Marcel öffnete seinen Traum Süßwarengeschäft ein wenig vor über einem Jahr. Sein Geschäft ist der einzige seiner Art in Meilen, und jeder geht in seinen Laden, wenn sie einen süßen Zahn befriedigen müssen. Da Geschäft floriert, und Marcel einige Zeit hatte um seine Füße nass als Unternehmer, ist er nun bereit, eine neue Herausforderung anzunehmen; Öffnen eine neue Position in einer anderen Stadt. Alles, was er jetzt braucht ist ein wenig mehr Geld zur Finanzierung seines neuesten Unternehmung.
Marcel entschieden, dass ein Händler Barkredit beantragen die lukrativsten Strecke für ihn und sein Geschäft wäre. Aber nach der Durchführung einer Online-Suche nach "Händler Bargeldbezüge," Er war erstaunt über die Fülle der Händler Barkredit Advance Kreditgeber, und kämpfte in seiner Entscheidung vom welche Unternehmen zu arbeiten.
Als Inhaber eines Unternehmens können Sie wahrscheinlich zu dieser Geschichte beziehen. Wählen einen Händler Barkredit Advance Kreditgeber kann ein schwieriger Prozess sein. Um die Verwirrung dieses Prozesses zu beseitigen, gibt es ein paar Dinge, die Sie berücksichtigen sollten, wenn den Händler Barkredit Advance Kreditgeber auswählen, die am besten für Sie ist.
Unnötige Kosten
Die meisten Kreditgeber werden keine ganze Reihe von zusätzlichen Kosten nach Genehmigung durch einen Händler Barkredit berechnen. Bei einigen Geschäftsvorfällen sind Abschlusskosten erforderlich. Dies sind Kosten über den Preis Ihres Artikels des Kaufs, die in der Regel am Ende Ihrer Transaktion bezahlt werden. Stellen Sie bevor die Entscheidung für eines Händler Barkredit Advance Kreditgebers sicher, dass es werden Abschlusskosten zusätzlich zu den Gebühren für den Barvorschuss wissen.
Sie sollten auch keinen Händler Barkredit zu verzinsen. Im Gegensatz zu Business-Darlehen werden die meisten Händler Barkredit Advance Unternehmen Zinsen nicht verhängen.
Monatlichen Kreditkartenumsätze
Die Höhe der Kreditkartenumsätze, dass Ihre Geschäftsprozesse jeden Monat einer der Faktoren sein können, die bestimmen, welche Kreditgeber erhalten Sie einen Händler Barkredit ab. Vor der Genehmigung eines Darlehens, benötigen die meisten Kreditgeber Sie ein gewisses Maß an Ihr Unternehmen neueste, aufeinander folgenden Kreditkartenabrechnungen vorlegen. Dies ist es, festzustellen, ob Ihr Unternehmen eine Händler Barkredit Advance Rückzahlung unterstützen kann. In der Regel müssen Sie drei bis sechs Monaten von Kreditkartenabrechnungen, bieten die Kreditgeber eine Idee Ihres durchschnittlichen Monatseinkommens.
Sie können überall von $1.500 bis $5.000 in monatlichen Kreditkartenumsätze Prozess vornehmen. Sollten Sie Ihr Unternehmen ist saisonal geöffnet und Sie sind nicht sicher, ob Ihre monatlichen Kreditkartenumsätze unter die Anforderung in der Nebensaison fällt, die Wahl eine kreditgebende Stelle mit einer niedrigeren monatlichen Mindestanforderung oder einem Kreditgeber, der Vorlage von mindestens 12 Monaten Kreditkarte Verkaufsunterlagen erfordert.
Wie lange warst du im Geschäft?
Einige Händler Barkredit Advance Kreditgeber verlangen, dass eine Person ein bestimmtes Geschäft für mindestens ein Jahr besitzt bevor er den Anspruch, einen Händler Barkredit zu erhalten. Andere benötigen nur den Kreditgeber, um 60 Tage lang im Geschäft gewesen. Wenn Sie im Geschäft für mehr als ein Jahr gewesen und mehr als $5.000 pro Monat Kreditkartenumsätze verarbeiten, haben Sie offensichtlich eine breitere Palette von Optionen, wenn es darum geht, einen Händler Barkredit Advance Kreditgeber. Jedoch wenn Sie erst ein paar Monaten im Geschäft seit, und Sie Bargeld sofort benötigen, müssen Sie eine kreditgebende Stelle suchen, die nicht über eine Anforderung der einjährigen Unternehmensübergabe.
Wie schnell benötigen Sie das Geld?
Mit jedem Kreditgeber ist Erstantrag für einen Händler Barkredit kein sehr langer Prozess. Und nach Erhalt aller erforderlichen Unterlagen, können die meisten Kreditgeber Ihren Barkredit in ein paar Tagen genehmigen. Aber die Menge an Dokumentation, die erforderlich sind, zu bearbeiten und genehmigen einen Händler Barkredit kann variieren.
Einige Kreditgeber verlangen nur eine Anwendung und Dokumentation der monatlichen Kreditkartenumsätze. Andere Kreditgeber verlangen diese zusätzlich Kontoauszüge, Mietverträge, Foto-IDs, stornierte Schecks, etc.. Wenn Sie in Eile sind, wählen Sie ein Unternehmen, das die wenigsten Dokumentation erfordert, dies kann für einen schnelleren Prozess machen. Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie alle Ihre Dokumente bereit zu gehen, haben, kann auch den Vorgang beschleunigen. In einer idealen Situation Sie möglicherweise in der Lage, Ihr Geld innerhalb von sieben bis 14 Tagen nach Genehmigung haben.
Wie viel Geld brauchen Sie?
Die meisten kreditgebende Unternehmen können bis zu 600.000 $ in einem Händler Barkredit finanzieren. Wenn Sie mehrere Standorte verfügen, gibt es auch Kreditgeber, die Sie einen bestimmten Geldbetrag pro Standort zu finanzieren. Aber die Menge an Geld, dass Sie
Results (
English) 1:
Candy store Marcel opened his dream a little over a year ago. His business is the only one of its kind in miles, and everyone is going in his shop, when they need to satisfy a sweet tooth. Because business is thriving, and Marcel had some time around his feet wet as an entrepreneur, he is now ready to take on a new challenge; Open a new position in another city. All he needs now is a little more money to finance his latest venture.Marcel decided that a distributor apply for cash advance would be the most lucrative route for him and his business. But after conducting a search of online for "Merchant cash advances," he was surprised at the wealth of the merchant cash advance advance lenders, and fought in his decision by the which company to work.As a business owner, you can probably obtain to this story. Select a merchant cash advance advance lenders can be a difficult process. To eliminate the confusion of this process, there are a few things that you should consider, if cash advance advance lenders choose the dealer that is best for you.Unnecessary costsMost lenders will charge no number of additional costs upon approval by a merchant cash advance. Acquisition costs are required for some business transactions. This costs about the price of your item of purchase, which are paid as a rule at the end of your transaction. Set before the decision for one dealer cash advance advance lender, make sure that there will be closing costs in addition to the fees for the cash advance, you know.You should also no dealer interest cash advance. Unlike business loans most merchants will not impose cash advance advance company interest.Monthly credit card salesThe amount of credit card transactions, that your business each month can be one of the factors, which determine which lenders get off a merchant cash advance. Before approving a loan, most lenders do you need a degree to your company latest, successive credit card statements put forward. This is to determine whether your company is a merchant cash advance advance repayment can support. Usually need three to six months of credit card statements, offer lenders an idea of your average monthly income.You can make anywhere from $1,500 to $5,000 in monthly credit card sales process. If your business is seasonal and you are not sure whether your monthly credit card sales the choice falls under the requirement in the off-season, a lender with a lower monthly minimum or a lender, credit card sales documents requires the submission of at least 12 months.How long have you been in business?Some dealers cash advance advance lenders require that a person owns a particular business for at least a year before he claimed to receive a merchant cash advance. Others need only the lender, have been around for 60 days in the business. If you have been in business for more than a year and more than $5,000 per month in credit card sales process, have a wider range of options obviously when it comes to a merchant cash advance advance lender. But if you only a few months in the business since, and you immediately need cash, need to find a lender that does not have a requirement of one year business ownership.How soon do you need the money?With each lender, initial application is not a very long process for a merchant cash advance. And after receipt of all required documentation, most lenders can approve your cash advance in a few days. But the amount of documentation that are required to process and approve a merchant cash advance can vary.Some lenders require only one application and documentation of the monthly credit card sales. Other lenders require this additional account statements, leases, photo IDs, cancelled cheques, etc. If you are in a hurry, choose a company that requires the least documentation, this can make for a faster process. Make sure that all of you have ready to go your documents, can accelerate the process. In an ideal situation you may have in the location, your money within seven to 14 days after approval.How much money do you need?Most lending companies can be up to $600,000 finance in a merchant cash advance. If you have multiple sites, there are also lenders you need to pay a certain amount of money per site. But the amount of money that you
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Results (
English) 2:
Marcel opened his dream candy store a little over a year ago. His business is the only of its kind in miles, and everyone goes to his shop if they have to satisfy a sweet tooth. Since business is thriving, and Marcel had some time to his feet wet as an entrepreneur, he is now ready to accept a new challenge; Open a new position in another city. All he needs now is a little more money to finance his latest venture.
Marcel decided that a merchant cash advance apply for lucrative route for him and his business would. But after performing an online search for "merchant cash advances," He was amazed at the wealth of the merchant cash advance lender, and struggled in his decision of which company to work with.
As a business owner, you can probably relate to this story. Select a merchant cash advance lenders can be a difficult process. To eliminate the confusion of this process, there are a few things you should consider when the merchant cash advance select lenders who is best for you.
Unnecessary costs
Most lenders are not a whole series of additional costs upon approval by a calculate merchant cash advance. Some transactions acquisition costs are required. These are costs over the item's price of purchase, which are usually paid at the end of your transaction. Ask before choosing a merchant cash advance lender sure that it will have closing costs in addition to the fees for cash advances.
You should pay interest and no merchant cash advance. Unlike business loans, most merchant cash advance business interest will not impose.
Monthly credit card transactions
, the amount of credit card transactions that your business processes can be each month one of the factors that determine which lender you will get from a merchant cash advance. Before approving a loan, most lenders require a certain amount of your company submit Latest successive credit card statements. This is to determine if your business a merchant cash advance can assist recovery. Usually you need three to six months of credit card statements, the lenders offer an idea of your average monthly income.
You can be anywhere from $ 1,500 to $ 5,000 in monthly credit card transactions make process. If your business is seasonal and you are not sure if your monthly credit card transactions at the request falls within the off-season, the choice of a lower monthly minimum requirement or a lender, the submission of at least 12 months credit card requires a lender sales documents.
As long have you been in business?
Some merchant cash advance lenders require that a person a particular business for at least one year before it has to get the claim, a merchant cash advance. Others only require the lender to 60 days been in business. If you have been in business for more than a year and more than $ 5,000 to process credit card transactions per month, you obviously have a wider range of options when it comes to getting a merchant cash advance lenders. However, if you only need a few months in business since, and you cash instantly, you need to find a lender that is not a requirement of one-year business ownership.
How fast do you need the money?
With each lender initial application for a merchant cash advance no very long process. And after all the necessary documents, most lenders can approve your cash advance in a few days. But to deal with the amount of documentation required and approve a merchant cash advance can vary.
Some lenders require only one application and documentation of the monthly credit card sales. Other lenders require this additional account statements, leases, photo IDs, canceled checks, etc .. If you are in a hurry, choose a company that requires the least documentation, this can make for a faster process. To ensure that you are ready to go all of your documents, have, can also accelerate the process. In an ideal situation, you might have been able your money within seven to 14 days after approval.
How much money do you need?
Most lending company can finance up to $ 600,000 in a merchant cash advance. If you have multiple locations, there are also lenders that you finance a certain amount of money per site. But the amount of money that you
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Results (
English) 3:
marcel opened his dream candy store, a little over a year ago. his business is the only one of its kind in miles, and each has its place, if you have a sweet tooth must satisfy. because business is prospering, and marcel some time had his feet wet as entrepreneur, he is now ready for a new challenge, to open a new position in another city. all he needs now is a little more money to finance his latest venture.marcel decided that a merchant cash credit for the most lucrative route for him and his business. but after the implementation of an online search for the merchant bargeldbezüge, "he was astounded by the abundance of dealer cash credit advance, lenders, and fought in the decision of which company to owner of a company, you can probably relate to this story. choose a dealer cash credit advance lenders can be a difficult process. in order to eliminate the confusion of this process, there are a few things you should take into account, if the dealer cash credit advance lenders to choose the best for you.unnecessary costsmost lenders are a series of additional costs after approval by a dealer cash credit calculation. some transactions are abschlusskosten required. these are costs and the price of article of the sale, usually at the end of their transaction is to be paid. put before the decision for a dealer cash credit advance lender sure there will be abschlusskosten in addition to the charge for the barvorschuss should also not dealer cash credit bank. in contrast to business loans, most dealers cash credit advance enterprise interest does not impose.monthly kreditkartenumsätzethe amount of the kreditkartenumsätze that their business every month can be one of the factors that determine which lenders receive a merchant cash credit. prior to approval of a loan, most lenders require a certain level of your company latest consecutive credit card plan. this is to determine whether your company is a dealer cash credit advance repayment can support. in general you have three to six months of credit card lenders offer an idea of average monthly can anywhere from $1500 to $5000 in monthly kreditkartenumsätze process settings. should your company is open seasonally and they are not sure if your monthly kreditkartenumsätze under the requirement in the low season, the choice of a kreditgebende body with a lower monthly minimum or a lender, the presentation of at least 12 months credit card sales long have you been in business?some dealer cash credit advance lenders require that a person of a certain business for at least a year before he has the right to obtain a dealer cash credit. others need only the lender to 60 days in business. if you are in business for more than a year, and more than $5000 per month kreditkartenumsätze process, you obviously have a wider range of options when it comes to a dealer cash credit advance lender. however if you only a few months in the business ever since, and you need cash immediately, you must have a kreditgebende job which does not have a requirement, the one-year unternehmensü soon do you need the money?each lender"s initial application for a dealer cash credit is a very long process. and after all the required documents, most of the lenders approve your cash credit in a couple of days. but the amount of documentation required to edit and authorize a dealer cash credit may vary.some lenders require only an application and documentation of the monthly kreditkartenumsätze. other lenders require this additional statements, contracts, photo ids, canceled checks, etc.. if you are in a hurry, you choose an enterprise that requires the least documentation, this is a faster process. in order to ensure that all of your documents ready to go, can also speed up the process. in an ideal situation, you may be able all their money within seven to 14 days after much money do you need?most of the kreditgebende enterprises up to $600000 in a dealer cash credit financing. if you have multiple sites, there are lenders who you a certain amount of money per location to finance. but the amount of money that you
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