Results (
English) 1:
RR has a board with 2 rows and � columns. RR will use 2� numbers from 1 to 2� to fill in thisboard. The locations of these numbers on the board are random. More precisely, for eachnumber from 1 to 2�, RR will put it in one random, empty position on the board.Let array � be the first row of the board and array � be the second row of the board. Note thatboth arrays will have exactly � numbers. Let � = |�) − �)| )+,…. . Your task is to calculate theexpected value of F.InputThe input starts with the number of test - � (� ≤ 1000). Then � tests follow. Each test contains asingle integer �. (1 ≤ � ≤ 103)OutputFor each test in the input, print the answer with exactly 2 digits after decimal place.
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