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Indonesian) 1:
The first isolation of measles virus was described in 1954and the virus is named the Edmonston strain afterthe child concerned. Isolation used primary human kidney andprimary human amnion cells and the virus was subsequentlypassaged 12 times in embryonted chicken eggs and 19 times inprimary chick embryo fibroblast to produce the first candidatemeasle svaccine. The Edmonston B vaccine was derived from thisstrain by a further five passages in chick embryo fibroblasts at36–37 1C.It was associated with fever and was initially given withimmunoglobulin to reduce its virulence further;production lots incell culture were said to be less reactogenic and were licensed for usewith or without immunoglobulin. Other strains were developed fromthe Edmonston strain,and an outline of some of there sultingvaccines still in global use is given in Fig. 4. In later years there wereattempts to develop a convincing animal model and it was shownthat the isolation of the virus in the usual cell types such as Vero orhuman diploid cells gave rise to a virus that would not cause measlesin primates to the same degree as unpassaged virus(Kobuneetal.,1996;vanBinnendijketal.,1994). Isolation in peripheral bloodlymphocytes or the marmoset B cell line B 95 a gave viruses thatwere virulent,and also improved the isolati on rate,suggesting thatthe viruses are more like the wild type,and cells infected in diseaseare similar to the lymphocyte lines(Kobuneetal.,1990).The Moraten strain was derived from Edmonston Bby 40 furtherpassages in chick cell culture at 321 (Hillemanetal.,1968); theSchwarz strain by 85 further passages of Edmonston A in chick cells(Schwarz,1962) and Edmonston Zagreb by passage of Edmonston Binthe human diploid fibroblast line WI38(Ikicetal.,1970,1972). TheAIK-C strain was derived from the original Edmonston B by grow thatlow temperature in chick cells(Hirayama,1983;Makino,1983).Fig. 4. Genealogy of measles vaccines derived from the Edmonston strain.386 P.D. Minor / Virology 479-480 (2015) 379–392
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