Peeved over the recent "artificial" crisis of potatoes in the state's markets, chief minister Mamata Banerjee yesterday took away the agriculture marketing portfolio from Arup Roy "for the time being".
"Posting graphic CCTV images of the AmBank officer who was shot in the face was pure disrespect to her grieving family and in extremely bad taste," said Malaysians Against Rape, Assault and snatcH (Marah) founder Dave Avran.
The other three gates of the dormitory area were guarded by armed police, and people were prohibited from entering or leaving the building until about 9am.
There are no housing benefits, such as low-interest housing loans, available to foreigners."
However, the case was disproved when the mall management's CCTV footage revealed no records of such an incident taking place on their premises.
Most countries around the world strictly control the age at which people can begin buying alcohol.
The Australian and US envoys reportedly neither denied nor confirmed the eavesdropping operations.
Sigit went on the run, but was caught in May in a wave of arrests that also netted two others linked to the plot.
He said Thailand had been able to collect tax on its alcohol sales and use that money on safe drinking campaigns or building alcohol rehabilitation centres of which Laos so far has none.
We will also fix the state information system," presidential spokesman Julian Aldrin Pasha said on Wednesday.
"Increased exposure to such incidents can equip social media users with knowledge on how to handle such situations, and the prevalence of uploads have prompted public advocacy for better crime prevention.
Singapore will "spare no effort" to track down and bring to justice those who threaten to attack the country's computer networks, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Wednesday.
Foreign tourists who have driving licences valid for the type of vehicles can ask for permission from the Ministry of Transport prior to the usage of their vehicles during trips to Vietnam.
After three-day talks between the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council - Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany, and Iran, with the involvement of foreign ministers, the two sides failed to nail down an interim deal as expected.
About 26,000 people showed their opposition by supporting a "Block Ashley Madison - Singapore" Facebook page.
The blast occurred at around 7:40am in front of the office building of the Shanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China on Yingze Street in Taiyuan.
The Singapore website states that Ashley Madison is "coming in November", and The Straits Times understands that the earliest launch date is in the week of November 17.
The 4.5 per cent extra cash bound for pay packets here, on average, is lower than the expected global average salary increase of 5.8 per cent.
Chairman M.P. Ahammed said: "Our new phase of expansion will see us enter new markets, new territories, such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Hong Kong - which will not only boost our revenues but also help us become a global conglomerate."
Meanwhile, Glenn Marine Group (Asia) acting chief operation officer Zamrady Ariffin had "no comment" on any developments of its major shareholder or the company.
But he was barred from contesting the election, won convincingly by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif - the man he ousted from power in 1999 - and was hit with a series of criminal cases dating back to his rule.
It's not only a centre for business, but also for culture and fun," said Dunn, who manages a bar chain.
"A heavy dependence on energy export means that the country's economic development is vulnerable to fluctuations in the global market," it stated, adding that declining production is also "impairing Brunei Darussalam's capacity to deal with the risk."
"It will also spare no effort to seek more M&As for that," he added.
On a more sinister note, criminals bent on revenge may also take the trouble to trace the person who uploaded the footage, directly endangering the social media user.
Asked how she responds to Thaksin still calling the shots, as is believed to be the case by many people, she said: "Just think, 'That's okay'."
But analysts said that overseeing the companies remains a problem, as coordination among various regulators would be a challenge.
"People should vote for the parties that will come forward to make necessary amendments to the Grameen Bank act," he told some reporters here.
If there is a minimal increase, we will absorb the cost.
"I have many concerns here ... the prosecution witnesses and the defence witnesses were not balanced," he said and called for giving equal opportunities to both the prosecution and the defence.
The ministry collected US$55 million in revenue from maize exports last year, however tens of thousands of tonnes are suspected to have been illegally exported, escaping the ministry's grasp.
Ahmed Raza Kasuri, a member of Musharraf's team of lawyers, told reporters that he was not being allowed by police and jail officials to meet Musharraf despite the issuance of release order.
He is guarded by some 300 police, paramilitaries and marksmen.
It suggested Singapore companies should consider partnering strong Indonesian companies with the resources, capability and right market connections to help them quickly scale up and capture market share in Indonesia.
For the 129 companies surveyed here, there was little variation across different sectors, with most industries expecting to raise pay by 4.5 per cent, including the traditionally high-paying banking and finance sector.
Over a dozen workers of All Pakistan Muslim League, the party formed by Gen Musharraf, also gathered at the place, but were told by senior jail officials that he would be released after completion of the documentation process.
Philipp Khaytovich, who took part in the survey, said: "There is no retirement plan or obligatory medical care for foreigners paid for by their employers.
The sectors to be opened up also include those likely to grow rapidly in coming years, such as travel, consumption and health care.
"It is surprising as to how a section of these traders have now back-tracked claiming that the prices were unprofitable," Banerjee said.
There would have been no problem had the government just translated the ordinance into Bengali and made a new law keeping the provisions unchanged, as has been done in the cases of some other ordinances.
"Getting evidence is the next best thing, so a person may choose to record an incident instead of providing assistance," said Soh.
Respondents remained conflicted about the macro-economic outlook, with 47 per cent expecting "stabilisation and improvement" and 35 per cent expecting no change.
"If children are evidenced in the footage, the individual who uploaded it may be charged for many crimes, including neglect, abuse, and being an accomplice," said Geshina.
"If you want to attract talent, you need to offer something unique," he said.
The world's third-largest jewellery retailer set up shop in Singapore recently and intends to use the local market as a springboard to expand into the region.
"We must take an active role to look for evidence on the allegations, and this might include direct communication with the whistle-blower [Snowden]," Tubagus said.
Subsequently, the jail guards comprising 16 personnel headed by an additional superintendent and assisted by two deputy superintendents were removed and the status of farmhouse as sub-jail was de-notified.
With MCAC's practice of pixellating gruesome pictures to respect the deceased, Soh agreed that social media etiquette should be practised as it "should never be about the Likes or Shares."
Sharing his views, he said, "The US situation is not dangerous like that in Bangladesh."
"From what I know, he has property around the world like in the US and Japan and used to lead a larger-than-life lifestyle with countless lavish parties constantly on the calendar," said a source.
If it's too much to bear, we will have to pass the cost on to the consumer.
Ku said one case that prompted police action was the CCTV footage of a man beating up his wife in Ipoh that went viral online.
"Let's all display restraint, particularly in buying basic commodities, and in relocating to safer areas," said Aquino.
That is because their economies are still in the developing stage so there is much room to raise wages from a low base.
There is no other alternative.
The effects of this typhoon will be minimised if we will help each other.
The controversial legislative proposal grants amnesty to political leaders as well as members of the military - with the exception of those who defamed the monarchy - caught up in the 2006 political upheaval following the coup that unseated then premier Thaksin Shinawatra, Yingluck's brother.
"This is especially true with claims of missing persons, so we always verify the facts," said Soh.
"In order to be a credible source of information, we advise other page admins to verify incidents before posting them up," said Soh.
Malaysia-Singapore Coffee Shop Proprietors' General Association president Ho Su Mong said the decision was made as the roasting process of coffee beans required a huge amount of sugar and margarine during the caramelisation stage.
This phenomenon happens because not everyone is physically able to assist the victim or fight against the criminal, says Malaysian Crime Awareness Campaign (MCAC) co-founder Mark Soh.
Banerjee turned down Odisha chief minister Naveen Patnaik's request for allowing export of potatoes to Odisha.
Sombat denounced one key condition of the amnesty bill that would leave Abhisit, his suppor