• The flowering intensity, morphology and floral biology, and
breeding system of Ruellia subsessilis are sexual attributes that
respond to different water availability levels.
• Autogamy (delayed self-pollination), rather than xenogamy, is
themainreproductive systemwhichguarantees themaintenance
of the Ruellia subsessilis population at the study site.
• A mixed mating system with the presence of different morphs
(normal chasmogamous morphs produced in the rainy season
and reduced chasmogamous morphs in the dry season) is a
strategy that increases the reproduction success in this species,
because it enables the flowering and fruiting throughoutthe year.
• Seeds from self-pollination are heavier than those from cross-
pollination and germinate faster, resulting in greater survival of
the R. subsessilis seedlings near the mother plant.