This might be hard to believe, but even I, the almighty Wizard of Fog, deal with tons of rejection in my life. My attempts at dating are abysmal; I feel like most of the clouds I meet treat love like a checklist (it reminds me of that Dan Savage quote: “specificity is the enemy of romance”). I’m always trying to find part-time jobs during my off seasons but no one will hire me because it would only be for a few months & they’re looking for someone “with 5 years of experience” but I don’t have 5 years of experience because no one will give it to me. And then I go on Fogbook and read posts about how we should “go after the things you want!” as if we weren’t trying this already.
But even when times get dark, when I’m floating down a path like this and all these trees are collapsing on me, I remember to keep my clouds down, stay focused and forge ahead. The light at the end may not be the same one I had my hopes on, but it will be a step in the right direction.