Sleeping: Basic accommodation (bunk bed in a small hut) is provided free. Although the facilities are very basic, they include hot showers and long drop toilets. A generator will be on for a couple of hours in the evening to allow for battery/phone charging etc.
Linen & Laundry: Please bring your own sleeping bag and towels. The closest laundry facilities are in Dargaville, about 50km away. Small items can be washed in the sinks.
Eating: Delicious food is provided to all of our volunteers. Meals will be provided three times a day. You are more than welcome to contribute and improvise for your fellow volunteers. We cater to most dietary requirements if we are told beforehand. To be able to continue with our conservation efforts, we ask our volunteers for a small contribution towards the cost of food and living. The cost is NZD $75 per week to a volunteer, which is around £40 week.
Transport: If you do not have your own wheels we will pick you up in the closest town (Dargaville) on Mondays at 5:30pm. This time is chosen to coincide with the arrival of the public bus from Whangarei. To get to Whangarei, you can use either Intercity or ‘Nakedbus’ departing from Auckland early in the morning.
If you have your own transportation, we will meet you at the Trounson Kauri Park public car park Monday at 20:15. More detailed information about pick-up will be provided on confirmation of stay.