Spoileroberfläche ist total uneben (dellen + an manchen Stellen fehlt der Lack) Ersatzspoiler bei Novi bestellt, ABC soll KW 37 / 2015 beim Kunden von Kiesling montieren
Spoiler surface is totally uneven (models + in some places the paint is missing) ordered replacement spoiler at Novi, ABC to 37 KW / mount 2015 at the customer by Kiesling
Spoiler surface is totally uneven (+ dents in some places lack of paint) Spare spoiler at Novi ordered, ABC should KW 37/2015 assemble at the customer by Kiessling
spoileroberfläche is totally uneven (dents in some places lack of paint) ersatzspoiler in novi ordered, abc's kw 37 / 2015 the customers of kiesling assemble