Employee participation facilitates improvements in environmental
management processes with those employees who are
involved in environmental initiatives more likely to be aware of and
supportive towards such initiatives. Employees who are involved in
such initiatives are also more likely to strive to work towards
improving environmental management processes and successfully
achieving environmental goals. Furthermore, given empowerment
facilitates innovation (Gomez and Rosen, 2001), higher levels of
employee participation are likely to facilitate improvements in
environmental management processes.
In respect to teamwork, the establishment of environmental
teams signals management's intention to devote resources towards
improvements in environmental management processes. Teams
facilitate a cohesive approach to communication and information
sharing in respect to environmental decision making (Melhem,
2004). They provide a mechanism through which environmental
management initiatives are discussed and improved, with the
outcomes subsequently reflected in improved environmental
Finally, in respect to the link of performance to rewards, the
provision of incentives is likely to improve the effectiveness of
environmental management processes by motivating employees to
be more receptive to change and encouraging them to work towards
the accomplishment of environmental objectives (Lent and
Wells, 1994). With employees more receptive to change, the
establishment and refinement of environmental management
processes will be more effective, thereby leading to improvements
in environmental performance.
H7. The effectiveness of environmental management processes mediates
the relationship between organisational factors (top management
support, training, employee participation, teamwork and the link
of performance to rewards) with environmental performance.