Myanmar’s TVET subsector, led by the Ministry of Science and Technology and a newly
established TVET Task Force, is now in the early stages of major reform. Importantly, the CESR and the
task force have engaged multiple ministries and (to some extent) representatives of industry. Among
the other priorities identified in the first phase of the CESR are the need to: (i) increase student
enrollment and ensure equitable access; (ii) increase the number and quality of teachers; (iii) improve
infrastructure and practical training facilities; (iv) strengthen coordination among ministries involved in
training; (v) improve quality controls for education; (vi) enhance the relevance of TVET, including
formal and nonformal streams to address disadvantaged groups and drop outs; and (vii) improve
financing.Such findings are helping in the preparation of a new TVET Law and development of more
comprehensive, clear, and cohesive policies