Dear All,
To ensure quality products, we would like to audit a few items among your monthly customer complaint reports, for their defective pumps reports. Although we have received your month's customer complaint reports, please confirm the number of complaints that you have received between Jan, 2014 - Jul, 2015, only for the following items:
Jan, 2014 - Jul, 2015 Defective Pump monthly reports
OL DMLSPF30 Light Tinted
KN Cleansing Cream
Dr.Chen Refining&Lifting Cream
OL Cleansing Cream
KN Deep Moisture Lotion
KN Protective Foundation SPF15
Note: In the future, when customer/s return a product, due to defective pump, ask them to describe in detail their priming method before returning the item. For example: clogged air-hole on bottom, tried holding it upside down to prime the pump, tampering, or nothing helped or have done. Also, note how much product is left in the container. This will help us to determine if it is the pump, or container that is the problem.
We appreciate your prompt response.