Cả 2 đều có mặt lợi mặt hại của nó nhưng mà đi biển thì xa và tốn thời gian lắm, mình đi hồ bơi cho gần, khi nào có dịp rồi cả nhóm lên kế hoạch đi biển luôn ok?
Both sides favor the harmful side of it but that goes away from the sea and very time consuming, I go swimming for near, when given the opportunity, and then the group planned to go to the sea always ok?
Both 2 are pros cons of it, but that goes away, and the sea is very time consuming, I go to the pool to close, when it had the opportunity and the group is planning to go to the beach is always ok?
The face is beneficial harmless, but the sea is far, a waste of time, we went to the swimming pool before, when there is a chance, we plan to go to the beach, has been good?