Dear Ladys and Gentlemen,
please let us shortly introduce ourselves:
Beside the major brands of LED-lights we are one of the largest LED-project developer in Germany.
With our wide assortment of LED-lights we equip renowned German companies within project business.
In this context we came across your growth lights.
Unfortunately we do not have final technical support for our planned actions.
Attached, please find a datasheet. We assume, that products will be produced in your company?
At the end of October we will have the opportunity to install growth lights in a big German research institute for testing purpose.
Therefore we have already received a preliminary exam protocol of this official certification body (please find it also attached).
Furthermore, we are interested in your extensive Cornlight range (TÜV certified).
To discuss the further steps and to build a business relationship, please be so kind as to contact us.
A short-termed and favourably reply would be much appreciated.