In addition, in a move to improve the competitiveness of Spain’s tourism products, a
uniform system of classification and categorisation of hotels, rural establishments and
camping sites is being developed. Regional governments will be encouraged to adopt the
homogenous rating system for the benefit of the country’s tourism overall.
Other measures include leveraging the cultural wine-making and gastronomic
heritage of Spain, which is a major attraction for tourists, and which helps to differentiate
Spain’s tourism offer from that of its competitors. The aim is to increase awareness of the
local cuisine and wines of different regions and develop appropriate tour products to
attract new business.
In an effort to stimulate the development of innovative tourism projects by young
entrepreneurs, credit lines are being opened by government, facilitating their access to
financing at better-than-market rates. In addition, the necessary tools will be made
available to enterprises and entrepreneurs to help them identify new opportunities and
draw up their business plans