Wenn ein Unternehmen Geld schnell braucht, bietet ein Händler Barkredit unbegrenzten Flexibilität. Außerdem ist es einfach und sehr schnell. Bargeld in der Hand innerhalb von 5-7 Werktagen.
80 % aller kleinen Unternehmen scheitern während des ersten Jahres. 92 % sind nicht in der Lage, traditionelle Finanzierung von Banken zu erhalten. Restaurant und Einzelhandel oder jedes Unternehmen, das akzeptiert Kreditkarten als Zahlungsmittel, erhalten jetzt eine Kreditkarte Bargeld Vorschuss auf zukünftige Kreditkartenumsätze factoring. Und viele intelligente Firmen verwenden diese Option vergrößert oder nur über Wasser zu bleiben.
Gibt es so viele unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse für einen Händler Barkredit oder Kreditkartenforderungen, Finanzierung, da gibt es kleine Unternehmen, die heute in Betrieb.
Beispielsweise kann ein Restaurantbesitzer, die Lohn-und Gehaltsabrechnung machen kann nicht die Krise überstehen und seine Türen mit einem Händler Barkredit offen halten.
Eine Mutter und Pop-Baumarkt überfluteten Keller leiden könnte oder beschädigt Stück Ausrüstung oder Verlust von Inventar und eine sofortige und oft erhebliche Ausgaben machen müssen. Auch wenn diese zusätzlichen Ausgaben durch eine Versicherung abgedeckt sind, möglicherweise eine Verzögerung bis Erstattung. Dies ist, wo eine Kreditkarte Forderungen voraus Kleinunternehmen Lebensader werden kann.
Dann gibt es nur die Unberechenbarkeit des Laufen lassens eines Geschäfts auf einer täglichen Basis. Routinemäßige Vorkommnisse, wie ein Slip im Vertrieb wegen schlechtem Wetter oder ein Herunterfahren während einer Strom Ausfall oder Straße Wartung, können eine erhebliche Liquiditätsengpasses verursachen.
Kleine Unternehmen benötigen auch einen schnelle Zustrom von Geld für eine Wachstumschance. Wenn ein Friseursalon sucht, um seine Dienstleistungen zu erweitern und werden Sie ein Day-Spa und der Raum nebenan plötzlich zur Verfügung wird, wird der Besitzer brauchen Geld, um zu renovieren. Mit einem Barkredit hätte der Besitzer die benötigten Mittel in der Hand in nur 5-7 Werktagen.
Der Vorschuss kann der Händler erhalten richtet sich nach Berechnung der durchschnittlichen monatlichen Visa und MasterCard Kreditkarte Umsatzes für die vergangenen sechs Monate. Die Höhe der Finanzierung reicht von $5.000 bis $1.000.000 pro Standort.
Der Kreditbetrag ist in der Regel 100 bis 150 Prozent des durchschnittlichen monatlichen Visa/MasterCard-Volumen. Geld dient auch als Grundlage für das Darlehen in bestimmten Situationen, z. B. Diners, Pizzerien und Sandwich-Läden. Unterm Strich: monatliche Zahlung des Händlers sollte in der Nähe von 10 Prozent seiner monatlichen Gesamtvolumen, einschließlich Bargeld und Visa/MasterCard.
Darlehen in der Regel durchschnittlich 35.000 $-$50.000, und das Darlehen ist innerhalb von 5 bis 12 Monaten zurückgezahlt. Nachdem der Kaufmann wieder 50 % der Anzahlung bezahlt, hat er die Möglichkeit, die Anordnung wieder zu erneuern.
Zahlung ist sehr einfach.
Der Geldgeber wird durch einen Kreditkarten-Prozessor um Geld aus dem tatsächlichen Gewinn zu ziehen, da Zahlungen mit Kreditkarten funktionieren. Oder der Händler Barkredit Advance Geldgeber kann seine Zahlungen direkt vom Bankkonto des Händlers ziehen, wenn die Kreditkartenzahlungen abgelagert werden dort (ACH widerrufen).
Ein Händler Barkredit kann eine gute Möglichkeit für ein kleines Unternehmen, das Geld zu bekommen, braucht es zu wachsen, oder eine besonders schwierige Zeit durchzustehen. Benötigen Sie einen Barkredit in 2008?
Diese Option jetzt untersuchen Sie, bevor Sie das Geld brauchen. Kaufmann Barvorschüsse sind ein großer "Notfall-Bargeld" Plan sowie. Seien Sie bereit! Es ist deine Sache. Und für viele kleine Unternehmen, kann es sein, die einzige Quelle der Finanzierung, die es zu überleben hilft.
Results (
English) 1:
If a company needs money quickly, a merchant cash advance offers unlimited flexibility. It is also very quick and easy. Cash in hand within 5-7 business days.80% of all small businesses fail in the first year. 92% are not able to get traditional financing from banks. Restaurant and retail or any company that accepts credit cards as means of payment, now receive a credit card cash advance on future credit card sales factoring. And many smart companies use this option increases or to remain just above water.There are so many different needs for a merchant cash advance or credit card receivables, financing, there's small businesses, now in operation.For example, a restaurant owner, the wage and Payroll can make not a crisis can survive and with a merchant cash advance keep its doors open.A MOM and pop hardware store could suffer from flooded basement or damaged piece must make immediate and often significant expenditure equipment or loss of inventory and a. Even if this additional expenditure through an insurance policy are covered, possibly delaying to refund. This is where a credit card advance receivables small business can be a lifeline.Then there's just the unpredictability of running a business on a daily basis. Routine events, such as a slip in sales because of bad weather or shut down during a power failure or road maintenance, a serious cash crunch may.Small businesses need also a quick influx of cash for a growth opportunity. If a hair salon seeks to expand its services and be you next door suddenly is a day spa and the space available, will the owners need money to renovate. With a cash advance, the owner had the resources needed in the hand in just 5-7 working days.The advance can obtain the merchant credit card depends on the calculation of the average monthly visa and MasterCard sales for the past six months. The funding ranges from $5,000 to $1,000,000 per location.The loan amount is typically 100 to 150 per cent of the average monthly Visa/MasterCard volume. Money is used as a basis for the loan in certain situations, such as Diners, pizzerias and sandwich shops. The bottom line: monthly payment of the dealer should be close to 10 percent of its monthly total volume, including cash and Visa/MasterCard.Loans generally average $35,000-$50,000, and the loan is within paid back between 5 and 12 months. After the businessman again pays 50% of the deposit, he has the opportunity to renew the arrangement.Payment is easy.The sponsor is through a credit card processor to draw money from the actual profit, since credit card payments work. Or of the merchant cash advance advance lenders can pull its payments directly from the bank account of the merchant, if credit card payments are deposited there (Oh revoked).A trader can cash advance a good opportunity for a small business that needs to grow, or to get through a particularly difficult time to get money. Do you need a cash advance in 2008?Now check this option before you need the money. Merchant bar advances are a great "emergency cash" plan as well as. Be prepared! It's your thing. And for many small businesses, it may be the only source of financing, which will help to survive.
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Results (
English) 2:
When a company needs money quickly, has a merchant cash advance unlimited flexibility. Moreover, it is easy and very fast. Cash in hand within 5-7 business days.
Fail 80% of all small businesses during the first year. 92% are unable to obtain traditional financing from banks. Restaurants and retail stores or any business that accepts credit cards as payment, now get a credit card cash advance on future credit card transactions factoring. And many smart companies use this option enlarges or just to stay afloat.
There are so many different needs for a merchant cash advance or credit card receivables, financing, since there are small companies in operation today.
For example, a restaurant owner, the payroll and make payroll can not survive the crisis and keep its doors with a merchant cash advance open.
a mother and pop hardware store could suffer flooded basement or damaged piece of equipment or loss of inventory and need to make an immediate and often substantial expense. Although these additional expenses are covered by insurance, may experience a delay to refund. This is where a credit card receivables advance small business can be a lifeline.
Then there is only the unpredictability of running a business on a daily basis. Routine events, like a slip in sales because of bad weather or a shutdown during a power failure or road maintenance, can cause a significant liquidity shortage.
Small businesses also need a rapid influx of money for a growth opportunity. When a hair salon looking to expand its services and become a day spa and the room next door is suddenly available, the owner will need money to renovate. With a cash advance, the owner would have the necessary funds in hand in just 5-7 working days.
The booking can the dealer get depends on calculation of the average monthly Visa and MasterCard credit card sales for the past six months. The level of funding ranges from $ 5,000 to $ 1,000,000 a location.
The loan amount is usually 100 to 150 percent of the average monthly Visa / MasterCard volume. Money serves as a basis for the loan in certain situations, such. As diners, pizzerias and sandwich shops. Bottom line: monthly payment for the dealer near 10 percent of his monthly total, including cash and Visa / Mastercard.
Loans usually average $ 35,000 - $ 50,000 and the loan is repaid within 5 to 12 months. After the merchant paid back 50% of the deposit, he has the option to renew the arrangement again.
Payment is very simple.
The donor will draw by a credit card processor to make money from the actual income as payments by credit card function. Or the merchant cash advance lenders can draw their payments directly from the bank account of the vendor, if the credit card payments are deposited there (ACH revoked).
A merchant cash advance can be a great way for a small business to get the money it needs to grow or a particularly difficult time to endure. Need a cash advance in 2008?
This option now examine before you need the money. Merchant cash advances are a great "emergency cash" schedule. Be prepared! It's your thing. And for many small businesses, it may be the only source of financing that helps to survive it.
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Results (
English) 3:
if a company needs money fast, a dealer cash credit offers unlimited flexibility. moreover, it is simple and very fast. cash in hand within 5 - 7 business days.80% of small businesses fail in the first year. 92% are unable to obtain financing from traditional banks. restaurant and retail or any company that accepts credit cards as a means of payment, credit card cash advance, are now in the future kreditkartenumsätze factoring. many smart companies use this option and enlarged or only water to stay.there are so many different needs for a dealer cash credit or kreditkartenforderungen, financing, there are small businesses, which are currently in service.for example, a restaurateur, the payroll is not the crisis and its door with a dealer cash credit open.a mom and pop hardware store flooded basement may suffer damage or piece of equipment or loss of inventory and immediate and often substantial expenditure. even if these additional expenses covered by insurance, may experience a delay until repayment. this is where a credit card receivables in advance can be small enterprises lifeline.then there is the unpredictability of lassens running a business on a daily basis. routine incidents, such as a slip distribution due to bad weather or a shutdown during a power failure or road maintenance, can cause a significant liquiditätsengpasses.small businesses also need a rapid influx of money for a growth ticket. when a hair salon for his services to expand and become a day spa and the next room suddenly available, the owner need money to renovate. with a cash credit if the owner of the funds in the hands of just 5 - 7 working days.the advance, the trader can get is determined by calculating the average monthly visa and mastercard credit card sales for the last six months. the level of funding ranges from $5000 to $1000000 per location.the amount of the credit is generally 100 to 150 percent of the average monthly visa / mastercard volume. money serves as the basis for the loans in certain situations, for example, diners, pizza and sandwich shops. bottom line: monthly payment, the retailer should be close to 10 percent of its monthly total, including cash and visa / mastercard.loans generally an average of $35000 - $50000, and the loan is repaid within 5 to 12 months. after the merchant back 50% of the deposit paid, he has the opportunity to rebuild the order.payment is very simple.the donor is a credit card processor for money from the actual profit, since payments with credit cards work. or the dealer cash credit advance lender can his payments directly from a bank account of the vendor, if the credit card payments will be deposited there (oh revoked).a merchant cash credit can be a good opportunity for a small company to get the money it needs to grow, or a particularly difficult time to get through. you will need a cash credit in 2008?this option now investigate before you need the money. merchant barvorschüsse are a great "emergency cash plan as well. be prepared! it is up to you. and for many small businesses, it may be the only source of funding, it helps to survive.
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