1. Ok , giúp tôi kiểm tra sản phẩm. Nếu có giá là bao nhiêu? 2. Ý bạn muốn nói là chỉ mua một chiếc nhẫn thôi phải không? 3. Bạn muốn ở khách sạn , không phải là nhà của tôi phải không?
1. Ok, help me to test the product. If the price is how much?2. You want to say is just to buy a ring okay?3. You want to stay in hotels, not my house?
1. Ok, help me to test the product. If yes what is the price? 2. Did you want to say is only just bought a ring right? 3. You want to at the hotel, my home is not right?
1. Well, help me to check the product, if the price is how much?2. What you want to say is just to buy a ring, is it?3. Would you like to come to the hotel, not my home?