of the narrow river blocked the second fleet of the Kingdom of Haven and Pirate Confederacy.

The 2nd fleet of the Kingdom of Haven together with the Pirate Confederacy had sensed their prey. Many of the Ghost Ships were having a hard time in the narrow river.


Weed decided to escape Jigolaths together with the living sculptures and Seo Yoon.

Using sculptural transformation Weed became a crow and took the lead in flying.

After him were the living sculptures GoldenBird and Silverbird covered in cold soot, making the 3 black birds into a convoy.

"As expected we should be there soon."

I've left all of my doubts behind, all we have to see is the outcome.

"No way they could all fit."

Weed's adventure in Jigolaths was particularly severe as he had to experience a lot of suffering.

Another method would be to use his masterpiece, transform into an undead and join the fight. He was thinking about a lot of safety measures if the mobilized undead navy would fail.

If they were to fight he would need the help of the currently recovering Seo Yoon. If she hasn't recovered by then that would mean that the quest will end in a horrible failure!

The difficulty of this Sculptor's quest are overly high. You would need to go beyond your breaking point in order to complete the quest given by the previous Emperor.

This sculpture's life wasn't going to be used without meaning.

And thus GoldenBird came to Jigolaths with an empty bodied shapeless Sculptor.

Anyone would be moved to tears by the dedication shown by this subordinate, a living sculpture, in time to complete the Sculptor's legacy.

With a grudge he was powerless to stop the quest.

The problem is that this came out in the middle of the quest.

"The dubious sculptures are pretty useless though throwing them away would be such a waste. I'll have to store these neglected carving
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