Wenn Sie Inhaber eines kleinen Unternehmens und Sie brauchen schnell B translation - Wenn Sie Inhaber eines kleinen Unternehmens und Sie brauchen schnell B English how to say

Wenn Sie Inhaber eines kleinen Unte

Wenn Sie Inhaber eines kleinen Unternehmens und Sie brauchen schnell Bargeld für Kapital verwendet, sind eine der Optionen, die Sie möglicherweise Händler Bargeldbezüge. Obwohl dies eine Industrie, die heute erst vor 10 Jahren begonnen, stehen diejenigen, die Kapital Schnellzugriff brauchen mehr als 50 Anbietern. Darüber hinaus macht die heutige "Sparpolitik" in der Kreditwirtschaft diese Option noch attraktiver.

Hier ist, wie es funktioniert. Im Austausch für einen Anteil an Ihrer zukünftigen Verkäufen geben Ihnen ein Cash Advance Anbieter einen Pauschalbetrag nach vorne. Wenn Sie Inhaber eines kleinen Unternehmens mit starken Kreditkartenumsätze sind, können Sie qualifizieren, vor allem wenn Sie wenig bis gar keine Sicherheiten oder haben Sie eine fleckige Kredit-Geschichte.

Auch dies ist nicht unbedingt schlecht, vor allem, wenn es eine kurzfristige Anordnung, musst du einfach ist um Ihr Geschäft am laufen zu halten oder um eine temporäre Bar-Defizit zu decken haben, aber es können Sie in den roten sehr schnell bekommen, wenn Sie versuchen, es als Ihr einziges Kapital zu verwenden. Im Grunde könnten Sie zukünftige verkaufen Gewinne direkt unter Ihnen. Daher müssen solche Barkredite sehr umsichtig von denen verwendet werden, die davon Gebrauch machen.

Dinge zu beachten:

Wenn Sie sich, dass Sie einen Barkredit von einem Anbieter nehmen möchten entscheiden, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie verstehen, dass es im Grunde ein Darlehen mit besonderen Merkmalen und Kosten. Diese Unternehmen werden jetzt sagen, dass dies kein Darlehen, und technisch, sie Recht haben. Was sie wirklich tun, kauft zukünftige Gewinne von Ihnen im Austausch für einen Pauschalbetrag Prozentsatz dieser Gewinne nach vorne. Und wieder, das ist in Ordnung. Nur verkaufen Sie nicht Ihr Unternehmen unter Ihnen durch den Verkauf von zukünftigen Gewinne bis zu einem Punkt, wohin du eigentlich gehst wenig bis gar keine Profit selbst sehen, weil Sie diese Unternehmen Ihre Gewinne zurück zahlen.

Zweitens erinnere mich, dass Händler Barkredit Advance Unternehmen nicht durch die gleichen Regeln und Vorschriften, die traditionelle Kreditgeber zu steuern und begrenzen die Zinsen berechnen sie Sie gebunden sind. Daher müssen Sie sehr vorsichtig sein, lesen das Kleingedruckte und sicherstellen, dass Sie bezahlen können, was es kostet Sie einen Barkredit erfolgt auf diese Weise erhalten wird.


Es gibt Vorteile für Bargeldbezüge, zu. Mit einem herkömmlichen Darlehen (wenn auch mit einem niedrigeren Zinssatz und Gebühren), Sie zurückzahlen, was Sie nach einem festen Zeitplan der monatlichen Zahlungen in der Regel geliehen haben unabhängig davon, was Sie tatsächlich ein Einkommen verdienen. Was Sie geliehen haben wird Ihr Geschäft Einkommen fließen wieder angemessen bezahlt. Das heißt, wenn Sie langsameren im Monat haben, Sie weniger zurückzahlen; profitabler Monat, und Sie bezahlen wieder mehr.

Ist das richtige für Sie?

Es hängt wirklich davon ab. Wenn Ihr Unternehmen in der Regel sehr solvent ist und Sie nur vorübergehend eine leichte Cashflow-Problem haben oder Ihr Unternehmen wächst und Sie jetzt mehr Geld brauchen, ist unter Ausnutzung des Bestandes voraus Unternehmensleistungen wahrscheinlich um Ihnen zu helfen, vor allem, wenn Sie auf herkömmliche Weise Zugang zu Fördergeldern können nicht. Jedoch ist wenn Ihr Unternehmen bereits zu kämpfen und Sie sind mit einem Barkredit um zu halten Sie, bis die Dinge "pick up" denken, es wahrscheinlich keine gute Idee für Sie. Was am Ende passiert in diesem Fall ist, dass Sie einfach alle Ihre Einnahmen, unter Ihnen verkaufen und werden wahrscheinlich nie aufholen.

Daher fördert nur Verwendung in Bar wenn Sie in einer bündig und solide Position finanziell sind und einfach etwas mehr Geld für die kurzfristig schnell brauchen. Richtig gemacht, können sie sicherlich helfen Ihnen, wenn Dinge "nur ein wenig eng" vorübergehend sind.

Cash Advance Unternehmen Auschecken sorgfältig.

Wenn Sie sich entschließen, mit einem Bargeld-Fortschritt-Gesellschaft gehen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie es vorsichtig heraus überprüfen. Obwohl die Branchenführer "best practices" Strategien zu kultivieren, so dass sie über Bord und umfassende Regelung für sich bleiben möchten, möglicherweise viele Drittanbieter-Broker vor allem etwas schattig. Diese Menschen sind Verkäufe Hauptstraßen für die Industrie, aber die Cash Advance-Industrie selbst sagt, dass Interessenten sollten vorsichtig sein. Sie möglicherweise nicht über Bord; Stattdessen arbeiten Sie direkt mit einem Bargeld-Fortschritt-Gesellschaft.

Hier zu bleiben?

Mit der jüngsten wirtschaftlichen Abschwung sind Bargeldbezüge immer eine zunehmend attraktive Möglichkeit für Unternehmer, um Geld schnell zu bekommen, wenn sie es brauchen. Auch in Zeiten des Wohlstands, können sie dennoch für Inhaber bereits profitable Unternehmen nützlich sein. Richtig eingesetzt, sind sie eine gute Alternative zu traditionellen Kreditgeschäft, wenn das aus irgendeinem Grund nicht verfügb
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
If you need a small business owner and you fast cash for capital merchant cash advances are used, one of the options, may. Although this is an industry that today only 10 years ago started, those who need capital fast access are more than 50 providers. In addition, today's "austerity" in the banking industry makes this option more attractive.Here's how it works. In Exchange for a stake in your future sales providers give a Cash Advance a lump sum you front. If you are a small business with strong sales of credit card owner, you can qualify, especially if you little or even no collateral or have a spotty credit history.Again, this is not necessarily a bad thing, especially if it need a short-term arrangement, you simply is your business most run to keep or have to cover a temporary bar deficit, but you can get very fast it in the red, if you try to use it as your only capital. Could essentially sell future profits directly under you. Therefore such cash advances must be used very carefully by those, who make use of it.Things to consider:If you, you want to take a cash advance from a provider decide, make sure that you understand that it's basically a loan with special features and cost. These companies are now saying, that this not a loan, and technically, they are right. What they are really doing, buys to percentage of these profits future profits from you in Exchange for a lump sum front. And again, that's fine. Only you sell not your company see you through the sale of future profits until to a point where you are actually going little or no no see profit yourself, because you pay your winnings back these companies.Secondly remember that merchant cash advance advance same enterprises not through rules and regulations, the traditional lender to control and limit the interest rates they charge you are bound. Therefore you must be very careful, read the fine print and make sure that you can pay for, what does it cost you will receive a cash advance is made in this way.Advantages:There are benefits for cash withdrawals. With a conventional loan (albeit with a lower interest rate and fees), you repay what you usually have borrowed on a fixed schedule of monthly payments regardless of, what you actually earn an income. What you have lent your business income flowing again adequately paid. This means that if you have slower month, pay less; profitable month, and you pay more again.Is right for you?It really depends. If your business is typically very solvent and you only temporarily have a slight cash-flow problem or your company grows and you need more money, is to help corporate services likely to help you, especially if you normally can have access to funding from taking advantage of the stock ahead not. However, is if your company already and you are with a cash advance to keep you until things "pick up" think it is likely not a good idea for you. What happens in this case is that you all just sell your earnings, below you at the end and will probably never catch up.Therefore, only use promotes in cash if you are financially in a sweet and solid position and need just a little more money for the short term fast. Done correctly, can they surely help you if things are "just a little cramped" temporarily.Cash advance companies check out carefully.If you decide to go with a cash advance company, make sure you check it out carefully. Although the industry leaders ' best practices ' strategies to cultivate, so that they would remain on board and comprehensive settlement for themselves, may have many third-party broker especially something shady. These people are the main routes for the industry sales, but the cash advance industry itself says that prospective buyers should be careful. You may not have Board; Instead, you work directly with a cash advance company.Here to stay?With the recent economic downturn, cash withdrawals are always an increasingly attractive way for entrepreneurs to get money fast, when you need it. Even in times of prosperity, they can be already profitable companies useful for owners. They are inserted correctly, a good alternative to traditional credit business, if that for some reason not available
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
If you used a small business owner and you need quick cash for capital, are one of the options that you might merchant cash advances. Although an industry that today begun 10 years ago, there are those who fast access capital need more than 50 providers. Moreover, today's "austerity" in the banking industry makes this option even more attractive.

Here's how it works. In exchange for a share of your future sales will give you a cash advance providers a lump sum to the front. If you are a small business owner with strong credit card transactions, you may qualify, especially if you have little to no collateral or have a spotty credit history.

Again, this is not necessarily a bad thing, especially when there is a short-term arrangement must, du is simply to keep your business on the run or have to cover a temporary bar-deficit, but it can get very quickly into the red, when you try to use it as your only capital. Basically, you could sell future profits directly below you. Therefore, such cash advances must be very carefully used by those who use it.

Things to note:

If you are, that you want to take a cash advance from a provider decide, make sure that you understand that it is basically a loan with specific characteristics and costs. These companies are now saying that this is not a loan, and technically they are right. What they are really doing is buying future profits from you in exchange for a lump sum percentage of these profits forward. And again, that's fine. Just do not sell your business with you by selling future profits to a point where you actually see going little to no profit yourself because you pay these companies your winnings back.

Not Secondly, remember that merchant cash advance companies by the same rules and regulations to control the traditional lenders and limit the interest they charge you are bound. Therefore, you must be very careful to read the fine print and make sure that you can pay what it costs you a cash advance takes place in this manner is obtained.


There are benefits for cash withdrawals to. With a conventional loan (albeit with a lower interest rate and fees), you repay what you have borrowed on a fixed schedule of monthly payments usually regardless of what you actually earn an income. What you have lent your business income flow again paid appropriately. That is, if you have slower month, you repay less; profitable month, and you pay back more.

Is this right for you?

It really depends. If your business is usually very solvent and temporarily have a little cash flow problem or your business grows and you now need more money, is taking advantage of the stock ahead of corporate services likely to help you, especially if you are on conventional way access to funding can not. However, if your company already struggling and you are having a cash advance to keep you until things "pick up" think it probably not a good idea for you. What happens at the end in this case is that you simply sell all your income, among you and will probably never catch up.

Therefore, only use promotes in cash if you are financially in a flush and solid position and just a little more money for the short term fast need. Done correctly, they can certainly help you when things "just a little tight" are temporary.

Cash Advance companies checking out carefully.

If you decide to go with a cash advance company, make sure that you check it out carefully , Although the industry leader "best practices" strategies to cultivate, so they want to stay on board and comprehensive settlement for themselves, perhaps many third-party broker especially something shady. These people are sales main roads for the industry, but the cash advance industry itself says that interested parties should be careful. You may not go overboard; Instead, you work directly with a cash advance company.

Here to stay?

With the recent economic downturn cash advances are always an increasingly attractive option for entrepreneurs to get money quickly when they need it. Even in times of prosperity, it may still be useful for owners already profitable businesses. If used properly, they are a good alternative to traditional lending business, if not availabl any reason
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
if you are an owner of a small company and they need quick cash for capital are used, one of the options that you may bargeldbezüge dealers. although this is an industry that only 10 years ago began today, there are those who need capital access more than 50 vendors. moreover, the current "austerity" in the banking sector this option more attractive.here"s how it works. in exchange for a share of its future sales will give you a cash advance companies a lump sum up front. if you are an owner of a small company with strong kreditkartenumsätze, you can qualify, especially if you have little or no collateral or you have a spotty credit history.this is not necessarily a bad thing, especially when it is a short-term arrangement, you have to do is their business to keep on running, or a temporary cash deficit, but it can be in the red very quickly, if you try to use it as their only capital. in fact, you could sell directly in future profits. therefore, such; and cash loans very carefully be used by those who make use of it.things to note:if you make a cash credit from a supplier to choose, make sure that you understand that it is a loan with special characteristics and costs. these companies will now say that this is not a loan, and technically, you are right. what they actually do, buy future profits from them in exchange for a flat rate percentage of the profits to the front. and again, that"s all right. only you won"t sell your company among them, through the sale of future profits to the point where you actually do little to no profit, to see for yourself, because these companies pay back your profits.second, remember that dealer cash credit advance company not by the same rules, traditional lenders to control and limit the interest rates they calculate they are bound. therefore, you must be very careful, read the fine print and make sure you can pay what it will cost you a cash credit is carried out in this way.advantages:there are advantages for bargeldbezüge,. with a conventional loans (albeit with a lower interest rate and fees), they pay back what you according to a fixed schedule of monthly payments usually borrowed regardless of what you actually earn an income. what they have lent your business income are paid properly again. that is, if they have slower per month, less money; profitable month and pay them back.is it right for you?it really depends on. if your company are generally very fertile and only a slight temporary cash flow problem or your business grows and you need more money, taking advantage of the stock is likely to advance company service to help you, especially if you have access to the funds in the traditional way can not. however, if your company already has to fight and they have a cash credit in order to keep for things to "pick up" thinking, and probably not a good idea for you. what ultimately happens in this case is that they simply sell all its revenue, among them and will probably never catch up.therefore, only use cash when they promote in a concise and sound position financially, and just a little more money for the short-term need quickly. done right, you can certainly help you when things "just a little tight" temporarily.cash advance companies check out carefully.if you decide a cash advance company, make sure that you carefully check it out. although the industry "best practices" strategies to cultivate, so that they are on board and comprehensive system to want to stay, perhaps many third-party brokers, especially something shady. these people are sales main roads for the industry, but the cash advance industry says that people should be careful. you may not be on board; instead, you work directly with a cash advance company.here to stay?with the recent economic downturn, bargeldbezüge always an increasingly attractive option for entrepreneurs to make money quickly, if you need it. in times of prosperity, they can still be useful for owners already profitable enterprises. used correctly, they are a good alternative to traditional lending, if for some reason, that"s not available
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