เว็บTowing Operations. Refer to AFI 21-101, Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance
Management, for vehicle operator‘s aircraft towing responsibilities and qualifications. A tow
operation will consist of trained and qualified workers, thoroughly familiar with aircraft
towing responsibilities including TO and local procedures and conditions, such as inclined
ramps, emergencies, other local limitations and weather conditions. For maximum safety,
tow team workers shall not place themselves in the direct path of aircraft wheels nor ride on
any external portion of an aircraft or tow vehicle. When connecting a tow bar to the tow
vehicle, workers shall stand clear until the backing tow vehicle is in close proximity to the
tow bar. When connecting a tow vehicle to the aircraft, workers shall watch for any sudden
tow vehicle movement. Avoid backing aircraft when possible. MAJCOMs may authorize
movement of aircraft into hardened aircraft shelters (HAS) while the aircraft engines are
operating, provided a System Safety Engineering Analysis (SSEA) has been conducted. An
SSEA shall be conducted for each type or generation shelter and type of aircraft to be moved
into the shelter. Note: Technical data takes precedence over this standard when differences
exist in towing procedures.ไซต์นี้จะดีกว่า google สำหรับการแปล