Strate gic planning internal audit means the proc ess based on
risk analysis by entities to be audited, and homework assignments to
be carried out to them, in a horizon of 3 years, in order to achieve the
consistency of the internal audit structure objective s with those of
entities assigned to it.
Not all public entities in defense must be audite d in accordance
with the same servic e intervals, the fre quency of the internal audit
missions being dictated by the results of the risk analysis associated
with various structure s, proc esse s, activ ities, programs/projects or
ope rations: High risk-audit each y ear, medium risk-audit e very two
years and low-risk-audit once every three years.
This approach offers one of the original strategic planning
inte rnal audit, which has proved its usefulne ss and functionality in
practical application, by which can be taken up and integrated the
adv antages of two methods established in the literature , name ly:
RADAR System (Resource s of Audit Departme nt allocate d by
ove rshooting and GRID-MODEL).