Sebagai mahasiswa baru Universitas Indonesia, saya harus mengubah kebi translation - Sebagai mahasiswa baru Universitas Indonesia, saya harus mengubah kebi English how to say

Sebagai mahasiswa baru Universitas

Sebagai mahasiswa baru Universitas Indonesia, saya harus mengubah kebiasaan saya dari kebiasaan-kebiasaan anak SMA menjadi kebiasaan seorang mahasiswa. Semasa SMA, saya sering sekali bermalas-malasan, menunda tugas hingga akhirnya tidak dikerjakan sama sekali, terlalu banyak bermain sehingga tidak memperhatikan pelajaran, dan hanya belajar serta mengulang pelajaran pada saat akan diadakan ulangan. Saya mengerti, bahwa dengan kebiasaan-kebiasaan seperti itu saya tidak akan dapat mengikuti pelajaran-pelajaran di universitas. Mahasiswa dituntut untuk rajin, selalu mengulang pelajaran agar tidak ada yang lupa, dan aktif dalam mencari tahu keterangan-keterangan yang tidak didapatkan di dalam diktat-diktat yang ada.

Walaupun banyak sifat-sifat saya semasa SMA yang harus ditinggalkan ketika saya menjadi mahasiswa, ada pula sifat-sifat yang saya miliki tidak perlu ditinggalkan, bahkan harus tetap dibawa dan mungkin ditingkatkan. Salah satunya saya yang sejak dahulu senang membaca buku, saya tahu bahwa diktat-diktat yang akan dipergunakan nanti akan berupa buku-buku yang tebalnya mungkin mencapai dua sampai tiga kali lipat tebal buku pelajaran SMA, oleh karena itu saya harus tetap senang membaca dan menigkatkan minat saya tersebut.

Adapun salah satu sifat saya yang dapat menjadi pedoman dan membantu dalam kehidupan mahasiswa adalah sifat mudah mengerti. Ketika saya masih di bangku SMA, pada saat guru menerangkan pelajaran saya cukup mendengarkannya sekali saja untuk dapat mengerti. Mungkin ada pula beberapa pelajaran yang saya harus mendengarkannya lebih dari satu kali untuk bisa mengerti. Saya berharap, dengan sifat ini, saya dapat menjalani kehidupan mahasiswa dengan baik.

Walaupun ada beberapa sifat yang dapat membantu saya dalam kehidupan mahasiswa, ada pula sifat-sifat saya yang dapat membawa diri saya dalam kehancuran karena tidak mampu untuk menyesuaikan diri. Sebagai contoh saya sering menunda-nunda tugas sampai batas waktu yang terdekat. Hal ini mungkin tidak terlalu berpengaruh di kehidupan SMA namun di kehidupan mahasiswa, hal ini dapat mengacaukan seluruh jadwal dan akan menbuat saya bekerja keras. Menurut saudara saya, seorang mahasiswa FKG UI angkatan 2003, tugas-tugas mahasiswa akan selalu bertambah setiap harinya. Oleh karena itu saya tidak boleh menunda pekerjaan, paling tidak saya harus bisa menyicil tugas-tugas yang ada sehingga tidak akan terlalu pusing ketika mendekati batas waktu dari tugas-tugas tersebut.

Kebiasaan hanya mengulang pelajaran pada saat akan ada ujian juga akan menyusahkan diri saya sendiri. Pelajaran-pelajaran pada saat kuliah tentu akan berbeda dari pelajaran-pelajaran pada saat kita sekolah, baik dari tingat kesulitannya, jenis-jenisnya, seta kuanitas pelajaran yang diajarkan. Jika saya tidak rajin mengulang pelajaran, maka secara tidak langsung saya akan sulit mengikuti pelajaran pada saat kuliah. Banyaknya pelajaran yang diajarkan akan membuat saya kewalahan pada saat ujian jika hanya akan mengulang pada saat ujian saja. Jika kita bisa mengulang setiap saat, maka pada saat akan diadakan ujian bahan-bahan yang perlu diulang tinggal sedikit karena sudah sering mengulang di waktu-waktu tidak ada ujian.

Kemalasan juga merupakan musuh terbesar dalam diri saya. Meskipun sebenarnya saya bisa belajar dan memahami suatu pelajaran, saya cendurung mencari jalan lain untuk mendapatkannya tanpa kerja keras. Seperti pada saat akan ada ulangan, saya tidak mengulang pelajaran melainkan sibuk membuat catatan-catatan kecil untuk dilihat pada saat ulangan. Saya tahu perbuatan saya ini tidak benar dan semoga kehidupan mahasiswa akan merubah kebiasaan saya ini.

Walaupun cukup banyak kekurangan yang telah saya sadari, saya tetap bangga menjadi seorang mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
As new students of the University of Indonesia, I should change my habit of habits of HIGH SCHOOL children into the habit of a student. During high school, I am often lazy, delaying the task until the end is not done at all, too much play so don't pay attention to lessons, and just learn and repeat lessons at the time will be repeats. I understand, that with customs like that I will not be able to follow the lessons at the University. Students are required to diligently, always repeating the lesson so that nothing is forgotten, and active in finding out information that is not found in the diktat-diktat.Although many of the traits I during high school should be abandoned when I was a student, there are also properties that I have no need to be abandoned, even should still carried on and may be improved. One of my first ever since enjoyed reading the book, I know that diktat-diktat that will be used will be in the form of thick books that may reach two to three times thick textbooks high school, therefore I must still love to read and improve my interest.As for one of my nature that can become guidelines and assist in the student life is easy to understand. When I was in HIGH SCHOOL, when the teacher explained the lesson I simply listen to it just once to be able to understand. Perhaps there are some lessons that I had to listen to it more than once to be able to understand. I hope, with this trait, I can live the life of a student well.Although there are a few properties that can help me in the lives of students, there are also properties that I can bring myself in destruction because of an inability to adjust. As an example I often tarried until the deadline. This might not be too influential in the lives of HIGH SCHOOL but in the life of the students, this can mess up the whole time and he will I work hard. According to my brother, a student of DENTISTRY is the UI of the host in 2003, the tasks students will always grow every day. Therefore I shall not delay the work, at least I should be able to menyicil the existing tasks so that it will not be too giddy when approaching the deadline of the tasks.The habit of simply repeating a lesson at a time when there will be an exam will also vex myself. Lessons at the time the College will certainly differ from those lessons in our schools at the moment, both of the difficulty levels, species, seta kuanitas lesson being taught. If I don't avidly repeating the lesson, then indirectly I will be hard to follow the lessons at the time. The number of lessons taught would make me overwhelmed at the time of the test will repeat only if at the time of the exam only. If we can repeat any time, then the test will be held at a time when the materials need to be repeated often because it's already live a little rephrasing in the times there is no exam.Laziness is also the largest enemy within me. Despite the fact I could learn and understand a lesson, I'm cendurung looking the other way to get it without the hard work. As at the time there will be a repeat, I did not repeat the lesson but rather busy making little notes to views at the time of Deuteronomy. I know this is not true of my deeds and good student life will change my habit.Although quite a number of shortcomings that I have been aware of, I am still proud to be a student of the University of Indonesia.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
As a new student, University of Indonesia, I had to change my habit of habits of high school students into the habit of a student. During high school, I often lazy, delaying the task until it is not done at all, too much play so do not pay attention to the lesson, and only learn and repeat lessons when the replay will be held. I understand that with such habits that I would not be able to follow the lessons at the university. Students are required to be diligent, always repeating the lesson that nothing is forgotten and active in seeking out the particulars are not obtained in the dictates there. Although many properties of me in high school that had to be abandoned when I was a student, there Similarly the properties that I have no need to be abandoned, even should still be taken and may be increased. One of them is me who long ago was fond of reading, I knew that dictates which will be used will be in the form of books thick may reach two to three times as thick textbooks in high school, so I had to stay happy reading and boost interest I mentioned. As one of my properties that will help guide and assist in student life is easy to understand nature. When I was in high school, when the teacher explains the lesson I once listened enough to understand. Maybe there are some lessons I need to listen more than once to understand. I hope, with this trait, I can live a good life with the students. Although there are some traits that can help me in the lives of students, there are also qualities I can bring myself to ruin because of not being able to adjust. For example, I often procrastinate tasks up to the nearest deadline. This may not be too influential in the lives of high school students, but in life, it can mess up the whole schedule and will menbuat I work hard. According to my brother, a student FKG UI class of 2003, student assignments will always grow each day. Therefore I should not delay the work, at least I should be able menyicil tasks there so it will not be too dizzy when approaching deadline of the tasks. The habit of simply repeating a lesson at the time there will be a test also will trouble myself , The lessons learned during the lectures would be different from the lessons during our school, both of tingat difficulty, the types, seta kuanitas lessons taught. If I'm not diligent revision, then indirectly I will be hard to follow the lessons at college. The number of subjects taught will make me overwhelmed at the time of the test if it is just going to repeat during exams. If we can repeat it every time, so when it will be held exam materials that need to be repeated to stay a little bit because it was often repeated at times there are no exams. Laziness is also the biggest enemy in me. Despite the fact that I can learn and understand a lesson, I cendurung find another way to get it without the hard work. As at the time there will be a replay, but I did not repeat a lesson busy making little notes to be seen during replay. I know what I did was not right and hopefully student life will change my habits. Although quite a lot of flaws that I realized, I remain proud to be a student of the University of Indonesia.

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